


National Cheng Kung University Directions for Establishing the Investment Management Team

Passed at the 2nd University Council Meeting in the 2009 academic year on Nov. 25, 2009
Amended at the 1st University Council Meeting in the 2011 academic year on Oct. 26, 2011
Amended at the 1st University Council Meeting in the 2017 academic year on Oct. 25, 2017
Amended at the 2nd University Council Meeting in the 2019 academic year on Dec. 25, 2019
Amended at the 1st University Council Meeting in the 2020 academic year on Oct. 21, 2020




1. To facilitate the investment management of its endowment fund, National Cheng Kung University (hereafter “the University”)

    established the Investment Management Team (hereafter “the Team”) in accordance with Article 2 of the National Cheng Kung

    University Directions for Endowment Fund Investment as well as these Directions.




2. The Team should establish an annual investment plan. After being approved by the Endowment Fund Management Committee

    (hereafter the Committee), the Team should carry out evaluations and decision-making for each investment, and provide

    regular reports on investment returns to the Committee.
    The investment plan and returns referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be incorporated into the University’s finance

    planning report and the university endowment fund performance report, and these shall be submitted to the Ministry of

    Education for reference.


        (一) 當然委員:校長指定副校長一名、財務長及產學創新總中心主任。

        (二) 推薦委員:由財務長就校內外學者、專家中提名,經校長同意並向管理委員會報備後聘任之。



3. This Team consists of 5–11 members:
    (1) Apparent members: the executive vice president (assigned by the president), the vice president for finance, and the center

          director of the Innovation Headquarters.
    (2) Recommended members: the vice president for finance proposes several candidates from on- or off-campus scholars and

          experts. With the president’s consent, they will be hired after the list has been submitted to the Committee.
    Off-campus Team members shall not comprise less than 1/3 of the Team. The service term of each Team member is two years,

    and each member may be re-elected for consecutive terms. Apparent members shall resign upon any change of their original

    The convener of this Team is the executive vice president, and the vice president for finance shall be appointed as the executive


四、本小組每季至少召開會議一次,必要時得召開臨時會。開會時以召集人為主席; 召集人不克出席時,由委員互推一人為主


4. This Team holds at least one meeting per season. Nonstandard general meetings may be held when necessary. During the

    meeting, the convener serves as the chairperson. When the chairperson cannot be present, members of the Team select one

    person to serve as chairperson.


5. When a meeting is held, relevant personnel or unit representatives, depending on actual requirements, shall attend by



6. Committee members of this Team are not paid. However, members who are not staff of the University may be paid for

    attendance and transportation as per relevant regulations.


7. The administrative work of this Team is conducted by the Office of Finance.


8. These Directions shall be implemented upon approval by the Committee and shall be submitted to the University Council for

    reference. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly.


These directions were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.