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國立成功大學資源教室輔導人員進用及考核要點 National Cheng Kung University Directions for Recruiting and Evaluating Resource Room Counseling Staff |
112年11月6日112學年度第1學期特殊教育推行委員會通過 Approved by the Special Education Implementation Committee in the fall semester of the 2023–2024 academic year on November 6, 2023 113年5月24日112學年度第2學期學生事務會議通過 Approved by the Student Affairs Council in the spring semester of the 2023–2024 academic year on May 26, 2023 |
一、國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為明確規範資源教室輔導人員遴聘、進用及考核等相關事項,依據特殊教育法、高等教育階段學校特殊教育專責單位與資源教室設置及專責人員進用辦法及教育部補助大專校院招收及輔導身心障礙學生實施要點規定,訂定本要點。 I. To clearly regulate the selection, employment, and evaluation of resource room counseling staff at National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter "NCKU"), the National Cheng Kung University Directions for Recruiting and Evaluating Resource Room Counseling Staff (hereinafter “the Directions”) were formulated in accordance with the Special Education Act, the Regulations on the Establishment and Employment of Special Education Units and Resource Rooms in Higher Education Institutions, and the Ministry of Education’s “Directions for the Implementation of Subsidizing Higher Education Institutions for Enrolling and Supporting Students with Disabilities.”
二、權責單位:學生事務處心理健康與諮商輔導組(以下簡稱學務處心輔組)。 II. Responsible unit: The Counseling and Wellness Services Division of the Office of Student Affairs.
三、資源教室輔導人員之角色與功能: (一)溝通橋梁者:將校內特殊教育學生所需的支持服務,在符合行政倫理下,積極與校內單位溝通。 (二)倡議者:彙整特殊教育學生對無障礙環境的需求,作為總務處研擬整體改善校園無障礙環境之參考,參加教育部辦理之相關研習,增進相關知能等。 (三)轉介者:轉介有心理諮商需求之學生予心理師。 (四)諮詢者:提供師生有關特殊教育之相關諮詢。 (五)資源整合者:整合及連結校內外身心障礙相關資源。 III. Roles and functions of resource room counseling staff: (I) Communication bridge: Actively communicate with NCKU departments to provide necessary support and services for students in special education while adhering to administrative ethics. (II) Advocate: Compile the needs of students in special education for barrier-free environments to serve as a reference for the Office of General Affairs for the overall improvement of a barrier-free campus. Participate in relevant training sessions organized by the Ministry of Education to enhance related knowledge and skills. (III) Referrer: Refer students with psychological counseling needs to therapists. (IV) Consultant: Provide consultations to faculty and students regarding special education. (V) Resource integrator: Integrate and connect resources related to disabilities both within and outside NCKU.
四、資源教室輔導人員之工作職掌: (一)訂定及實施特殊教育方案相關事項。 (二)訂定及執行學校年度特殊教育工作計畫。 (三)協助特殊教育學生申請鑑定等相關事項。 (四)協助特殊教育學生招生及提供考試服務措施等相關事項。 (五)訂定個別化支持計畫及提供支持服務等相關事項。 (六)協助辦理無障礙環境之設置及改善。 (七)其他特殊教育相關業務。 (八)主管臨時交辦事項。 IV. Duties and responsibilities of resource room counseling staff: (I) Develop and implement matters related to special education programs. (II) Formulate and execute the NCKU annual special education work plan. (III) Assist students in special education with evaluation applications and related matters. (IV) Facilitate the admission process for students in special education and provide necessary examination services. (V) Develop individualized support plans and offer related support services. (VI) Assist in the establishment and improvement of barrier-free environments. (VII) Handle other tasks related to special education. (VIII) Implement temporary tasks as assigned by supervisors.
五、資源教室輔導人員之遴聘與敘薪: (一)遴聘資格:具有大學畢業以上學歷者,且應以特殊教育輔導相關系所畢業者為優先。 (二)敘薪標準:依本校專案工作人員待遇支給標準表及教育部補助大專校院招收及輔導身心障礙學生實施要點辦理,起薪不得低於280薪點;通過教育部大專校院特殊教育專業資格認定者,大學學歷以315薪點起支,碩士學歷以330薪點起支。 (三)其他工作權利義務事項:依本校校務基金進用專案工作人員實施辦法等相關規定辦理。 V. Recruitment and salary of resource room counseling staff: (I) Recruitment qualifications: Candidates must possess at least a university degree, with preference given to graduates from fields related to special education or counseling. (II) Salary standards: Salaries are determined according to the National Cheng Kung University Standard Table of Remuneration and Payment for Project Staff and the Ministry of Education’s “Directions for the Implementation of Subsidizing Higher Education Institutions for Enrolling and Supporting Students with Disabilities.”. The starting salary shall not be less than 280 salary points. Those who have passed the Special Education Professional Qualification Certification for Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education and have a university degree or a master’s degree will start at 315 or 330 salary points, respectively. (III) Other work rights and obligations: Governed by the National Cheng Kung University Implementation Regulations for the Recruitment of Project Staff on the University Endowment Fund.
六、資源教室輔導人員之考核,由學務處心輔組依本校相關規定辦理。 VI. Evaluations are conducted by the Counseling and Wellness Services Division of the Office of Student Affairs in accordance with NCKU regulations.
七、資源教室輔導人員在職期間,應參加教育部委託各特教中心辦理之大專校院特殊教育專責單位輔導人員特殊教育研習,每人每年最低研習時數為三十六小時。 VII. During their tenure, counseling staff must participate in the special education training for counselors of specialized special education units in colleges and universities by special education centers entrusted by the Ministry of Education. The minimum participation duration is 36 hours annually per person.
八、本要點經特殊教育推行委員會及學生事務會議通過,陳請校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。 VIII. These Directions shall be implemented upon approval by the Special Education Implementation Committee and the Student Affairs Council and ratification of the president. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly.
(These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.) |