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國立成功大學自償性支出及建設控管辦法 NCKU Regulations for Controlling Self-compensatory Expenditures and Construction |
國立成功大學自償性支出及建設控管辦法 NCKU Regulations for Controlling Self-compensatory Expenditures and Construction 94年3月30日93學年度第三次校務會議延會通過 教育部94.10.25台高(三)字第0940142288號函核備 Approved on March 30, 2005 via the extended 3rdUniversity Council for Academic Year 2004 and filed for reference with the Ministry of Education through the Tai-Gao-(III) No. 0940142288 letter dated October 25, 2005 99年10月8日 99學年度第1次校務基金管理委員會修訂通過 Revised and approved on October 8, 2010 via the first University Endowment Fund Management Committee for Academic Year 2010 100年1月5日99學年度第2次校務會議修正通過 Revised and approved on January 5, 2011 via the second University Council for Academic Year 2010 102年12月11日 102學年度第2次校務基金管理委員會修訂通過 Revised and approved on December 11, 2013 via the second University Endowment Fund Management Committee for Academic Year 2013 103年4月9日102學年度第4次校務會議修正通過 Revised and Approved on April 9, 2014 via the fourth University Council for Academic Year 2013 第一條 為健全本校進行自償性支出及建設之財務管理,依據本校校務基金自籌收入收支管理辦法第八條之規定,訂定 「國立成功大學自償性支出及建設控管辦法」(以下簡稱本辦法)。 Article 1 These NCKU Regulations for Controlling Self-compensatory Expenditures and Construction (the “Regulations”) are established as required by Article 8 of the University’s Regulations Governing the Management of Income and Expenditures of Self-raised Income as the University Endowment Fund in order to normalize financial management of the University in self-compensatory expenditures and construction. 第二條 本辦法所稱自償性支出及建設,係指計畫於營運期間向使用者收取相當費用,以供全部或部分償付其原投資成本 之支出或建設。 Article 2 “Self-compensatory expenditures and construction” herein refers to the collection of comparable fees from users during operation of the project for complete or partial payment of the expenditure with the original investment cost or constructions. 第三條 本校生活服務性設施之提供或其他可供營運項目,以自償性支出或建設方式辦理為原則。 Article 3 The provision of daily-life service-oriented facilities or other operable items of the University is to apply self-compensatory expenditures or construction in principle. 第四條 本校自償性支出或建設計畫,應優先依「促進民間參與公共建設法」鼓勵民間參與投資;如因性質特殊或民間無 意願投資之自償性支出或建設,始得評估自辦。 Article 4 For the University’s self-compensatory expenditures or construction projects, investments from civil society shall be prioritized according to the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects. Only self-compensatory expenditures or construction of a special nature or in which civil society is not interested in investing may be evaluated for the possibility of self-funding. 第五條 本校自辦自償性支出或建設,應強化財務規劃及成本效益評估,其可行性得聘請校內專業教師若干人組成小組協 助審查並經校務基金管理委員會審議通過後據以執行。 前項自償性支出或建設之財務規劃及成本效益評估,得委託專業機構辦理。 Article 5 For the University’s self-funded self-compensatory expenditures or construction, financial planning and cost-effectiveness evaluation shall be reinforced. Several professional teachers from within the University may be asked to form a group that helps review the feasibility and they may be implemented accordingly once reviewed and approved through the University Endowment Fund Management Committee). The financial planning and cost-effectiveness evaluation of self-compensatory expenditures or construction indicated in the preceding paragraph may be outsourced to a professional agency. 第六條 本校自辦自償性支出或建設之自籌項目經費來源不足時,得向金融機構舉借,貸款金額須經校務基金管理委員會 及校務會議審議通過。校務會議必要時得成立專案小組監督。累計貸款金額,以不超過新臺幣10億元為限。 前項向金融機構舉借時,應就利率水準、償還年期等評比甄選適當行庫辦理。 Article 6 In the event that there is insufficient funding for self-raised items of the University’s self-funded self-compensatory expenditures or construction, borrowing from financial institutions is allowed. The value of the loan, however, is subject to prior review and approval by the University Endowment Fund Management Committee and through the University Council. If necessary, a project task force may be formed to supervise the University Council. The accumulated value of the loans may not exceed NT$ 1 billion. For loans from financial institutions as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, a suitable bank shall be screened and selected according to the interest rate level and the payoff deadline, among others. 第七條 辦理自償性支出或建設,應於計畫完工營運後,每半年檢討營運情形及債務負擔狀況,如有無法達成原訂自償率 之虞時,管理單位應即檢討提出改進措施。 Article 7 Self-compensatory expenditures or construction shall be discussed once every six months after the project is completed and becomes operative with regard to the operational status and debt burden. In case of any concern over the inability to fulfill the originally established self-compensation rate, the managing unit shall reflect and introduce improvement measures. 第八條 自償性支出或建設之營收,應個別列帳控管。 Article 8 Revenue from self-compensatory expenditures or construction shall undergo accounting and be controlled separately. 第九條 舉借債務之清償,除由營運收入按月攤還外,得就自籌項目經費提撥一定比例金額,充當舉借還款準備金。 前項提撥比例由校務基金管理委員會審議之。 Article 9 Raised debts are to be amortized over the respective months and paid off with the operating income and a certain ratio may be set aside from self-raised budgets to serve as the reserve for paying off the loans, too. The ratio to be set aside as mentioned in the preceding paragraph is to be reviewed and decided by the University Endowment Fund Management Committee. 第十條 本辦法經校務基金管理委員會審議後,提交校務會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。 Article 10 These Regulations are to be enforced following review by the University Endowment Fund Management Committee and subsequent approval through the University Council. The same shall apply to their revisions. |