


National Cheng Kung University Guideline on the Prevention of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Bullying on Campus

93 年12月 8日 93 學年度第2 次校務會議通過

94 年10月 5日 94 學年度第1 次校務會議修正通過

99 年4月 28日 98 學年度第4 次校務會議延會修正通過

100 年7月 7日 99 學年度第5 次校務會議延會修正通過

100 年10月 20日 100 學年度第1 次性平會修正通過並經校長核定實施

101 年6月 18日 100 學年度第5 次性平會修正通過並經校長核定實施

101 年12月 26日 101 學年度第2 次校務會議修正通過

106 年4月 13日 105 學年度第5 次性別平等教育委員會審議通過

106 年12月 20日 106 學年度第2 次校務會議修正通過

109年6月10日 108學年度第4次校務會議修正通過


Approved in the 2004 academic year at the 2nd University council meeting on 2004.12.08 

Amended and approved in the 2005 academic year at the 1st University council meeting on 2005.10.05   

Amended and approved in the 2009 academic year at the 4th University council meeting on 2010.04.28 

Amended and approved in the 2010 academic year at the 5th University council meeting on 2011.07.07 

Amended and approved in the 2011 academic year at the 1st Gender Equity Education Committee meeting and ratified by the President on 2011.10.20 

Amended and approved in the 2011 academic year at the 5th Gender Equity Education Committee meeting and ratified by the President on 2012.06.18   

Amended and approved in the 2012 academic year at the 2nd University council meeting on 2012.12.26 

Reviewed and approved in the 2016 academic year at the 5th Gender Equity Education Committee meeting on 2017.04.13 

Amended and approved in the 2017 academic year at the 2nd University council meeting on 2017.12.20

Amended and approved in the 2020 academic year at the 4th University Council meeting on 2020.06.10

Amended and approved in the 2023 academic year at the 2th University Council meeting on 2023.12.20


第一章    總 則

Chapter 1  General Principles                      




Article 1    

In accordance with the Gender Equity Education Act (hereinafter “the Act”) and the Regulations on the Prevention of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Bullying on Campus promulgated by the Ministry of Education (hereinafter “the Prevention Guidline”), National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter "the University") has established the following regulations to align its educational principles with those that foster substantive gender equity and establish appropriate mechanisms to prevent and process incidents of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying.









Article 2 

These guideline define the terms sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying (collectively referred to as "sexual misconduct") as follows:

1.       Sexual assault: Any sexual offense falling under the Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act.

2.        Sexual harassment: Cases that do not constitute sexual assault but involve:

(1)     Unwelcome remarks or conduct that explicitly or implicitly carry a sexual connotation or imply gender discrimination and, thereby, diminish another person's dignity and/or adversely impacts their performance/opportunities in regards to learning or work

(2)     Conduct of a sexual or gendered nature that is used to manipulate the rights or interests of oneself or others in regards to learning or work

3.        Sexual bullying: Any verbal, physical, or violent ridicule, attack, or threat related to gender characteristics, gender temperament, sexual orientation, or gender identity that does not fall under the definition of sexual harassment







Article 3

These Regulations also apply to incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying involving parties from different schools.


Parties as referred to in these Regulations are hereby defined:

1.        Instructors: Full-time teachers, part-time teachers, long-term or short-term substitute teachers, military instructors, as well as all other volunteers, teaching interns, or individuals involved in instruction or research.

2.        Office staff and custodial staff: Persons not categorized as instructors that perform work or volunteer services at the school on a fixed or periodic schedule.

3.        Student: Persons enrolled or in the process of enrolling in a degree program, a continuing/extension education program, exchange program, internship, or research position.










Article 4

The University shall strive to implement the following measures in order to prevent sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying on campus and better educate instructors, staff, and students on the importance of respecting the sexual and physical autonomy of themselves and others:


1.        Hold educational programs on the prevention of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying for instructors, staff, and students and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of such programs

2.        Hold annual in-service education programs for members of the Gender Equity Education Committee (hereafter “the Committee”) and/or other parties involved in the processing of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying cases

3.        Encourage Committee members to attend seminars, hosted both within and outside the University, on campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying; allow Committee members to register time spent attending such seminars as official leave and be reimbursed any associated expenses

4.        Announce these Regulations through a wide range of channels and include them in employment contracts and student handbooks

5.        Encourage complainants[1] or reporting parties of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying incidents to apply for investigation and/or file a complaint as soon as possible in order to facilitate evidence collection and investigation procedures

6.        Take immediate action to investigate and address suspected violations of Articles 8 -10 of these Regulations or the NCKU Guidelines for the Implementation of Gender Equity Education by University instructors, staff, or students.










Article 5 

The University shall provide the following information on sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying prevention and assistance to involved parties:

1.        Definition of, classification of, and laws relevant to sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying on campus

2.        The rights of the complainant and mandatory assistance provided by the University

3.        Information on application, appeal, and assistance procedures/mechanisms

4.        Information on the involved authorities and responsible agencies

5.        Information on organizations and networks that provide resources and support

Any other matters deemed necessary by the Committee


第二章    校園安全規劃

Chapter 2  Campus Security Planning







Article 6

In the interest of preventing sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying on campus, the University shall adopt the following measures to improve campus security: 

1.        Regularly review the planning and usage of campus spaces and facilities; examine overall campus security including space configuration, management, security, signage, alarm systems, safe routes, lighting, visibility, and any other factors related to safety on campus.

2.        Document any locations on campus where incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and/or sexual bullying have occurred. Create maps of dangerous areas on campus based on the compiled data.

The review of space/facility planning and usage cited in Article 6, Paragraph 1 should take into account any special needs of students -- such as physical, mental, linguistic, or cultural differences -- and provide relevant safety plans and/or information where necessary. Such review and measures shall include all dormitories and bathrooms on campus.





Article 7

The Office of General Affairs shall regularly hold meetings to present the findings of campus security reviews. These meetings should be hosted electronically, make publicly available all review outcomes/records, and invite the participation of landscape architects, instructors, staff, students, and other parties who use campus spaces.


Any identified progress made towards improving dangerous areas on campus should be included in the Committee's semester report.


第三章    校內外教學及人際互動注意事項

Chapter 3  Teaching activities and interactions on and off campus




Article 8

University instructors, staff, and students are to respect gender diversity and individual differences during learning activities on and off campus, while performing duties, and when interacting with others.





Article 9

Teachers shall not develop intimate relationships that violate professional ethic codes with the student under their instruction, guidance, training, evaluation, management, consultation, or when providing students employment opportunities.


Should a teacher find that his or her relationship with a student violates the code of professional ethics referenced in the previous paragraph, the teacher shall take the initiative to avoid further interaction with the student and report the matter to the school.




Article 10

University instructors, staff, and students are to respect their own and other's sexual and physical autonomy, refrain from making unwelcome advances, and avoid handling conflicts related to sex or gender with forceful or violent means.


第四章    校園性侵害、性騷擾及性霸凌之處理機制、程序及救濟方法

Chapter 4  Campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying response mechanisms, procedures, and assistance








Article 11

The University's point of contact for reporting cases of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying is the Committee, whose contact information, including telephone number and email address, is posted on NCKU’s official website. In the event where the respondent[2] is, presently or at the time of the offense, the University president, the University should ask the Ministry of Education to take over related investigation and reporting duties.


In cases where the school of jurisdiction is different from the school at which the respondent is employed or enrolled, the school where the respondent is currently employed/enrolled shall be notified in writing to send a representative to participate in the investigation.


If the investigation concludes that an incident of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying did in fact occur, the investigation report and further recommendations shall be provided to the school of the respondent for further action in accordance with Article 30 of the Regulations on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, or Sexual Bullying on Campus.


In cases where the University receives an application or complaint that does not fall within its jurisdiction, it shall transfer the case to the appropriate authorities within seven days and inform all concerned parties it has done so. For cases that have been made public but have not yet been directly reported to the Committee by the parties concerned, the Committee shall take the initiative to address the case in the interest of the University's reputation and the rights of all instructors, staff, and students.


The office/department in charge of receiving reports of campus sexual misconduct shall refer cases to the Committee within three working days and appoint a specific person to oversee the case. All relevant offices/departments are to assist as needed in processing the case.         









Article 12

In the case of an incident of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying, the complainant, the complainant’s legal representative (hereinafter jointly referred to as “the complainant”), and any reporting party may apply for an investigation or file a complaint in writing, verbally, or by email. The Committee shall keep a written record of the application, which shall be read to or by the applicant[3] to confirm its accuracy. After accuracy has been confirmed, the applicant is to sign or officially seal the document.


The written record of a written, verbal, or email application or complaint specified in the preceding paragraph shall contain the following information:


1.        The applicant's name, national ID number, institution of employment/enrolment, place of residence, telephone number, and date of application

2.        The complainant's date of birth

3.        If the applicant has appointed a legal representative, an authorization letter should be submitted containing the representative’s name, national ID card number, place of residence, and telephone number.

4.        Details of the incident along with any additional materials (e.g. evidence) should be provided in writing and/or included as attachment(s).











Article 13

The Committee's prevention team shall form an incident response task force to evaluate whether or not to accept a case. This evaluation and subsequent written notification to the applicant shall be completed within 20 days from receipt. For applications/complaints that are not accepted, the notice shall provide justification for the decision and inform the concerned party to whom to appeal and by what date.


An application/complaint will not be accepted if:

1.        The incident does not fall under the Gender Equity Education Act.

2.        The applicant has not provided their real name.

3.        The case has already been processed and closed.


If the applicant does not receive a notification by the deadline provided above or has received notification that an investigation will not be pursued, they may appeal. Appeals must be filed within twenty days of receipt of written notification and include clear reasoning for appeal. Appeals may be filed in writing or verbally; however, for those who appeal verbally, a text record will be created which will be read back to or read by the applicant to confirm its accuracy. The text record shall then be signed or sealed by the applicant after accuracy is confirmed. An appeal can only be made once.


After receiving an appeal, the Committee must provide written notice of its final decision to the applicant within twenty days. In cases where an appeal is deemed valid, the Committee is to immediately begin the investigation process. 





Article 14


Incidents of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying that have received media coverage shall be treated as having been reported. The University shall take the initiative to proactively refer the matter the Committee for investigation. In cases where the complainant is unwilling to cooperate with an investigation, the University shall still provide required counselling or assistance.


When processing a report of bullying, if the University discovers that sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying may have occurred, the incident will be treated in the same way as a complainant's report. The school's anti-bullying response team shall refer the matter to the Committee for processing in accordance with the terms stipulated in the preceding Article.





Article 15

The Committee shall complete its investigation of a case within two months from the date the application/complaint was accepted. If necessary, the investigation may be extended twice, at most, and each extension may not exceed one-month’s time. The applicant, complainant, and respondent shall be notified of any extension. During the investigation procedures, the parties concerned may request to be accompanied by a self-appointed counselor. The Committee may also invite other relevant parties to participate in the investigation as needed.


The final investigation report and final decisions made by the Committee shall be submitted to the Student Rewards and Disciplinary Committee, Faculty Evaluation Committee, the Personnel Office, or the Office of General Affairs.







Article 16

In the event of an application or complaint of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus, the Committee's incident response team must decide whether the application/complaint qualifies as an incident of sexual misconduct, and, if so, an investigation team must be formed. The Committee must nominate team members to the investigation team who are then to be officially appointed by the University president. The investigation team should be composed of three or five persons and meet the requirements as specified in Article 30, Paragraph 3 of the Act.


In the case of an incident of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus, the advisor(s) of the involved parties, supervisors with authority over the Committee's affairs, and the Committee officer should recuse themselves from the investigation process. Persons participating in the investigation of an incident campus sexual misconduct shall avoid counselling involved parties. The University is to grant investigation team members official leave to complete their investigation duties and shall reimburse any transportation or expenses incurred.


The University shall grant official (business) leave for members of the investigation team to perform their duties. The University may offer remuneration for meeting attendance, written reports, transportation, and other expenses in accordance with applicable regulations. In the event an investigation team member must take part in a cross-campus investigation, incurred transportation and related fees shall be the responsibility of the appointing university.


The aforementioned payments (e.g., meeting attendance and written report remuneration) shall be determined in line with central government agency guidelines.  






Article 17

If the University president, an instructor, office staff member, or custodial staff member becomes aware of a potential incident on campus of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying, they are to immediately notify the University's Campus Security Center (i.e. Military Training Division) in writing or through other means. In accordance with regulations, the Campus Security Center is to report the incident to the Ministry of Education, relevant social affairs agencies, and the Committee within 24 hours. Unless pertinent to the investigation or in the interest of public safety, the names and any identifying information of all involved parties shall be kept confidential.






Article 18


Unless pertinent to the investigation or in the interest of public safety, the names and any identifying information of the respondent, complainant, reporting party, witnesses, or any parties assisting the investigation shall be kept confidential.


All persons involved in processing incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus are obligated to maintain confidentiality. Any individual who violates confidentiality shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Criminal Code and/or other pertinent regulations.


The University is to seal all original documents containing the names of involved parties, reporting parties, or witnesses; these documents are not to be viewed or made available to any persons outside of the investigating authority, except as otherwise provided by law.


Only original documents should contain the names and any identifying information of the respondent, complainant, reporting party, witnesses, or any parties assisting the investigation. This information shall be removed and/or coded in all other externally-available documents pertaining an investigation of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus.






Article 19

The Committee expert scholar specializing in the investigation of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying must meet one of the following qualifications:

1.        Hold a certificate of completion for an advanced training program provided by a competent authority at the central, municipality, county, or city level for investigators of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexual bullying. The person(s) shall also be acknowledged by the Committee of the competent authority at the central, municipality, county or city level and included in its investigation specialist database.

2.        Have a proven performance record in the investigation of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying, and be approved by the Committee of the competent authority at the central, municipality, county or city level and included in its investigation specialist database.













Article 20

Incidents of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying shall be processed and investigated by the Committee in accordance with the following guidelines:

1.        The respondent shall appear in person for a hearing. If any of the involved parties are minors, they may be accompanied by a guardian(s) during investigative procedures.

2.        Any requests by the complainant or their guardian to not notify their school of enrollment should be respected, and the school should not be asked to appoint a representative to the investigation.

3.        If an involved party is a special education student holding a certified diagnosis from a competent authority, the investigation team shall include an expert in special education.

4.        If there is an imbalance of power between either the respondent, complainant, reporting party, or parties assisting the investigation, measures shall be taken to avoid confrontation.

5.        Unless pertinent to the investigation or in the interest of public safety, the names and any identifying information of the respondent, complainant, reporting party, or parties assisting the investigation shall be kept confidential.

6.        In accordance with Article 30, Paragraph 4 of the Gender Equity Education Act, any notices of involved parties or relevant persons/offices to cooperate with the investigation and/or provide information shall be in writing. These requests shall state the purpose of the investigation, time, location, and consequence of not showing.

7.        The notices in the preceding paragraph shall clearly state that involved parties are not to disseminate information about the incident under investigation through any channels including but not limited to the internet, communication software, or private communications.

8.        Persons affiliated with the University shall not, under any pretext, undertake to understand or investigate the incident on their own and shall not request a first-hand account or affidavit from an involved party.

9.        If necessary, information pertinent to the case may be recorded in writing so long as it does not violate confidentiality. The respondent should be allowed to read or be provided with a summary of this record.

10.     In cases where an applicant withdraws an application, the investigation may continue as determined by the Committee or at the request of the respondent.                                                       






Article 21

The Committee's investigation shall not be affected by any external judicial proceedings and/or rulings.


The investigation is not to be suspended due to changes in respondent's job title or enrollment status. If the applicant, in consideration of their own interests, requests the investigation be suspended, the Committee will assess the circumstances and make a decision on the matter.











Article 22

The University will offer supportive measures during the processing of a case of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying as to preserve the rights to work and education of all involved parties. Supportive measures include:


1.      Flexible attendance requirements, assessment measures, and other academic and/or professional assistance not subject to standard absence or evaluation regulations

2.      Contact restrictions between involved parties (as desired by the complainant)

3.      Measures to prevent and/or prohibit retaliation

4.      Measures to prevent or mitigate the possibility of further assault or harassment by the respondent

5.      Other measures as deemed necessary by the Committee


If any of the involved parties are not employed by or enrolled at the University, their respective school shall be notified in accordance with the regulations put forward in the previous articles.


If any of the above measures are required, they shall be first approved by the Committee.











Article 23

The Committee shall refer involved parties to government agencies able to provide them with appropriate resources. Depending on the physical/psychological state of the involved individuals, the Committee may arrange for the following assistance when necessary:


1. Psychological counseling

2. Legal consultation

3. Academic assistance

4. Financial assistance

5. Other assistance or protective measures deemed necessary by the Committee


If an involved party is not employed by or enrolled at the University, the school at which they are employed/enrolled shall be notified and provided with appropriate assistance in accordance with the terms put forward in the previous paragraphs.


The University shall make budgetary provisions to provide the assistance described in this Article. This includes fees incurred in hiring professionals such as physicians, clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists, social workers, or lawyers.







Article 24

In the interest of deferring to expert judgement and minimizing multiple hearings, the University shall determine if the incident of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying occurred based on the findings presented in the Committee's investigation report.


In reviewing the investigation report, if the Committee finds that sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying has in fact occurred and makes a recommendation affecting the job title/enrolment status of the offender, the Committee shall provide a copy of the approved investigation report to the offender and notify them of the deadline for submitting any written response (e.g. objections) to the decision.


If the offender submits a written statement, it will be reviewed by the Committee; however, the Committee shall not reopen an investigation for any case not meeting the terms stipulated by Article 32, Paragraph 3 of the Act. If the offender does not submit a written statement by the specified time, they will be considered as having forfeiting their right to do so.


Except for where stipulated by Article 32, Paragraph 3 of the Act, the University shall not ask the Committee to reinvestigate the case nor undertake an investigation of its own.



校園性侵害、性騷擾或性霸凌事件經性平會調查屬實後,應依性平法第二十五條第一項規定,對行為人予以申誡、記過、解聘、停聘、不續聘、免職、終止契約關係、終止運用關係或其他適當之懲處。其他機關依相關法律或法規有議處權限時,本校應將該事件移送其他權責機關議處; 其經證實有誣告之事實者,應依法對申請人或檢舉人為適當之處置。







Article 25

In accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 1 of the Act, if the Committee has investigated and determined that a campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying offense has in fact occurred, the University shall then impose on the respondent a reprimand, official demerit, dismissal, suspension, non-renewal of appointment, discharge from employment, termination of contractual relationship, or other appropriate punishment. If other agencies are authorized to determine applicable punishment, the University shall turn over the case to those agencies to do so. In cases where accusations were proven to be false, the applicant or complainant will face relevant legal consequences.


In accordance with Article 25, Paragraph 2 of the Act, when the University is responsible for administering disciplinary measures, the respondent shall be required to undergo psychological counselling and may also be required to:


1.        Apologize to the complainant (to be approved first by the complainant or the complainant’s legal representative)

2.        Complete eight hours of gender equity-related courses

3.        Fulfill other obligations of educational value


In order to ensure compliance of the respondent, the University shall provide written notification of all punitive measures detailing the nature of the required gender equity courses, the medium of administration, the period of time to be administered, and any incurred expenses. The written notification must also explain the legal consequences of not complying with the punitive measures.


When a respondent is required to complete the aforementioned gender equity courses, the University may provide course instructors with remuneration for instructional time and transportation.





Article 26

The Committee shall provide the applicant and respondent with written copies of the decision report and investigation report along with the deadlines for appeal and office to whom to appeal.


Applicants or respondents who object to the decisions made by the Committee, can appeal to the NCKU Secretariat Office. Appeals must be filed within twenty days of receipt of written notification and include clear reasoning for appeal. Appeals may be filed in writing or verbally; however, for those who appeal verbally, a text record will be created which will be read back to or read by the applicant/respondent to confirm its accuracy. The text record shall then be signed or sealed by the applicant/respondent after accuracy is confirmed.




Article 27

If the University finds there were major flaws in the investigation process or new fact(s)/evidence sufficient to affect the original decision, it may request the Committee reinvestigate the case. The Committee shall organize a new investigation team for cases requiring reinvestigation. The new team shall conduct the reinvestigation in accordance with the procedures outlined in these Regulations.



一、  應即組成審議小組,並於三十日內作成決定並附決定之理由以書面通知申復人申復結果。 

二、  前款審議小組應包括性別平等教育相關專家學者、法律專業人員三人或五人,其小組成員之組成,女性人數應占成員總數二分之一以上,具校園性侵害或性騷擾調查專業素養人員之專家學者人數應占成員總數三分之一以上。

三、  原性平會委員及原調查小組成員不得擔任審議小組成員。

四、  審議小組召開會議時由小組成員推舉召集人,並主持會議。

五、  審議會議進行時,得視需要給予申復人陳述意見之機會,並得邀請性平會相關委員或調查小組成員列席說明。

六、  申復有理由時,將申復決定通知相關權責單位,由其重為決定。

七、  申復人於審議期間內得撤回之。


Article 28

Upon appeal, the Secretariat Office shall proceed as follows:

1.        The Secretariat Office shall form an evaluation team to review the appeal and notify the applicant in writing of any final decisions within thirty days.

This evaluation team must include three or five experts in gender equity education or legal professionals. At least half of the team must be women. Experts or scholars with expertise in investigating sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus must account for at least one-third of the team.
Members of the Committee or the original investigation team shall not serve as members of the appeal evaluation team.

2.        The evaluation team is to select a convener to chair meetings.

3.        During the evaluation meetings, should the need arise, the appealing party may be given the opportunity to make a statement. In such cases, the members of the Committee or investigation team may be invited to participate as necessary.

4.        In cases where an appeal is deemed valid, the competent authorities shall be informed of the decision and allowed to re-evaluate previous decisions as necessary.

5.        The applicant may withdraw the appeal before the evaluation team has reached a conclusion.

Evaluation team members shall receive remuneration for meeting attendance and transportation as outlined in Article 16.




Article 29

In accordance with Article 34 of the Act, if an applicant or respondent objects to the results of the appeal, they may apply for assistance within thirty days from the date following the date of the receipt of the written notification.



















Article 30

The case data compiled by the Committee shall be sorted into original documents and report documents. The Committee should file and store the data for 25 years. If the data is preserved electronically, it should be encrypted or require an electronic signature. Original documents are to be classified and may include the following information:

1. Time and type of incident

2. Involved parties (e.g. the applicant, the complainant, and the respondent)

3. Person(s) in charge of processing the case and maintaining case records

4. Text documents, audio files of recorded interviews, collected evidence, and other pertinent information obtained during processing of the case

5. Name, job title/enrollment status, and family background of the respondent

6. Initial draft(s) of the investigation report submitted by the investigation team and Committee meeting minutes


The report document referenced in Paragraph 2 refers to the investigation report as approved by the Committee and includes the following:

1. Reason for investigation, including description of the incident from the involved parties/reporting parties

2. Records of interviews conducted during the investigation, labelled with date(s) and interviewee(s)

3. Statements/replies of the complainant, applicant, witnesses, and other pertinent persons

4. Examination(s) of material evidence

5. Final judgment and reasoning thereof

6. Disciplinary recommendations                                                     


After notifying the involved parties and reviewing any objections, the University shall submit the information detailed by Article 27-1, Paragraph 3 of the Act to the Committee for examination.




Article 31

After the University has completed the investigation and processing of an incident of campus sexual misconduct and its investigation report has been approved by its Committee, the University should provide the following information to the competent authorities: the final decisions, proof valid procedures were followed, the investigation report, and the Committee's meeting minutes. If an appeal is filed by an applicant or respondent, any resulting decisions should also be reported to the competent authorities.






In accordance with Article 27, Paragraphs 2-3 of the Act, when the University reports a confirmed incident of campus sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying, the report shall be limited to the time of occurrence, the incident type, the offender's name, and the offender's job title/school of enrollment.


If needed, the University shall provide information on counseling, preventive education, and all other necessary matters to the next school in which the offender enrolls or finds employment.


After providing follow-up counseling, if the University makes the assessment that there is little likelihood of a repeat offense, the report referenced in Paragraph 1 may note the offender has shown remorse.


第五章    附 則

Chapter 5  Supplementary Provisions




Article 33

The Office of Student Affairs shall designate a staff member to carry out Committee duties. The Secretariat Office shall be responsible for all public announcements.




Article 34

The University shall allocate funding necessary to implement the Regulations from the University's endowment income.




Article 35

Matters not provided for by these Regulations shall be governed by the existing provisions of pertinent rules and regulations.




Article 36

These Regulations and any further amendments shall take effect after being approved by the University Council.