


National Cheng Kung University Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Promotion of Research Personnel






本校為聘任研究人員從事研究之需要,特依據本校組織規程第四十條及 有關法令規定,訂定本校研究人員聘任及升等辦法(以下簡稱本辦法)。

Article 1

National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter “the University”) Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Promotion of Research Personnel (hereinafter “the regulations”) are enacted according to Article 40 of the NCKU Organizational Regulations and other relevant regulations. The objective is to meet the needs of recruiting research personnel.



本辦法所稱之研究人員,係指本職為從事研究及相關工作之本校編制內 專任人員。

Article 2

Research personnel referred to in the regulations are full-time staff of the University engaging in research and related work.



研究人員分研究員、副研究員、助理研究員及研究助理等四級,與教師 等級之比照:

研究員比照教授;副研究員比照副教授;助理研究員比照助理教授; 研究助理比照講師;聘任資格如下:


1.任大學副研究員三年以上成績優良,並有重要研究成果或專門著作 者。

2.具有博士學位或其同等學歷證書,曾在大學或研究機構從事相關之 研究工作八年以上,並有重要研


1.任大學助理研究員三年以上,成績優良,並有重要研究成果或專門 著作者。

2.具有博士學位或其同等學歷證書,曾在大學或研究機構從事相關之 研究工作四年以上,並有重要研


1.任大學研究助理三年以上,成績優良,並有重要研究成果或專門著 作者。


3.具有碩士學位或其同等學歷證書,曾在大學或研究機構從事相關之 研究工作四年以上,並有重要研



2.具有學士學位後,曾在大學或研究機構從事相關之研究工作六年以 上,並有研究成果或專門著作

Article 3

Research personnel are divided into four ranks, namely research fellow, associate research fellow, assistant research fellow, and research assistant; these are equivalent to the following ranks of teachers: professor, associate professor, assistant professor, and lecturer, respectively.

The appointment qualifications of each position are as follows:

 (1) Research fellows must meet at least one of the following requirements:

1. Have served as a university associate research fellow for 3 years or longer with
    outstanding academic performance and significant research achievements or specialized

2. Have obtained a doctoral degree or equivalent, relevant research experience in a
    university or research institution for 8 years or longer, and significant research
    achievements or specialized publications.

(2) Associate research fellows must fulfill at least one of the following requirements:

1. Have served as a university assistant research fellow for 3 years or longer with
    outstanding academic performance and significant research achievements or specialized

2. Have obtained a doctoral degree or equivalent, relevant research experience in a
    university or research institution for 4 years or longer, and significant research
    achievements or specialized publications.

(3) Assistant research fellows must meet at least one of the following requirements:

1. Have served as a university research assistant for 3 years or longer with outstanding
    academic performance and significant research achievements or specialized publications.

2. Have obtained a doctoral degree or equivalent with outstanding academic performance
    and specialized publications.

3. Have obtained a master's degree or equivalent, relevant research experience in a
    university or research institution for 4 years or longer, and significant research
    achievements or specialized publications.

(4) Research assistants must meet at least one of the following requirements: 

1.Have obtained a master's degree or equivalent with outstanding academic performance
   and specialized publications.

2. Have obtained a bachelor's degree, relevant research experience in a university or
    research institution for 6 years or longer, and significant research achievements or
    specialized publications.



各單位研究人員之員額編制及職別等級,由其員額編制表中規定之,其 資格審定、聘任、升等有關事項由教師評審委員會辦理,聘任、升等程 序依照本校教師聘任及升等辦法規定辦理。

升等審查以研究佔 60%、服務佔 40%為原則。「研究人員著作(研究 成果)審查意見表」格式比照「教師著作審查意見表」另訂之。

Article 4

The staff quota and grade for research personnel of each unit are specified in the Staff Quota Table. The qualification review, appointment, and promotion of research personnel shall be conducted by the Faculty Evaluation Committee. The appointment and promotion of research personnel shall be handled in accordance with the National Cheng Kung University Regulations Governing the Recruitment and National Cheng Kung University Regulations for Faculty Promotion

As a principle, the research and service of research personnel occupy 60% and 40% of the review for promotion, respectively. The Feedback Form for Review on the Publications/Research Results of Research Personnel shall additionally be formatted in accordance with the Feedback Form for Review on Publications of Teachers.



研究人員,除依計畫從事研究工作外,須執行所屬單位指定之相關工 作,並得經所屬單位同意兼任有關工作。如經系(所、中心)、院、校 教師評審委員會審議通過符合教師資格者,得支援相關科目之教學,授 課時數每週以不超過四小時為限,並得比照兼任教師支領鐘點費。第六 條 研究人員之聘期、解聘、停聘、不續聘及申訴等事項,比照教師之 規定。

Article 5

In addition to conducting research as planned, research personnel must conduct relevant work designated by the unit and may simultaneously undertake related work with that unit’s consent. For example, research personnel who pass the teacher qualification review of the Faculty Evaluation Committees of a department/institution/center, a college, and the University, are allowed to serve as alternative teachers for related subjects and teach a maximum of 4 hours per week; their payment shall be equivalent to the hourly wage of an adjunct teacher.




Article 6

The period of employment, dismissal, suspension, denial of renewed employment, and appeals for research personnel shall be handled in accordance with the provisions applicable to teachers.



新聘研究員及副研究員於初續聘滿四年之半年前,應經系(所、中心)、 院、校教師評審委員會審議是否續聘,若不通過則自第五年起不予續聘。 新聘助理研究員於到職六年內未能升等者,自第七年起不予續聘。但因 懷孕生產、養育三足歲以下子女或其他特殊情況等情事,經教師評審委 員會同意者,自第七年起得續聘二年,如二年內仍未能升等者,則不予 續聘。 前項但書續聘期間如仍有懷孕生產、養育三足歲以下子女,且足以影響

其學術表現者,得於續聘期限屆滿之半年前,經教師評審委員會同意延 長續聘二年。


Article 7

Newly recruited research fellows and associate research fellows shall undergo evaluation by the Faculty Evaluation Committees of a department/institute/center, a college, and the University to determine whether their employment contract shall be renewed 6 months before reaching the 4th year of their initial/renewed employment period. Research fellows and associate research fellows who do not pass this accreditation will not be reappointed starting from the 5th year.

Newly recruited assistant research fellows who are unable to receive a promotion within 6 years of their employment shall not be reappointed starting from the 7th year. For pregnancy, childbirth, raising children aged under 3 years, and other special circumstances, assistant research fellows may be granted a renewal term of 2 years starting from the 7th year with the consent of the Faculty Evaluation Committee; those who are still not promoted within these 2 years will no longer be reappointed.

During their renewal term of 2 years, assistant research fellows who are still under affected by any special circumstance in the previous subparagraph, which is likely to affect their academic performance, may extend their renewal term for an additional 2 years with the approval of the Faculty Evaluation Committee 6 months prior to the end of the renewal term.

The aforementioned provisions also apply to newly recruited research assistants.


研究人員之待遇、福利、進修、年資晉薪、退休、撫卹、資遣、休假研 究等事項,除有關增加退休給與及申請延長服務之規定外,依其聘任之 等級,比照教師之規定。

Article 8

The salary, benefits, continuing education, annual increments, retirement, bereavement payment, severance, and research leave of research personnel, except for matters related to provisions governing additional retirement payments and applications for service extension, shall be handled in accordance with the rank to which the person is appointed and the provisions applicable to teachers of an equivalent rank.



研究人員應比照教師接受評量,由各系(所、中心)、院分別訂定其研究人員評量要點,包括評量項目、標準及程序,並經校教師評審委員會核 備後實施。

Article 9

To be equated with teachers, research personnel shall be evaluated. Each department/institute/center and college shall establish their own directions for the evaluation of research personnel, which shall cover the items, standards, and procedures of the evaluation. The directions shall be ratified by the University-Level Faculty Evaluation Committee for approval before implementation.




Article 10

Matters not covered by the regulations shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.



非屬學院之系(所)、體育室及一級中心(處、館)之研究人員聘任, 其初審比照系(所)辦理,複審除微奈米科技研究中心、計算機與網 路中心分別由工學院、電機資訊學院教師評審委員會辦理外,餘由 非屬學院教師評審委員會辦理。

Article 11

For research personnel positions outside the department/institute of a certain college, the Physical Education Office, and the first-level units (e.g., centers, offices, museums, and libraries), the initial review shall comply with the procedure developed by the department/institute. The second review shall be conducted by the Faculty Evaluation Committee of other departments/institutes. However, the second review for positions within the Center for Micro/Nano Science and Technology and the Computer and Network Center is to be conducted by the Faculty Evaluation Committees of the College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, respectively.




Article 12

The regulations are implemented upon approval by the University Affairs Committee meeting. The same shall apply for all amendments to the regulations.

These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.