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國立成功大學受贈文物資產審鑑委員會設置要點 National Cheng Kung University Directions for the Establishment of Received Cultural Artifacts Assets Review Committee |
101年11月21日第166次行政會議通過 Passed at the 166th Administrative Meeting on Nov. 21, 2012 107年1月17日第188次行政會議通過 Passed at the 188th Administrative Meeting on Jan. 17, 2018
一、 國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)依據行政院「中央政府各機關珍貴動產不動產管理要點」第五點之規定,設「國立成功大學受 贈文物資產審鑑委員會」(以下簡稱本會)。 1. According to Article 5 of the Directions for Valuable Chattel and Real Estate Properties of the Central Government of the Executive Yuan, National Cheng Kung University (hereafter “the University”) established the National Cheng Kung University Received Cultural Artifacts Assets Review Committee (hereafter “the Committee”). 二、 本會之任務為審議本校受贈文物資產之收受、取得、評鑑等相關事宜。其審議原則如下: (一)受贈文物之收受,須考量是否與辦學理念、願景及宗旨有關,物件與校史相關、具典藏價值或可自成一家。 (二)受贈文物之取得,須合法、來源明確及產權清楚,並有充分相當證明文件。 (三)受贈文物之評鑑,僅限評鑑是否屬於文物範疇,不涉及價值評鑑。 2. The responsibility of this Committee is to review the reception, acquisition, and review of cultural artifacts donated to the University. The review principles are as follows: University and determine whether it is related to the history of the University, has sufficient value to be archived, and has uniqueness. accompanied with sufficient documentation. mercenary value. 三、 本會由下列委員組成之: (一)當然委員:校長指派之副校長(兼召集人)、主任秘書、財務長、總務長、主計主任、博物館館長、藝術中心中心主 任。 (二)推薦委員:校內外相關領域之專家學者二至三人,由博物館或藝術中心依個案推薦名單,簽請校長聘任。 3. This Committee consists of the following members: General, Vice President for Finance, Vice President for General Affairs, Comptroller, Director of the NCKU Museum, and Director of the Art Center. reviewing the received asset in question by the NCKU Museum or Art Center and ratified and hired by the President. 四、 本會開會應有出席委員二分之一以上出席始得開會,並經出席委員二分之一以上同意始得議決。 4. A meeting can only be held when at least half of the members are present. A decision can only be made when at least half of the present Committee members agree. 五、 本會得視實際需要隨時召開之,由召集人召集,並為主席,必要時,得邀請相關單位人員或團體列席。召集人因故不克主 持會議時,由召集人指定出席委員一人擔任主席。 5. A meeting may be held at any time according to the need. The convener is the chairperson. When needed, relevant personnel or groups may attend by invitation. When unable to host a meeting, the chairperson should assign one of the attending Committee members to serve as the chairperson. 六、 本會委員均為無給職,但非由本校人員兼任及受邀之非本校人員,得依規定支領審查費、出席費及差旅費。 6. The Committee Member is a non-compensated position. However, external Committee members must be compensated the review fee, attendance fee, and transportation fee in accordance with relevant regulations. 七、 本要點未盡事宜,悉依學校相關規定辦理。 7. Matters not covered in these Directions will be addressed according to the University’s related regulations. 八、 本要點經行政會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。 8. These Directions shall be implemented upon approval by the Administrative Meeting. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly.
These directions were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.