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國立成功大學產學合作收入收支管理要點 National Cheng Kung University Revenue and Expenditure Management Directions on University-Industry Collaboration Projects |
第一一二次行政會議通過 第一二一、一二二次行政會議修正通過 教育部台(八三)高 014672 號備查 第一二六次行政會議修正通過 教育部台(八四)高 059238 號備查 第一三三次行政會議修正通過 教育部台(八六)高(四)字第 86097220 號函備查 第一三五次行政會議修正通過 第一三七次行政會議修正通過 第一三八次行政會議修正通過 88.4.21 第一三九次行政會議修正通過 88.10.6 教育部台 (八八) 高 (四) 字第 88138034 號函備查 第一四二次行政會議修正通過 90.04.25 第一四三次行政會議修正通過 90.09.26 第一四四次行政會議修正通過 90.12.19 教育部台 (九一) 高 (四) 字第 91013368 號函備查 91.02.06 93 學年度第 2 次校務基金管理委員會會議修正通過 94.03.07 除第 7 條第 10 款「其他對於激勵員工生士氣之支援」及第 9 條關於「行政支援人員酬勞費」外,其他條文教 育部台高 (三) 字第 940142288 號函同意備查 94.10.25 94 學年度第 1 次校務基金管理委員會會議修正通過 94.11.16 教育部台高 (三) 字第 0950062186 號函同意備查 95.05.02 第一五三次行政會議修正通過 95.04.26 94 學年度第 4 次校務基金管理委員會會議修正通過 95.05.16 教育部台高 (三) 字第 0950181423 號函同意備查 95.12.08 96 學年度第 5 次校務基金管理委員會會議修正通過 97.05.12 第一五七次行政會議修正通過 97.05.28 教育部台高 (三) 字第 0970198815 號函同意備查 97.10.07 97 學年度第 3 次校務基金管理委員會會議通過 98.05.21 第一五九次行政會議修正通過 98.05.27 98 學年度第 2 次校務基金管理委員會會議通過 98.10.21 第一六○次行政會議修正通過 98.10.28 教育部台高 (三) 字第 0980188545 號函同意備查 98.11.09 99 學年度第 1 次校務基金管理委員會會議通過 99.10.08 第一六二次行政會議修正通過 99.11.24 100 學年度第 2 次校務基金管理委員會會議通過 100.11.16 第一六四次行政會議修正通過 100.11.23 第一六六次行政會議修正通過 101.11.21 102 學年度第 1 次校務基金管理委員會通過 102.09.27 第一七○次行政會議修正通過 102.11.27 103 學年度第 1 次校務基金管理委員會通過 103.09.26 第一七四次行政會議修正通過 103.11.1 103學年度第2次校務基金管理委員會通過 104.03.19 第一七六次行政會議修正通過 104.05.13 104 學年度第 4 次校務基金管理委員會通過 105.05.17 Approved at the 4th University Endowment Fund Management Committee Meeting on May 17, 2016 第一八一次行政會議修正通過 105.06.15 Revision approved at the 181st Administrative Council Meeting on June 15, 2016 教育部臺教高(三)字第 1060018759 號函備查通過 106.02.24 Approved by order of the Ministry of Education’s notice, Taiwan Jiao-Gao (iii)-No. 1060018759 on February 24, 2017 107 學年度第 1 次校務基金管理委員會修正通過 107.11.23 Revision approved at the 1st Administrative Council Meeting on November 23, 2018 第一九四次行政會議通過 108.01.09 Approved at the 194th Administrative Council Meeting on January 9, 2019 教育部臺教高(三)字第 1080055828 號函備查通過 108.04.24 Approved by order of the Ministry of Education’s notice, Taiwan Jiao-Gao (iii)-No. 1080055828 on April 24, 2019 109學年度第一次校務會議通過109.10.21 Approved in 1st University Council of the Academic Year 2020/2021 on October 21, 2020 109 學年度第 2 次校務基金管理委員會修正通過 110.3.26 Approved at the 2st Administrative Council Meeting on March 26, 2021 第二○七次行政會議通過 110.05.05 Approved at the 207th Administrative Council Meeting on May 5, 2021 110 學年度第1次校務基金管理委員會修正通過 110.11.15 第二一○次行政會議通過110.11.24 Approved at the 210th Administrative Council Meeting on November 24th, 2021 110 學年度第2次校務基金管理委員會修正通過 111.03.14 第二一三次行政會議通過111.05.11 Approved at the 213th Administrative Meeting on May 11th, 2022 第二一四次行政會議通過111.09.21 |
一、國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為辦理產學合作業務,發揮教育、訓練、研發、服務等功能,依據教育部「專科以上學校產學合作實施辦法」,特訂定本要點。 二、產學合作有關事項,除法令另有規定外,悉依本要點之規定辦理。 三、產學合作案,依其性質分為「專題研究」、「檢測檢驗與技術服務」、「人員交流訓練」、「技轉育成服務」等四類。 四、專題研究計畫之主持人應依所需人力、圖書資料、儀器設備及維護、計算機使用費、消耗器材、貴重儀器使用費、差旅費、管理費及其他雜項等各項費用編列預算提出計畫書。 (一) 由教學單位或一級研究中心送出者,經研究發展處陳請校長核定後辦理簽約。 (二) 由產學創新總中心所屬中心送出者,經產學創新總中心陳請校長核定後辦理簽約。 五、產學合作收入,均應納入校務基金統籌管理。 六、各產學合作案應自計畫經費內編列適當行政管理費,計畫經費扣除管理費後剩餘金額作為研究經費。 (一)管理費之編列比率如下: 1.專題研究案 (1)國科會專題研究計畫:依國科會規定辦理。 (2)政府機關及公民營機構委託之專題研究計畫:應按計畫經費總金額編列至少20%管理費。 (3)教師以專業學會名義經學校行政程序許可之委辦計畫,如有涉及使用學校資源,應本於使用者付費原則,比照政府機關及公民營機構委託之專題研究計畫,應按計畫經費總金額編列至少20%管理費,納入校務基金統籌運用。經校長核准降低管理費標準之計畫案執行結束時,如有節餘款,應先行補足按計畫總經費應行編列之管理費,所餘款項始得依「國立成功大學產學合作計畫行政管理費及節餘款支用要點」之規定辦理。 2.檢測檢驗與技術服務 (1)內業:如試驗、檢定、化驗分析、規劃設計等零星委託案,至少編列20%管理費。 (2)外業:如測量、鑽探、勘察、監造等零星委託案,至少編列5.5%管理費。 (3)若以計畫書簽約之委託案,則不分內、外業加列6%管理費。 3.人員交流訓練如開班辦理在職訓練、技術人力養成訓練、專門技術訓練、代辦實習等在校內舉辦者屬內業,在校外舉辦者屬外業,管理費之編列依據「國立成功大學推廣教育收支管理要點」辦理。 4.技轉育成服務 (1)技轉服務:由本校研發成果衍生收益之企業關係與技轉中心所獲分配金額提列20%,作為企業關係與技轉中心管理費。 (2)育成服務:由新創加速中心所獲之育成服務收入提列20%,作為新創加速中心管理費。 (二)以產學合作案方式舉辦之學術研討會公家機構補助款可不提列管理費,惟自行收費及民營機構補助款部分酌予提成5%。 (三)各項專題計畫執行結案後之節餘款除委方另有規定需繳回外,其轉至下年度繼續使用者,以及各項行政管理費之授權支用,依「國立成功大學產學合作計畫行政管理費及節餘款支用要點」辦理。 七、管理費(含賸餘款)之運用範圍如下: (一)儀器設備之購置及維護等。 (二)對學校學術研究及教學發展有關事項之支援。 (三)編制內教師、比照教師之專業技術人員、研究人員本薪(年功薪)、加給以外之給與、編制外人員之人事費及其他給與、行政支援人員加班費,及辦理產學合作業務有績效之行政支援人員等工作酬勞。 (四)講座經費之支應。 (五)教師教學及學術研究獎勵之支應。 (六)出國旅費之支應。 (七)公務車輛之增購、汰換及全時租賃。 (八)新興工程之支應。 (九)因應自償性支出之舉借及其償還財源之控管。 (十)接待國外訪賓之餐敘、餽贈或國際交流等相關經費。 (十一)校內人員講座鐘點費、會議出席費、文件資料審查費,比照外聘學者專家標準支給。 (十二)因執行業務所需搭乘計程車之車資,或自行開車油料、過路(橋)及停車費。 (十三)教學單位新聘教師面談差旅費。 (十四)依本校校務基金投資要點規定辦理之投資。 (十五)其他對於激勵教師、研究人員、學生士氣及推動校務發展、產學合作有關事項之支援。 前項管理費運用範圍,如委託或補助單位另有規定者,從其規定。 第一項第十四款及第八點第一項第八款有關投資金額、投資期間及獲利分配等相關事項,另定之。 八、節餘款之運用範圍如下: (一)用以聘請助理、購買儀器設備、雜項費用及其他與教學及研究發展有關之費用等。 (二)節餘款不得支用於教師之兼任酬勞費。 (三)節餘款得支用於出國參加國際學術會議或參訪相關學術/研究機構。 (四)接待國外訪賓之餐敘、餽贈或國際交流等相關經費。 (五)校內人員講座鐘點費、會議出席費、文件資料審查費,比照外聘學者專家標準支給。 (六)因執行業務所需搭乘計程車之車資,或自行開車油料、過路(橋)及停車費。 (七)辦理產學合作業務有績效人員之績效酬勞。 (八)依本校校務基金投資要點規定辦理之投資。 第一項第七款規定,經費來源以廠商委託專題研究案之計畫節餘款為限。績效酬勞支給條件、方式及考核標準,另定之。 本校相當(或比照)簡任第十二職等以上者,得依第一項第三款規定,以計畫節餘款支給升等飛機及高鐵商務座(艙)位之差額。國際知名之國家院士、重要國際學會會士及特殊榮譽教授人士,得由相關計畫節餘款,另案簽准後辦理。 九、酬勞費支給標準: 各系所及研究中心執行產學合作案,其人員酬勞費以不超過個案總經費之60%為原則。 參與產學合作、政府(含科研)補助或委辦事項人員之酬勞費,依下列標準支給: (一)編制內教師及研究人員: 1.編制內教師及研究人員執行專題研究計畫,擔任計畫主持人、共同主持人及協同主持人,計畫主持費每案不得超過其學術研究費之65%。 2.編制內教師及研究人員兼任行政主管職務,辦理產學合作業務著有績效者,得支領一項工作酬勞費,工作酬勞費上限依「國立成功大學學校人員人事費支應原則」第七點規定辦理。 (二)編制外教師及研究人員: 1.編制外教師及研究人員執行專題研究計畫,擔任計畫主持人、共同主持人、協同主持人,計畫主持費每案不得超過薪資總額之30%。 2.編制外研究人員執行專題研究計畫,擔任計畫兼任助理,兼職酬勞費以一項為限,且不得超過薪資總額之30%。 3.編制外研究人員辦理產學合作業務著有績效者,得再支領一項績效酬勞費,惟不得超過薪資總額之30%。 (三)行政支援人員(含職員、校聘人員、專案工作人員、臨時專任組員、技工、工友、駕駛): 1.行政支援人員執行專題研究計畫,擔任計畫主持人、共同主持人、協同主持人,計畫主持費不得超過編制內人員專業加給之60%或編制外人員薪資總額之30%。 2.行政支援人員執行專題研究計畫,擔任計畫兼任助理,兼職酬勞費不得超過編制內人員專業加給之60%或編制外人員薪資總額之30%。 3.行政支援人員同一期間內,以支領一項專題研究計畫兼職酬勞費為限,但辦理產學合作著有成效者,得再支領一項績效酬勞費或工作酬勞費,惟總額不得超過編制內人員專業加給之60%或編制外人員薪資總額之30%。 本校績優職工獎勵金、退休人員服務績效獎勵金、校聘人員獎勵金、防輻射人員津貼、火災預防管理編組人員津貼及特殊績效工作酬勞等,支領項數及金額不受前項規定之限制,但編制內行政人員支領工作酬勞金額,仍須符合「國立大學校院校務基金管理及監督辦法」規定上限。 各單位每年支給產學合作業務人員工作酬勞費,以不超過上年度管理費(含賸餘款)收入總額之四分之一為原則。 十、為照顧本校學生,兼任助理以本校學生為原則。但經費補助或委託機關(構)訂有規定者,依其規定。 十一、每位教師應以學校名義執行委託研究計畫,同一期間如接受委託計畫超過二項者,執行單位主管應以不影響正常教學為原則審慎核定。 十二、經費支付及報銷,應依會計程序及有關法令規定辦理。 十三、計畫資產及成果之處理: (一)計畫內所購置之圖書儀器設備,除合約另有規定者外,應屬本校所有,納入校產管理。 (二)計畫執行成果,如涉及專利等權益之取得、出租或讓與,有約定者,依約定;無約定者,依據「國立成功大學研究發展成果管理辦法」辦理。 (三)計畫執行及研究成果運用之利益衝突迴避及揭露程序,依本校研發成果運用之利益衝突迴避要點規定辦理。 十四、主持及參與合作計畫之所有工作人員,必須履行合約上所規定之一切承諾。 十五、本要點經校務基金管理委員會會議,及行政會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eng. ver.) 1. In order to carry out industry-academic cooperation and give full play to its functions of education, training, research and development and service, National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter referred to as the “University”) has formulated the following directions in accordance with the "Enforcement Regulations Governing the Industry-Academic Cooperation at Institutions of Higher Education”. 2. Unless otherwise stipulated by the law, matters related to university-industry collaboration projects. 3. The academic cooperation projects are divided into four categories according to their nature, including "research projects", "testing and technical services", "personnel exchange and training" and "technology transfer and business incubation". 4. The Principal Investigator of the project should make a proposal based on the budget of the required manpower, books, instruments and equipment maintenance, computer usage, equipment consumption, advanced instrument usage, travel expenses, management fees and other miscellaneous expenses. To undertake a research project as entrusted, an application form may be submitted with relevant documents, and the following procedures shall be followed: (1) For those sent by the teaching unit or the first-level research center, the contract shall be signed after obtaining the approval by the President through the Office of Research and Development. (2) For those sent by the Innovation Headquarters, the contract shall be signed after obtaining the approval by the President through the Innovation Headquarters. 5. The income from university-industry collaboration shall be included in the management of university endowment fund. 6. Appropriate administrative management fees shall be included in each university-industry collaboration project and deducted from project fees. The remaining amount after deducting administrative management fees is research fees. (1) The proportion of management fee is as follows: (A) Research project: (i) Research project of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC): Subject to the provisions of the NSTC. (ii) Research project commissioned by the government agencies, public and private institutions: Management fees of at least 20% shall be included in the total amount of funds. (iii) If a teacher's authorized plan approved by the University's administrative procedures in the name of the professional association involves the use of school resources, at least 20% of the total funds, the same proportion as the research project commissioned by the government agencies, public and private institutions, shall be submitted to the university endowment fund as the management fee in accordance with the user-pays principle. If there is any surplus at the end of the implementation of the project with lower management fee standard approved by the President, the management fee shall be made up first. After that, the remaining funds can be handled in accordance with the provisions of "National Cheng Kung University Directions on Management Fee and Surplus Fund of the University-Industry Collaboration Projects". (B) Testing and technical services: (i) Internal testing: For sporadic entrustment cases such as test, verification, laboratory analysis, planning and design, at least 20% management fee shall be allocated. (ii) External testing: For sporadic entrustment cases such as surveying, drilling, investigation and construction supervision, at least 5.5% management fee shall be allocated. (iii) For entrustment cases signed with the proposal, 6% management fee shall be included regardless of whether it is an internal or external testing. (C) Personnel exchange and training The internal business includes on-job training, training of technical personnel, training of special skills, and internship held on campus. The external business refers to activities that are held off campus. The management fee is arranged according to the "National Cheng Kung University Revenue and Expenditure Management Directions on Continuing Education”. (D) Technology transfer and business incubation (i) Technology transfer: 20% of the allocated amount to the Center for Corporate Relations and Technology Transfer (CCRTT) derived from the R&D achievements of the university shall be set aside as the management fee for the CCRTT. (ii) Business incubation: 20% of the income from the incubation services received by the Innovation Acceleration Center(IAC) will be used as the management fee of the IAC. (2) For seminars organized in the form of industry-university cooperation, no management fee is included in the grant. However, 5% of the charging and the subsidy from private organizations shall be listed as the management fee. (3) Except others stipulated by the entrustment, the remaining fund of each project will be transferred to the next year for further use and the authorized expenditure of all administrative expenses shall be subjected to the "National Cheng Kung University Directions on Management Fee and Surplus Fund of the University-Industry Collaboration Projects". 7. The application scope of the management fee (including surplus) is as follows: (1) Purchase and maintenance of equipment (2) Support for academic research and teaching development (3) The salary of teachers, technical professionals and researchers in the organization (seniority pay), bonus other than bonus, personnel fee and other payment for support personnel, overtime pay for administrative support personnel, and the remuneration for administrative support personnel with excellent performance in the industry-academic cooperation project (4) Funding for lectures (5) Awards for teaching and academic research (6) Travel expenses abroad (7) Additional purchase, replacement and full-time leasing of official vehicles (8) Support for new construction project (9) To control the borrowing and repayment of self-liquidating expenses (10) Dinner reception, gift or international exchange fund for foreign visitors (11) Hourly rate for lecturers, conference attendance fee and document inspection fee for staff of the University that are paid according to the standards of external scholars and experts (12) Taxi fare or fuel charge, toll, and parking fees for carrying out business (13) Travel expenses for interview of new teachers in teaching units (14) Investment according to “National Cheng Kung University Directions for Endowment Fund Investment.” (15) Other matters relating to the morale of teachers, researchers and students, and the promotion of academic development and industry-academic cooperation The application scope of the management fee of the preceding paragraph shall not apply if otherwise specified by subsidies (including scientific research) or entrustment institutions. Subparagraph 14 of paragraph 1 and Subparagraph 8 of paragraph 1 in Article 8 provides that the detail of investment such as invest amount, duration, profit distribution shall be prescribed separately 8. The application scope of the surplus is as follows: (1) For hiring assistants, purchasing equipment, miscellaneous expenses and other expenses related to teaching and research development, etc. (2) The surplus shall not be used for teachers' part-time remuneration. (3) The surplus shall be used to attend international academic conferences or visit relevant academic/research institutions abroad. (4) Dinner reception, gift or international exchange fund for foreign visitors (5) Hourly rate for lecturers, conference attendance fee and document inspection fee for staff of the University that are paid according to the standards of external scholars and experts (6) Taxi fare or fuel charge, toll, and parking fees for carrying out business (7) Performance remuneration for personnel with excellent performance in the industry-academic cooperation project (8) Investment according to “National Cheng Kung University Directions for Endowment Fund Investment.” Subparagraph 7 of paragraph 1 provides that the source of funds shall be limited to the surplus of the research project entrusted by the cooperative institutions. Conditions, methods and evaluation criteria for performance compensation shall be prescribed separately. A Senior Executive Officer of the University with a grade of 12 or above may, in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph 3 of paragraph 1, get an upgrade to business class on the flight or high speed rail with the surplus. For internationally renowned members of the National Academy of Sciences, members of important international societies and special honorary professors, the same may be done with approval. 9. Remuneration standard: When the department and the research center conduct university-industry collaboration projects, the staff remuneration shall not exceed 60 percent of the total funds of each project. The monthly remuneration of the personnel involved in the university-industry collaboration or commission shall be paid according to the following criteria: (1) For certified teachers or researchers: A. The monthly remuneration per project for the Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, and Sub-Investigator shall not exceed 65% of their Academic research fee. B. If the certified teachers or researchers serve as administrative head and have performance in the business of industry-university cooperation, the upper limit of monthly work remuneration shall be set according to the section 7 of the "National Cheng Kung University Compensation Guidelines for Employees". (2) For uncertified teachers or researchers: A. The monthly remuneration per project for the Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, and Sub-Investigator shall not exceed 30% of their salary. B. The uncertified research personnel shall only receive remuneration for one university-industry collaboration project serving as co-researcher at a time, and shall not exceed 30% of Profession allowances. C. If the uncertified researchers have performance in the business of industry-university cooperation, one other remuneration could be received, but the upper limit of monthly work remuneration shall not exceed 30% of their salary. (3) For the administrative personnel(including certified faculty, the personnel engaged by the University, Project Staff, technicians, maintenance workers, and drivers): A. The monthly remuneration per project for the Principal Investigator, Co-Principal Investigator, and Sub-Investigator shall not exceed 60% of their professional bonuses (for certified administrative personnel) or 30% of their salary (for uncertified administrative personnel.) B. The monthly remuneration per project for the co-researcher shall not exceed 60% of their professional bonuses (for certified administrative personnel) or 30% of their salary (for uncertified administrative personnel.) C. The administrative personnel shall only receive remuneration for one university-industry collaboration project at a time. However, If they have performance in the business of industry-university cooperation, one other remuneration could be received, but the upper limit of monthly work remuneration shall not exceed 60% of their professional bonuses (for certified administrative personnel) or 30% of their salary (for uncertified administrative personnel.) Outstanding staff members and workers rewards, Retirees’ service performance rewards, the personnel engaged by the University’s incentives, radiation protection staff allowances, fire prevention management group staff allowances and special performance work compensation, etc.shall not be limited by above rules, but the total bonus, allowance, incentive, and remuneration of certified administrative personnel shall not exceed the upper limit by government’s law. The income from management fees (including the surplus) shall be used for administrative personnel’s remuneration for university-industry collaboration work. In principle, it shall not exceed one fourth of the total management fee income of each unit in the previous year. 10. In order to take care of our students, part-time assistants shall, in principle, be students of the University. However, if the funding or entrusting agency has other regulations, such regulations shall apply. Employment and related rights and obligations regarding part-time research assistants shall be handled in accordance with the "National Cheng Kung University Interim Directions of Managing Part-time Research Assistants". 11. Each teacher should implement the entrusted research project in the name of the school. If teacher undertakes more than two entrusted research projected during the same period, the supervisor of the unit should prudently examine the projects and approve it only under the condition that the projects would not affect normal teaching activities. The same period referred to in the preceding paragraph means that the implementation periods of the plan overlap by more than four months. 12. Payment and reimbursement of funds shall be handled in accordance with accounting procedures and relevant laws and regulations. 13. Management of project assets and results: (1) Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the books, instruments and equipment purchased in the project shall belong to the school and be managed as the school property. (2) Where there is an agreement on the acquisition, lease or assignment of patent or other intellectual property rights, the results of the project shall follow the agreement. If there is no agreement, it shall be handled in accordance with the "National Cheng Kung University Management Guidelines On R&D Results". (3) The procedures for avoidance and disclosure of conflicts of interest in the implementation of the project and the application of research results shall be governed by the “Directions on Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest in the Application of R&D Results” of the University. 14. The Principal Investigator and all staff involved in the project must fulfil all commitments set out in the contract. 15. These directions shall be implemented and amended after approved at the University Endowment Fund Management Committee Meeting and the Administrative Council Meeting. |