


National Cheng Kung University Directions for Managing the Donation Income and Expenditure


Passed at the 157th Administrative Meeting, May. 28, 2008


Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (3) Zi, No. 0970198815, dated Oct. 07, 2008


Amended at the 162nd Administrative Meeting, Nov. 24, 2010


Amended at the 164th Administrative Meeting, Nov. 23, 2011


Amended at the 171st Administrative Meeting, Feb. 26, 2014


Amended at the 183rd Administrative Meeting, Nov. 16, 2016


Amended at the 4th University Council Meeting of the 2020 academic year on June 9, 2021


Amended at the 215rd Administrative Meeting, Dec. 21, 2022


Amended at the 223rd Administrative Meeting, May 8, 2024



1. To manage donation income, National Cheng Kung University (hereafter “the University”) abides by the National University

    Endowment Fund Establishment Act, the Regulations on the Management and Monitoring of the National University

    Endowment Fund, the National Cheng Kung University Revenue and Expenditure Management of Self-Generated Endowment

    Fund Regulations and has established these Directions.



2. The donation income in these directions refers to the personal property, real estate, and any other forms of rights or debt

    reduction by asset values that the University has received without compensation (e.g., cash, securities, fixed assets, and intangible








3. All donation income should go toward the university endowment fund. For received income without a designated use, its use

    shall be determined by the University. Donation income with designated use should have a use related to the university affairs.

    For donation income in the form of cash (including check and remittance) with a designated use that is not fully controlled

    by the University should be allocated particular amount of administrative management fee. The allocation ratio is as follows: 

    (1) If the actual use is the same in nature as income from university-industry cooperation or income from extension education, it

          shall be handled in accordance with the University’s Revenue and Expenditure Management Directions on University-Industry

          Collaboration Projects or Revenue and Expenditure Management Directions on Extension Education.

    (2) Designated use for student association activities, scholarships, or emergency relief are exempt from appropriation.

    (3) For those who do not fall under the circumstances of the preceding two paragraphs, at least 5% should be allocated as

          administrative management fee in principle. However, in special situations, the projects which are signed and approved by the

          University’s president can be waived. 







4. Donation income in the form of cash should be given to and received by the University. Pursuant to Article 37 of the National

    Property Act, that in the forms other than cash (including personal property, real estate, securities, and rights) shall be

    reported by the Property Management Division according to relevant procedure to the Ministry of Education, which shall 

    submit it to the competent authority designated by the Executive Yuan. That in the form of real estate should be solidly checked

    and delivered to the University, and the Property Management Division should conduct the ownership transfer registration.

    After signing the donation contract, the University can provide a fundraising confirmation letter. Only after cash has been

    received or the property has undergone property right transfer may the donation receipt or proof of donation be provided.

    However, if the donor needs donation receipt in advance, it can be processed after the approval of the University’s president.

    Besides, the pre-issued receipt should be marked "Once the cash is received, this receipt will become effective. If the cash is not

    delivered within 15 days, this receipt and the fundraising confirmation letter should be returned to the University, and if not

    returned, the University has the right to cancel it directly.”


5. The University manages donation income and may not have inappropriate profit connections with donors.


6. For zealous donors, the University may refer to the Regulation on Awarding Entities Donating or Supporting the Education

    Industry promulgated by the Ministry of Education and provide suitable incentives.



        (一)本校學校人員人事費支應原則(下稱人事費支應原則)第三點第一款之編制內教師,本薪 (年功薪)、加給以外之給與。










        (十)其他有助於校務發展,並經 校長核可者之支出。

7. Donations without a designated use are to be organized and used by the University. Without countering relevant regulations

    under the National Cheng Kung University Revenue and Expenditure Management of Self-Generated Endowment Fund

    Regulations they may be used in the following purposes:
    (1) As payment other than the base pay (seniority pay) and allowance of permanent faculty and staff in accordance with

          Subparagraph 1, Article 3 of the National Cheng Kung University Staff Personnel Expense Payment Directions (hereafter the

          Personnel Expense Payment Directions).
    (2) As personnel payment for contracted staff in accordance with Subparagraph 1-10, Article 5 of the Personnel Expense

          Payment Directions.
    (3) As a bonus or reward for outstanding administrative and academic units or individual faculty or staff members in

          accordance with Subparagraph 7-10, Article 4 and Subparagraph 17, Article 4 of the Personnel Expense Payment Directions.
    (4) As a reward for administrative workers who have demonstrated excellent performance in generating self-generated income

          for the University.
    (5) To pay for the University’s academic research, international exchanges, or international business trips of faculty and staff.
    (6) To pay for students’ domestic and foreign exchange, subsidize scholarships granted for students under the poverty line, and

          meet students’ other needs.
    (7) To purchase, replace, or rent official vehicles.
    (8) To pay for the University’s new or repaired engineering projects.
    (9) To invest in companies and enterprises associated with the University’s development or research activity or invest in others

          that are beneficial to improving performance.
    (10) As other forms of payment that are conducive to the development of the University and have been approved by the

            University’s president.




8. The University’s permanent teachers, professional technicians and researchers whose roles are comparable to those of teachers

    concurrently serve as non-establishment supervisory positions, if the expenditure is sourced from the designated-purpose

    donation income, it wouldn’t be restrict by the University’s Implementation Directions for Recruiting  teachers, professional

    technicians and researchers whose roles are comparable to those of teachers concurrently serve as non-establishment

    supervisory positions. However, the total amount of compensation for the position of the supervisor shall not exceed the sum of

    the monthly base salary (seniority pay) and the academic research fee.


9. The designated-purpose donation income may established another payment standard because of the development needs of the 

    recipient purpose. Besides, the standard shall be signed and approved by the University’s president in accordance with the

    administrative procedures.







10. The designated donation receiving unit shall effectively implement the budget and shall not change its purpose without the

      consent of the donor. However, if the purpose of the donation has been achieved or becomes non-existent, or if the donation

      income has not been spent for more than five years after it was recorded, it may be handled in the following manner after being

      proposed by the designated donation receiving unit and approved by the University Endowment Fund Management Committee:

       (1) If the amount is below NT$10,000, it will be transferred to undesignated donation income and used at the discretion of the

       (2) If the amount exceeds NT$10,000, a one-year grace period will be given. If it still has not been spent within one year, it will

              be used at the discretion of the University.

      After the donation income is transferred to the coordinated use fund of the University as described in the preceding paragraph,

      the original designated donation receiving unit has priority in allocation and may be allocated funds for specific projects based

      on business needs with the approval of the University’s president.

      In order to reasonably reflect the management costs, if the donation income has not been spent for five consecutive years after

      the donation is recorded, an additional management fee of 5% (not less than NT$1,000) of the donation balance (excluding

      management fees) may be charged every year.



11. The Office of Finance is the department responsible for receiving donations for the University. The donation acceptance form

        and operation procedures are stipulated separately. The revenue and expenditure of donation income with a legal voucher 

        under a specified account. Budget, accounting, and statistics personnel are responsible for accounting processing and 

        compiling financial statements.


12. Unless otherwise provided by the statutes, the income and expenditure management regarding donated income is conducted in

        accordance with these Directions.


13 The Directions shall be implemented upon approval by the University Endowment Fund Management Committee and

        Administrative Meeting. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly.


These directions were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.