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國立成功大學補助研究人員參與教學要點 National Cheng Kung University Guidelines for Subsidizing Research Fellows’ Participation in Teaching |
100 學年度第 4 次校務基金管理委員會通過 Promogulated in the 4th meeting of the Endowment Fund Management Committee of the 2011 academic year 109年10月21日109學年度第1次校務會議通過組織調整 The organization chart was amended in the 1st University Council of the 2020 academic year on October 21, 2020. 110年4月28日第827次主管會報修正 Amended in the 827th executive reporting conference on Apr 28, 2021 110年5月28日109學年度第3次校務基金管理委員會修正 Amended in the 3rd meeting of the Endowment Fund Management Committee of the 2020 academic year on May 28, 2021 110年7月14日第828次主管會報修正 Amended in the 828th executive reporting conference on Jul 14, 2021 |
一、為鼓勵國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)研究人員參與教學、提升本校教學研究能量,特訂定本要點。 These Guidelines are developed for encouraging research staff at National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter called “the University”) to participate in teaching as well as elevate the teaching and research energy of the University.
二、補助對象:本校編制內研究人員、校務基金進用約聘研究人員、博士後研究人員、延攬優秀人才實施要點第二點及產學創新總中心暨所屬各研究中心聘僱人員進用及待遇支給要點第二點之研究人員。 Assistance objects: Certified research fellows at the University, contract research personnel employed by the School Fund, postdoctoral research, and research fellows employed through Point 2 of the working guidelines for Implementation Directions for Recruiting Outstanding Talents as well as Point 2 of the working guidelines for Governing the Appointment, Remuneration, and Payment in the Innovation Headquarters.
三、申請方式: (一)研究人員於本校任職後,提出本校任教資格等證明文件送研究發展處會同相關單位審查。 (二)審查通過者,依兼任教師等級,每學期補助必要教材教具及其他業務費,最高以新臺幣四萬元為上限。 Application method: (1) After assuming a position at the University, a research fellow should submit his or her teaching qualifications from the University or other certified documents to the research and development division for reviewing with concerned department. (2) Once approval has been granted , the research fellow can be subsidized for necessary teaching materials or aids as well as other budget for running expenses graded by their adjunct position; the subsidy is limited to NT$40,000 per semester.
四、本要點所需經費由校務基金或教育部專案計畫經費編列預算支應。 The funding sources of these working guidelines budgeted by the School Fund or Project Plan of Ministry of Education.
五、本要點審查標準與作業程序另訂之,未盡之事宜,依本校相關法令辦理。 Review standard and operating procedures of the guidelines will be enacted additionally. Unaccomplished matters shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations of the University.
六、本要點經主管會報及校務基金管理委員會通過後實施,修正時亦同。 The working guidelines will be implemented after approval at the Executive board Meeting and the School Fund Management Committee ﹐and the same for modification
These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence. |