86.03.05 八十五學年度第二次校務會議修正通過
Amended in the 2nd University Council of the 1996 academic year on Mar. 05, 1997
86.04.16 八十五學年度第四次校務會議修正通過
Amended in the 4th University Council of the 1996 academic year on Apr. 16, 1997
86.10.22 八十六學年度第一次校務會議修正通過
Amended in the 1st University Council of the 1997 academic year on Oct. 22, 1997
奉教育部 86.11.6 台(86)申字第 86129000 號函核定
Approved by order of the Ministry of Education’s notice, Taiwan (1997) Shen-Tzu-No. 8612900
94.04.27 九十三學年度第四次校務會議修正通過
Amended in the 4th University Council of the 2004 academic year on Apr. 27, 2005
奉教育部 94.5.5 台申字第 0940060528 號書函核定
Approved by order of the Ministry of Education’s notice, Taiwan Shen-Tzu-No. 094006528
94.12.28 九十四學年度第二次校務會議修正通過
Amended in the 2nd University Council of the 2005 academic year on Dec. 28, 2005
95.3.15 九十四學年度第四次校務會議修正通過
Amended in the 4th University Council of the 2005 academic year on Mar. 15, 2005 99.10.27
Amended in the 1st University Council of the 2010 academic year on Oct. 27, 2010
107.6.13 一百零六學年度第四次校務會議修正通過
Amended in the 4th University Council of the 2018 academic year on June 13, 2018
Amended in the 1th University Council of the 2020 academic year on October 21, 2020
Amended in the 2nd University Council of the 2022 academic year on December 28, 2022
第一章 總則
第二章 組織
第三章 申訴要件
第四章 申訴評議程序
第五章 評議決定
第六章 附則
Chapter 1 General provisions
Article 1 To ensure teachers’ rights and interests and to review appeals lodged by teachers, National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter referred to as the “University” or as “NCKU”) established the Teacher’s Appeal Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) and formulated the National Cheng Kung University Organizational and Review Directions of Teacher’s Appeal Review Committee (hereinafter referred to as “Directions”) in accordance with Guidelines Governing Organization and Review of Teacher Appeals Committee and Article 24 of the NCKU Organizational Regulations
Chapter 2 Organization
Article 2 The Committee consists of 15 members, including the following persons:
(1)10 representatives of professors (1 guaranteed quota for each college).
(2)1 legal scholar.
(3)1 academic scholar.
(4)1 University representative.
(5)1 impartial social representative.
(6)1 representative from the NCKU Teachers Association.
The Committee shall comprise no less than two-thirds of members who are teachers not simultaneously performing administrative roles, and members of any specific gender shall be more than one-third of the total members.
The College Affairs Council of each college shall recommend two professor representatives (one candidate for each gender) from among full-time professors in the college who do not hold administrative roles to the University Council for selection.
The representative from the NCKU Teachers Association shall be nominated by the NCKU Teachers Association.
Committee members listed in Paragraph 1 Subparagraphs 2 to 5 are selected by the NCKU President (selected members shall consist of 1 to 2 members of each gender) and are appointed after approval by the University Council.
Article 3 The position of review Committee member is unpaid. Committee members serve a term of two years and may be reappointed if re-elected. The term of the original Committee member is extended until the new Committee members are appointed if new members fail to be appointed before the term of the original Committee members expire.
If a vacancy occurs in Committee member positions held by a representative of professors, the vacancy shall be filled by the representative who received the second highest number of votes in the college. If a vacancy occurs in Committee member positions held by other parties, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance to Paragraphs 4 and 5 in the preceding Article.
If a vacancy in a Committee member position arises, the vacancy shall be filled by a successor who will serve until the expiry of the term of the original Committee member.
Article 4 The NCKU president or personnel appointed by the NCKU president shall serve as the chairperson of the first meeting of the review Committee of each academic year. After the chairperson of the review Committee is elected, the chairperson shall convene all subsequent meetings.
The review Committee chairperson position is elected by Committee members. The Committee chairperson serves a term of one year and may be reappointed if re-elected.
If the chairperson is unable to chair the meeting, the chairperson must designate one Committee member as acting chairperson. If the chairperson does not appoint an acting chairperson, other Committee members shall elect an acting chairperson from among themselves.
Upon written request by one-half of Committee members or more, the chairperson shall convene a Committee meeting within 20 days.
Chapter 3 Appeal element
Article 5 Full-time teachers of the University may appeal to the University if they feel their rights and / or interests have been injured by any measure taken by the University regarding them and / or if they believe the University’s resolution is illegal or improper.
Teachers whose rights and / or interests were unlawfully or improperly injured by the University’s inaction to their application lodged according to the laws and regulations during the period stipulated by the laws and regulations are entitled to file an appeal to the University. If the laws and regulations do not stipulate the performance period for a particular action, such period shall be set as two months from the date of the University’s receipt of the application.
During their tenure, part-time teachers may file an appeal to the University about the violation of their rights and interests if they believe that the following processes were conducted in an illegal or inappropriate manner: application for teacher qualification review, review outcomes, and measures taken by NCKU—in accordance with the Regulations Governing the Appointment of Part-Time Teachers at Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education—regarding the termination or suspension of their contract, compensation, leave, or pension.
Article 6 Appeals shall be filed in written form within 30 days from the day after the resolution was received or came to the appellant’s attention.
The period described in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the date the Committee receives the Appeal Form.
Article 7 Appellants shall fill in the following items in the Appeal Form (Appendix) and include their own or their agent’s signature or stamp:
(1)The appellant’s name, date of birth, ID number, service unit and position title, place of residence, telephone number, the date the resolution was received or came to notice, facts and reasons pertaining to the appeal, compensation demanded, and the date the appeal was lodged.
(2)If the appeal is lodged by an agent, the Appeal Form shall include the agent’s name, date of birth, ID number, place of residence, and phone number.
(3)The unit from which the appellant received the resolution.
(4)Whether the appellant submitted an administrative appeal, filed a lawsuit, or submitted an application for mediation or arbitration according to the “Act for Settlement of Labor-Management Disputes Law.” If so, details regarding the authority or court to which the appellant made their submission shall be provided, together with the date of the submission.
(5)If the resolution included written documents, said documents shall be attached, and the method and time of delivery of the documents detailed.
(6)Any other relevant documents and evidence.
Appellants lodging an appeal in conditions listed in Article 5 Paragraph 2 shall attach printed copies of the original application documentation and evidence of receipt from the unit of acceptance.
A description of the appeal and the required documents shall be in Chinese. If a document was originally in another language, the document must be translated into Chinese, and the original document attached.
Article 8 If the lodged appeal does not conform to the requirements stated in the preceding Article, the appellant must revise the Appeal Form within 20 days of receipt of notification by the Committee.
Chapter 4 Appeal review procedure
Article 9 Within 10 days following the date of receipt of an Appeal Form, the Committee shall submit printed copies of the Appeal Form and relevant documentation to the unit from which the appellant received the resolution so that the unit may provide an explanation.
Within 20 days following the date of receipt of the written notification made by the Committee, the unit shall send a written explanation and relevant documents to the Committee as well as disclose a copy of the explanation to the appellant. However, if the unit perceives the appeal to be reasonable, the unit may revoke or change its original decision and measures; in such case, the unit shall notify the Committee of its actions.
Following the preceding paragraph, if the unit does not provide an explanation as required, the Committee may commence a review at its own discretion.
If the appellant makes revisions to the Appeal Form, the period stated in Paragraph 1 shall start from the date following the revision. If the appellant does not make revisions to the Appeal Form, the period shall start from the date following the expiration of the stipulated revision period.
Article 10 The appellant must notify the Committee in writing if the appeal or related incidents is currently under or has been submitted for administrative appeal, administrative litigation, civil litigation, or criminal litigation.
In the case that the decision on an appeal, in whole or in part, is premised upon the existence or non-existence of certain legal relations to be determined in another administrative appeal, lawsuit, or settlement procedure of labor-management disputes, the committee may halt the review process and so notify the appellant in writing before the end of the appeal, lawsuit, or settlement procedure of labor-management disputes. After the cause for the interruption of the review is removed, the review shall continue upon written request by the appellant.
The Committee shall halt the review if the appellant first files an administrative appeal then lodges an appeal to the University in accordance with the Directions. After the cause for the interruption of the review is eliminated, the review shall recommence at the written request of the appellant.
Article 11 The Committee meeting shall be based on the principle of non-disclosure, and that its resolution shall be based on the written appeal submitted by the appellant and relevant units.
During the review, the committee may decide the appellant, relevant parties, academic experts, or personnel assigned by the unit from which the appellant received the resolution to be invited to attend the meeting and provide relevant explanation.
The Committee shall be objective, fair, and impartial during the appeal review process, and it shall not treat an appellant differently without any justifiable reason.
Article 12 Prior to the review process, the appellant may propose for the recusal of any Committee member by submitting listed proper reasons and facts proving that said member of the Committee is likely to be biased.
The proposed reasons stated in the preceding paragraph shall be resolved by the Committee.
Committee members with a conflict of interest in the appeal shall recuse themselves. If said Committee members do not recuse themselves and the appellant does not propose the recusal of the Committee members, the Committee shall recuse the Committee members on its own initiative.
During the review process, except by the resolution of the Committee, Committee members shall not engage with parties concerned in the matter, persons representing conflicts of interest, or stakeholders outside the review process.
Chapter 5 Review decision
Article 13 The Committee’s review decision shall be completed within three months after receipt of the appeal, excluding appeals in which the review process is halted as stated in Article 10. If necessary, this period may be extended, in which case the appellant shall be so notified. Each appeal may only be extended once for a maximum of two months.
If the appellant makes revisions to the Appeal Form pursuant to Article 8, the period stated in the previous paragraph shall start from the day following the revision; if the appellant does not revise the Appeal Form, the period stated shall start from the day following the expiration of the stipulated revision period. If the review process is stopped pursuant to Article 10, the period stated is recounted starting the day the review process is continued. If additional reasons are added to the appeal during the review decision period, the period shall start from the day following the day the final additional reason was added.
Article 14 If an appeal meets any of the following criteria, the Committee shall make a decision of “Case not Entertained” with reasons:
(1)The Appeal Form does not meet the requirements of the Directions and cannot be revised or if the appellant fails, after notification, to revise the Appeal Form during the revision period provided.
(2)The Appeal Form was lodged after the period stated in Article 6.
(3)The appellant is ineligible.
(4)The original resolution no longer exists or the outcome of the appeal will not result in any substantial benefits.
(5)The University has resolved or taken measures for the appeal filed in accordance with Article 5 Paragraph 2.
(6)A re-appeal based on the same reasons or facts as appeals that have been resolved or withdrawn.
(7)The original measurement was an administrative disposition, and the appellant applies to request the Committee, in accordance with the Article 10 Paragraph 3 of the Directions, to continue the review process of appeal..
(8)The appeal involves matters that is beyond the Committee’s jurisdiction or is beyond the scope of teacher’s appeal procedure.
Article 15 While an appeal is without merits, the committee shall dismiss it by a decision.
Although the original resolution is made with improper reasoning, the appeal shall be dismissed as without merits while there are other reasons to support the original resolution.
Article 16 When the appeal is determined to be sustainable by the Committee, the Committee’s review decision shall detail the reasons of its sustainability and compensation measures, if any, in the main text of the review. .
For appeals filed under the conditions detailed in Article 5 Paragraph 2, if the Committee determines that the appeal is sustainable, the Committee may order the unit to take measures within a designated period.
Article 17 Prior to the review process, if the Committee deems it necessary, the Committee may select three to five members to review the evidence, research and analyze facts and relevant regulations, and provide review examination opinions to the Committee.
Article 18 Review meetings may commence only upon the attendance of at least one-half of the Committee members in person. Resolutions on others matters may be passed with the consent of over one-half of the attending members, excluding resolutions on review decisions, which shall only be passed with the consent of at least two-thirds of the attending members.
For the resolution in the previous paragraph, the attendance of recused Committee members is not included in determining the number of Committee members required to be in attendance.
Article 19 The voting method of the committee’s resolution, determined based on the chairman’s consideration of the content of the appeal, shall be in the form of inquiry of objections, show of hands, or secret ballot. The review process and the opinions of individual members shall be kept strictly confidential.
The voting method and results detailed in the preceding paragraph shall be recorded in the meeting minutes. After the conclusion of the voting, the ballots shall be sealed in situ, signed by the chair and scrutineer selected from among Committee members, and preserved by the Committee.
Article 20 The Committee shall appoint personnel to compile the files to be attached with the review records. Committee members whose opinions differ from the review decision may request to have their opinions recorded in the meeting record.
Article 21 The review decision shall include the following items:
(1)The appellant’s name, date of birth, ID number, service unit and position title, and place of residence.
(2)If the Appeal Form is filed by an agent or representative of the appellant, the Appeal Form shall include the name, date of birth, ID number, and place of residence of the agent or representative.
(3)The main text, facts, and reasons for filing the appeal. If the decision is “Case not Entertained,” the facts may be omitted.
(4)The year, month, and day of the review decision.
(5)The Committee chairperson’s signature.
The review decision shall come attached with the means of remedy available and the authority with which application for remedy must be filed if the appellant is dissatisfied with the review decision.
Article 22 The review decision shall serve as the original copy of the review decision in the name of NCKU and be sent in the name of the University to the appellant through traceable means.
If the appeal involves an agent, the review decision shall be delivered to the agent.
Article 23 The unit from which the appellant received the resolution shall accept and implement the compensation measures recommended by the Committee.
Chapter 6 Supplementary provisions
Article 24 The appeals filed by NCKU military training instructors shall be reviewed in conformity mutatis mutandis with the Directions. Any matter not regulated in the Directions shall be administered according to the Ministry of Education’s Regulations for Processing the Military Training Instructor Grievance in Senior High Schools and above.
Article 25 The Committee’s funding shall be provided by a budget dedicated by the University, the personnel of which shall be allocated and decided by the University.
Article 26 Any matter not regulated in the Directions shall be administered according to the Teachers’ Act, Guidelines Governing Organization and Review of Teacher Appeals Committee, and relevant laws and regulations.
Article 27 These Directions are implemented after approval by University Council. Any amendments shall be made accordingly.
These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese shall always take precedence.