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國立成功大學博士生國科會研究獎學金試辦要點 National Cheng Kung University Directions of NSTC Doctoral Research Scholarship Pilot Program |
113年4月24日本校第844次主管會報通過 Amended in the 835th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on April 24, 2024 |
一、國立成功大學(下稱本校)為深根培育基礎科學研究人才,獎勵具有研究 潛力優秀博士生,依據「國家科學及技術委員會(下稱國科會)博士生研 究獎學金試辦方案」設置獎學金,並訂定本要點。 I. National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter referred to as “NCKU”) has established scholarships under the “Doctoral Research Scholarship Pilot Program of the National Science and Technology Council (hereinafter referred to as “NSTC”)” in an effort to foster and cultivate outstanding doctoral students with research potential in fundamental scientific disciplines, and formulated the Directions are as follows:
二、獎學金名額:分為「國科會甄選」與「國科會核配」兩類,依國科會公告 名額辦理。 II. Scholarship quota: Divided into “NSTC Selection” and “NSTC Allocation”. The number of scholarships shall be determined based on the NSTC's announcement.
三、獎勵對象:113 年起(含二月或九月首次註冊)入學就讀之博士班一年級 新生。但有下列情形之一者,不得請領本獎學金: III. Reward targets: Freshmen enrolled in the first year of doctoral programs starting from 2024 (including those who first registered in February or September). However, students who meet any of the following conditions are not eligible for this scholarship: (一) 於公私立機構從事專職全時之有給職工作或以在職生身分報考 (I) Engaged in full-time paid work at a public or private institution or apply for admission as an in-service student. (二) 以香港、澳門及大陸地區學生身分入學。 (II) Enrolled as a student from Hong Kong, Macau, or Mainland China. (三) 錄取後辧理休學、保留入學資格或未完成註冊。 (III) Took a leave of absence, reserved their enrollment status, or did not complete registration after admission. (四) 已支領同屬政府部門獎學金性質經費。 (IV) Already received funding of the same nature as a scholarship from a government agency.
四、獎勵金額與期間:博士生每名每月新臺幣(下同)四萬元整,至多獎勵三年; 於三年內畢業者,獎勵至畢業當月止。 IV. Scholarship amount and duration: Doctoral students shall receive a monthly stipend of NT$40,000 (same as above) for a maximum of three years. Students who complete their doctoral studies within 3 years shall continue to receive the scholarship until the month of their graduation.
五、獎學金名額之分配: V. Allocation of scholarship quotas: (一) 國科會甄選名額,由國科會擇優獎勵。 (I) NSTC selection quota: The NSTC shall select outstanding students to receive scholarships. (二) 國科會核配名額: (II) NSTC allocation quota: 1.研究發展處設委員會,置委員五至七人,由校長指定副校長一人擔 任召集人,其餘委員由教務長、研發長及本校教師組成。 The Office of Research and Development shall establish a committee with five to seven members. The President shall appoint the Vice President to serve as the convener, and the remaining members shall be composed of the Dean of Academic Affairs, the Dean of Research and Development, and faculty members from the University. 2.依各學院前四年度具研究性質之研究計畫經費,按比例核算,經委 員會通過後,由研究發展處於每年 9 月前公告當年度各學院名額。 人文領域研究計畫經費,以加權 150%計算。 Based on the research funds allocated to research projects of each college in the previous four years, the quotas for each college shall be calculated proportionally. Upon approval by the committee, the Office of Research and Development shall announce the quotas for each college in the current academic year before September of each year. Research funds for research projects in the humanities field shall be calculated using a 150% weighting factor. 3.各學院名額若遇獲獎博士生不足或其他特殊情形,由委員會調整分配之。 If any college has an insufficient number of award-winning doctoral students or other special circumstances, the committee shall adjust the allocation of quotas.
六、申請方式: VI. Application method: (一) 國科會甄選名額:由博士生依國科會公告,自行於國科會線上系統 提出申請。 (I) NSTC selection quota: Doctoral students can apply for the NSTC selection quota by following the NSTC's announcements and submitting their applications online through the NSTC system. (二) 國科會核配名額:博士生符合下列資格之一,得向系所提出申請: (II) NSTC allocation quota: Doctoral students who meet any of the following qualifications may apply to their department or institute: 1.學業成績表現優異,符合下列情形之一: Outstanding academic performance conforming to any of the following: (1)博士前一學位之修業期間,每學年學業成績平均 80 分以上或每學 年班或系排名為前 20%。 During their undergraduate studies, students must have achieved an average GPA of 80 or higher or be ranked in the top 20% of their class or major in each academic year. (2)博士生於第二年至第三年就讀期間,申請遞補者,除應符合前子 目資格外,於博士班修業期間,每學期任一學科成績不得低於 80 分。 The doctoral students who apply for refilling any vacancy during the period from their second study year to third study year shall satisfy the qualifications referred to in the preceding subitem, and shall also achieve a grade no less than 80 in each subject for each semester during the study years for the doctoral program. 2.具有特殊研究成就:經本校指導教授認可於該領域有特殊成就,並檢附指導教授推薦信。 Exceptional research achievements: Students who have been recognized by their NCKU advisor for exceptional achievements in their field must submit a recommendation letter from their advisor.
七、審查程序: VII. Review process: (一) 國科會甄選名額:由國科會進行審查。 (I) NSTC selection quota: Reviewed by the NSTC. (二) 國科會核配名額: (II) NSTC allocation quota: 1. 各系所彙整申請案後,送各學院進行審查,審查結果送研究發展處 簽請校長核定後公告之。 Each department or institute will compile the applications and submit them to the respective college for review. The review results shall be forwarded to the Office of Research and Development for approval by the President and then announced. 2. 各學院應自訂審查機制,經院主管會議通過後,送研究發展處備查。 Each college should establish its own review mechanism, which must be approved by the college's Faculty Meeting and submitted to the Office of Research and Development for reference. 3. 獎勵評選標準: Scholarship selection criteria: (1)曾參加全國性、國際級學術論文競賽獲獎。 Students who have received awards in national or international academic paper competitions. (2)曾發表國際性期刊論文、取得專利等學術研究成果展現。 Students who have published international journal papers, obtained patents, or demonstrated other academic research achievements. (3)其他有助於審查相關學術具體成果證明(如專書、國際重要學術 會議、論文或其它證明表現優異相關文件)。 Other documents that demonstrate outstanding performance, such as books, presentations at major international academic conferences, or papers.
八、獲獎博士生之定期評量機制: VIII. Periodic evaluation mechanism for award-winning doctoral students: (一) 各學院應於每學年結束前一個月,評量獲獎博士生(含國科會甄選名 額及核配名額)該學年之學術表現得否續領本獎學金,評量之項目及 標準,除第七點獎勵評選標準外,其餘由各學院自訂之。 (I) Each college should evaluate the academic performance of awardwinning doctoral students (including those receiving the NSTC Selection Quota and NSTC Allocation Quota) in the current academic year one month before the end of each academic year to determine whether they are eligible to continue receiving this scholarship. The evaluation items and standards, in addition to the scholarship selection criteria in Article VII, shall be determined by each college. (二) 獲獎博士生經評量為不及格者,廢止次一學年獎學金受獎資格。各 學院得依前點審查程序規定,重新遞補同一年入學之博士生。 (II) Award-winning doctoral students who are evaluated as failing shall be disqualified from receiving the scholarship for the following academic year. Each college may, in accordance with the review procedures outlined in the previous paragraph, re-allocate scholarships to doctoral students who entered the same year.
九、各學院應定期追蹤獲獎博士生之學術成就,項目如下: IX. Each college shall regularly track the academic achievements of award-winning doctoral students, including the following items: (一) 獲獎博士生修讀年限。 (I) The number of years it takes for award-winning doctoral students to complete their studies. (二) 獲獎博士生發表論文期刊之影響指數。 (II) The impact factor of the journals in which award-winning doctoral students publish their papers. (三) 獲獎博士生發表國內外頂尖期刊論文篇數。 (III) The number of top domestic and international journal articles published by award-winning doctoral students. (四) 獲獎博士生出席國內外學術會議次數。 (IV) The number of domestic and international academic conferences attended by award-winning doctoral students. (五) 獲獎博士生畢業後 3 年內之流向追蹤。 (V) The whereabouts of award-winning doctoral students within 3 years of graduation. 前項學術成就之獎勵成果效益追蹤,獲獎博士生不得拒絕。 The awardee shall not reject the follow-up on the effect posed by the award for academic achievements referred to in the preceding paragraph.
十、獲獎博士生獎勵期間有下列情形之一者,廢止獲獎資格,自次月起不再核給獎學金: X. Termination of award-winning doctoral students' scholarship eligibility: (一) 休學、退學。 (I) Suspended or dropped out of school. (二) 於公私立機構從事專職工作。 (II) Engaging in full-time work at a public or private institution。 (三) 已領取本校其他博士生獎學金,不得重複支領。但特殊情形經審查 同意,不在此限。 (III) Already receiving other NCKU doctoral scholarships that are not eligible for receiving duplicate funding. However, special circumstances may be considered and approved upon review. (四) 發表國內外期刊論文或報告,經認定有違反學術倫理情事。 (IV) Publishing domestic or international journal articles or reports that are deemed to violate academic ethics. (五) 違反校內章則,遭記大過以上處分確定。 (V) Receiving a major demerit or worse for violating University rules, and the disciplinary action is finalized. (六) 其他經本校相關會議決議不再給予補助。 (VI) No longer subsidized based on other circumstances determined by relevant NCKU meetings. 前項博士生獲獎資格經廢止後,各學院得依第七點審查程序規定,重新遞 補同一年入學之博士生。 If an award-winning doctoral student's scholarship eligibility is terminated under the previous paragraph, the respective college may re-allocate the scholarship to a doctoral student who entered the same year according to the review procedures outlined in Article VII.
十一、獲獎博士生經查證資料有偽造或不實情事者,撤銷其獲獎資格,已領取 之獎學金應予繳回,並依情節追究相關責任。 XI. If it is discovered that an award-winning doctoral student has falsified or misrepresented information in their application materials, their scholarship eligibility shall be revoked. Any scholarship funds already received must be returned, and the student may be held accountable for their actions depending on the severity of the offense.
十二、本要點所需經費,全數由國科會負擔。 XII. All funding required for the implementation of these Directions shall be borne by the NSTC.
十三、本獎學金之審查、評選及評量相關人員,與申請博士生有下列情事之一 者,應自行迴避: XIII. Individuals involved in the review, selection, and evaluation of this scholarship who have any of the following relationships with an applicant must recuse themselves: (一) 曾有指導博士、碩士學位論文之師生關係。 (I) Once advisors of the applicant’s doctoral and master program papers. (二) 配偶、前配偶、四親等內之血親或三親等內之姻親,或曾有此關 係。 (II) Spouse, ex-spouse, relatives within the fourth degree of kinship by blood, or now or once relatives within the third degree of kinship by marriage of the applicant. (三) 近三年發表論文或研究成果之共同參與研究者或共同著作人。 (III) Co-researchers or co-authors who have released papers or research results together with the applicant in the most recent three years. (四) 評選或評量程序時,共同執行研究計畫,或擔任研究計畫之助理。 (IV) Co-workers with the applicant, or study coordinator, in the same research project during the selection or assessment procedure.
十四、本要點未盡事宜,依國科會博士生研究獎學金試辦方案及本校相關法令 規定辦理。 XIV. Matters not covered by the Directions shall be handled according to the NSTC Doctoral Student Research Scholarship Pilot Program and relevant NCKU provisions.
十五、本要點經主管會報通過,校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。 XV. The Directions shall be implemented after approval by the supervisor and the President. The same applies to any revisions to the Directions. |