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國立成功大學性別平等教育實施規定 National Cheng Kung University Gender Equity Education Implementation Guidelines |
101年9月 20日 性別平等教育委員會會議通過 101 年12月 26日 101 學年度第2 次校務會議通過 109年6月10日 108學年度第4次校務會議修正通過 Approved at the Gender Equity Education Committee meeting on 2012.09.20 Approved in the 2012 academic year at the 2nd University council meeting on 2012.12.26 Amended and approved in the 2020 academic year at the 4th University Council meeting on 2020.06.10 |
一、國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為提供性別平等之學習環境,尊重及考量學生與教職員工之不同性別、性別特質、性別認同或性傾向,並建立安全之校園空間,特依據性別平等教育法第十二條第二項,訂定本規定。 1. In order to foster a gender-fair, safe educational environment that is respectful of the gender, gender temperament, gender identity, and sexual orientation of instructors, staff, and students, National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter "the University") establishes the following Gender Equity Education Implementation Guidelines (hereinafter "the Guidelines") in accordance with Subparagraph 2, Article 12 of the Gender Equity Education Act.
二、本規定所稱之性別平等教育,係指以教育方式教導尊重多元性別差異,消除性別歧視,促進性別地位之實質平等。性別地位之實質平等係指任何人不因其生理性別、性傾向、性別特質或性別認同等不同,而受到差別之待遇。 2. "Gender equity education," as specified in these Guidelines, refers to education aimed at promoting respect for gender diversity, eliminating gender-based discrimination, and realizing substantive gender equity. "Substantive gender equity" refers to an environment where no person is treated differently due to their sex, sexual orientation, gender temperament, or gender identity.
三、本校應提供性別平等之學習環境,教職員工生進行校內外教學活動、執行職務及人際互動時,應尊重性別多元及個別差異。 3. The University shall provide a gender-fair learning environment. Instructors, staff, and students are to respect gender diversity and individual differences during learning activities on and off campus, while performing professional duties, and in their personal interactions.
四、本校教職員工生應尊重他人與自己之性或身體之自主,避免不受歡迎之追求行為,並不得以強制或暴力手段處理與性或性別有關之衝突。 4. University instructors, staff, and students are to respect their own and other's sexual and physical autonomy, refrain from making unwelcome advances, and avoid using forceful or violent means to handle conflicts related to sex or gender.
五、本校之招生及就學許可不得有性別或性傾向之差別待遇。但經主管機關核准而設置之課程,不在此限。 5. University recruitment and admission practices shall not treat students differently due to their gender or sexual orientation. Certain courses approved and established by the competent authority are not subject to this guideline.
六、本校各教學與行政單位不得因學生之生理性別、性傾向、性別特質或性別認同而給予教學、活動、評量、獎懲、福利及服務上之差別待遇。但性質僅適合特定性別者,不在此限。 6. The University's academic and administrative offices shall not treat students differently based on their sex, sexual orientation, gender temperament, or gender identity in relation to academics, activities/events, evaluations, rewards, disciplines, benefits, or services. Events that are, in nature, gender-specific are not subject to this guideline.
七、本校各教學與行政單位對因生理性別、性傾向、性別特質或性別認同而處於不利處境之學生,應積極提供協助,以改善其處境。 7. The University's academic and administrative offices shall proactively provide assistance to help students who are disadvantaged due to their sex, sexual orientation, gender temperament, or gender identity.
八、本校各單位對懷孕學生之受教權,應積極維護,並提供必要協助。 8. The University shall proactively protect pregnant students' right to education and provide additional assistance as necessary.
九、本校各教學單位應廣開性別研究相關課程,並發展符合性別平等之課程規劃與評量方式。 9. The University's academic offices are to offer a wide range of courses in relation to gender studies and develop curriculum and evaluations in line with gender equity values.
十、教務處應督促本校教師選用符合性別平等教育原則之教材,其內容應平衡反映不同性別之歷史貢獻及生活經驗,並呈現多元之性別觀點。教師於使用教材及從事教育活動時,亦應具備性別平等意識,避免性別偏見及性別歧視。 10. The Office of Academic Affairs is to oversee the selection of teaching materials by University instructors to ensure materials are compliant with the principles of gender equity education. Teaching materials shall provide a balanced reflection of the historical contributions and life experiences of individuals of different genders and present diverse perspectives. During instruction, instructors are to be conscious of gender equity, avoid gender stereotyping, and refrain from prejudicial/discriminatory treatment.
十一、本校教師應鼓勵學生修習非傳統性別之學科領域。 11. University instructors are to encourage students to take courses in fields that may not be traditionally affiliated with their gender.
十二、總務處應規劃及建立性別平等之友善與安全校園空間,對校園整體空間之規劃與設施之使用,應定期檢視、維護。 12. The Office of General Affairs shall plan and establish a gender-friendly safe campus built around gender equity values and regularly review and maintain all spaces/facilities.
十三、學生事務處應規劃或協助辦理學生、教職員工及家長性別平等教育相關講座或活動。 13. The Office of Student Affairs shall plan or assist in organizing lectures and events on topics related to gender equity for students, instructors, staff, and parents.
十四、人事室將性別平等教育之內容,納入教職員工之職前教育、新進人員培訓、在職進修及教育行政主管人員之儲訓課程。 14. The Personnel Office shall incorporate gender equity education into instructor pre-service training, new staff orientation, instructor in-service training, administrator in-service training, and administrator preparation courses
十五、本校性別平等教育委員會(以下簡稱性平會)應落實推動防治教育宣導工作。為預防與處理校園性侵害性騷擾或性霸凌事件,性平會應訂定校園性侵害性騷擾或性霸凌防治規定,並建立機制,協調整合相關資源。 15. In order to prevent incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, or sexual bullying on campus, the University's Gender Equity Education Committee (hereinafter “the Committee”) is to implement educational programs aimed at prevention and awareness. The Committee is to establish regulations for the prevention of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual bullying on campus and create mechanisms to integrate relevant resources.
十六、本校每年應依性平會所擬各項性別平等教育實施方案,編列經費預算。 16. The University is to annually draft a budget to support gender equity education projects proposed by the Committee.
十七、本校教職員工生,在性別平等教育之政策、計畫、課程、活動、法規、調查等之研擬、規劃、推動、執行或參與有優良事蹟者,性平會得推薦所屬各單位及人員予以獎勵。 17. The Committee shall award University instructors, staff, students, and/or their affiliated departments/offices to recognize outstanding achievement in formulating policy, writing curriculum, organizing events, establishing regulations, or performing investigations in line with the values of gender equity education.
十八、本規定經校務會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。 18. The Guidelines and any further amendments take effect after being approved by the University Council.