


National Cheng Kung University Guidelines on Teaching Excellence Award for Achievement in Industry-University Cooperation


Discussed and approved at the 147th Administrative Council Meeting on April 9, 2003


Revision approved at the 151st Administrative Council Meeting on May 25, 2005


Revision approved at the 170th Administrative Council Meeting on November 27, 2013


Revision approved at the 172th Administrative Council Meeting on May 14, 2014


Revision approved at the 1st University Endowment Fund Management Committee Meeting on November 23, 2018


Approved at the 194th Administrative Council Meeting on January 9, 2019


Approved at the 197th Administrative Council Meeting on June 19, 2019


Approved in 1st University Council of the Academic Year 2020/2021 on October 21, 2020


Approved at the 828th Executive Board Meeting on July 14, 2021

一、國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為鼓勵教師致力於參與政府機構(含財 團法人)或民間企業之產學合作,以提高產學合作成果,特訂定本要 點。

Article 1. National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter referred to as the “University”) has formulated the following guidance to encourage faculty members to engage in industry-university cooperation with government agencies (including foundations) or private enterprises and to improve the results of such cooperation.


二、本要點所稱產學合作成果特優教師,係指本校產學研究且品德優良之專 任教授、副教授、助理教授、講師及研究人員,熱心參與政府機構(含 財團法人)或民間企業之產學合作,有具體成效,堪為表率者。

Article 2. The excellent faculty members in this guidance refer to the full-time professors, associate professors, assistant professors, lecturers and researchers of this University who are with good moral character and actively participate in industry-university cooperation with government agencies (including foundations) or private enterprises and have achieved concrete and exemplary results.



(一) 產學合作成果特優獎:兩名,一次核予三年。第一次獲獎,每 人每月頒予獎勵金新臺幣壹萬元;第二次獲獎,每人每月頒予 獎勵金新臺幣貳萬元;第三次獲獎,每人每月頒予新臺幣參萬 元。本獎勵獲獎以三次為限,已獲本獎勵之教師三年內不可重 複受獎。 獲產學合作成果特優教師得推薦為特聘教授候選人,但獲獎時 已具特聘教授、講座教授資格者,不再推薦。 依前項獲聘為特聘教授者,僅具特聘教授榮銜,不得支領特聘 教授獎助金,不計入本校延攬及留住特殊優秀人才獎勵支給原 則有關特聘教授之點數,亦不計入本校特聘教授設置要點規範 之特聘教授任期數。

(二) 產學合作成果優良獎:以十五名為限,每人頒予獎勵金新臺幣 伍萬元。

Article 3. Number of awards:

(1) Distinguished Industry-University Cooperation Award: Two winners. The cash award is given for three years following the presentation. For the first-time, second-time and third-time winner, an award of NT$10,000, NT$20,000 and NT$30,000 will be given every month respectively. A person can receive this award for three times at most. Faculty members who have received this award shall not receive the award repeatedly within three years. Faculty members who have obtained this award may be recommended as candidates for Distinguished Professors, but those who have obtained the qualification of Distinguished Professor or Chair Professor at the time of winning the prize will not be recommended. Those who are appointed as Distinguished Professors in accordance with the preceding paragraph are entitled to the title of Distinguished Professors only, and shall not be entitled to the grant of Distinguished Professors, nor shall they be given the points awarded to Distinguished Professors in accordance with the “Principle of Recruiting and Retaining Special Talents”, nor shall they be counted into the term of office of Distinguished Professors in accordance with the “Regulations on the Establishment of Distinguished Professors” of the University.

(2) Outstanding Industry-University Cooperation Award: This award can be given to 15 faculty members at most. Each winner will be awarded NT$50,000.


四、本校為辦理產學合作成果特優教師遴選事宜,設產學合作成果特優教師遴選委員會(以下簡稱本會),置委員十四人,除研發長、產學創新總中心主任、各學院院長為當然委員外,其餘委員由召集人向校長推薦聘任之。本會由研發長擔任召集人並為主席,經委員三分之二以上出席始可開 議,出席委員三分之二以上同意,始可作成決議。

Article 4. In order to select faculty members with excellent industry-university cooperation results, the University has set up a Selection Committee for Teaching Excellence Award for Achievement in Industry-University Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the "Committee"), which consists of 14 members, with the VP for R&D, the CEO of Innovation Headquarters, and the dean of each college as ex-officio members. Other members are recommended and appointed by the convener to the President. The Committee shall be convened and chaired by the VP for R&D. A decision shall be made upon the attendance of more than two-thirds of the members and the consent of more than two-thirds of the members present.



Article 5. The selection of this award will be conducted before the end of September every year. The applicant shall submit the relevant documents of industry-university cooperation results to the Office of Research and Development for overall collection. After being confirmed by the Accounting Office, and the Center for Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer, the application shall be submitted to the Committee for review and then submitted to the President for awarding.



Article 6. The industry-university cooperation research projects refer in these guidelines are limited to those signed in the name of the University.



(一) 對於產業、社會,及學術上之具體貢獻。

(二) 前三個學年度獲得專利件數、技術移轉或授權件數、金額等產 學績效項目。

(三) 前三個學年度擔任計畫主持人,並已簽約執行之產學合作專題研究計畫案其計畫管理費核定總金額。

Article 7. The selection criteria are as follows:

(1) Specific contributions to industry, society, and academia

(2) Amount, profit or other performance indicators such as number of patents obtained, number of technology transfer or authorization in the last three academic years

(3) Total management fee of the approved project for the industry-university cooperation research project that the candidate has signed and executed as the Principal Investigator in the last three academic years



Article 8. Funding for these guidelines will be provided by the self-raised University Endowment Fund or the Project Plan of Ministry of Education.



Article 9. These guidelines shall be implemented and amended after approved at the University Endowment Fund Management Committee Meeting and the Administrative Council Meeting.