


National Cheng Kung University Directions for Evaluating the Professional Manager of the Office of Finance


Approved at the 2nd University Council Meeting of the 2009 Academic Year on Nov. 25, 2009


Amended and approved at the 4th University Council Meeting (postponed) of the 2009 Academic Year on April 28, 2010




1. To effectively evaluate a professional manager’s investment performance in managing the endowment fund, National Cheng

    Kung University (NCKU) Office of Finance (hereafter the Office) followed the National Cheng Kung University Endowment Fund 

    Hiring Professional Manager Implementation Directions to establish these directions.


2. The professional managers referred to in these directions are those hired according to Article 2 in the National Cheng Kung

    University Endowment Fund Hiring Professional Manager Implementation Directions.



3. The investment performance of the professional managers are reviewed every accounting quarter (according to the fiscal year

    of NCKU) and reviewed before the contract term has been completed.

    The investment performance review mentioned in the previous paragraph should in principle cover the review of realized and

    unrealized investment loss or income during the review period.



4. By the end of each quarter, the professional manager shall provide the vice president for finance a complete investment

    performance report for that quarter and supporting evidence, which will be submitted to the investment advisory committee

    for review.







5. Bonus provision standard:

    (1) When the transaction cost is subtracted from the realized and unrealized investment loss and income made by the

          professional manager concerned, the resulted difference becomes the net investment return. When this net return is higher

          than the set return on investment and generates excess return, a certain proportion of excess return may be granted as a

          performance bonus to the manger. The bonus amounts accumulate until the year-end review. After deducting necessary

          expenditure, the remainder is given in cash.

    (2) If during the investment period, the net investment return (after deducting the transaction cost) does not reach the set

          return in investment, the professional manager shall propose an improvement project in a set timeframe to the advisory

          committee for review.



6. The set return on investment, performance bonus approval rate, delivery method, and investment regulations mentioned in

    Article 5 are established by the Office with reference to the suggestions of the NCKU’s investment advisory committee and

    approved by the Endowment Fund Management Committee.



7. During the review period of each quarter, the professional manager must invest at least 20% of the investment amounts within

    specified investment quotas, which excludes the first, second, and third investment items in Subparagraph 1 of Article 7 in the

    National University Endowment Fund Establishment Act.





8. Whether the professional manager is suitable is decided by his or her yearly performance assessed according to relevant

    evaluation standards. However, he or she may be dismissed upon demonstration of any of the following behaviors during his

    or her term:

    (1)Demonstrate any unjust trade or investment behaviors that infringe on the rights of NCKU.

    (2)Violate the fiduciary duty as a professional manager and infringe on the rights of NCKU.

    (3)Offer, deliver, leak, or by any means violate the nondisclosure agreement.

    (4)Violate other regulations associated with the NCKU endowment fund investment regulations.


9. These directions shall be implemented upon approval by the Endowment Fund Management Committee and the University

    Council. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly.


These directions were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.