


國立成功大學外國學生獎學金實施要點 (自113學年入學新生起適用)
National Cheng Kung University Implementation Guidelines for International Student Scholarships (Applicable to new students starting from academic year 2024-2025 and hereafter)


Approved at the 843rd Meeting of Chief Administrators on 2024.01.17


Amended and approved during the 2023 academic year at the 2nd meeting of the University Endowment Fund Management Committee on 2024.04.03


1.      The following international student scholarships, as provided for in these regulations, have been

hereby established by the National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter "the University") to bring together academic excellence from around the world and foster a diverse, global campus environment.



2.      Scholarships shall be funded by:

(一)      教育部補助款。

a. Ministry of Education (MOE) grants

(二)  本校校務基金。

   b. The University Endowment Fund

(三)  本校自籌收入。

   c. University-generated revenue



3. These guidelines apply to the following international student scholarships:

(一)  優秀學生獎學金。

a. Distinguished Student Scholarship

(二)  博士菁英獎學金。

b. Elite Doctoral Scholarship



4. Eligible Applicants: Students admitted to the University for undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree programs from the 2024 academic year forward, who qualify as international students under the MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan.



5. Period of Eligibility:

(一)  學士班學生:除醫學系、牙醫系及藥學系不得逾六年級、建築系建築設計組不得逾五年級外,餘以一至四年級為限。

a. Undergraduate students: School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, and School of Pharmacy: Years 1–6; Department of Architecture (BArch Program): Years 1–5; all other courses of study: Years 1–4

(二)  碩士班學生:以一、二年級為限。

b. Graduate students: Years 1–2 for all departments

(三)  博士班學生:以一至四年級為限。但就讀五年級者,如符合第七點第一款第三目規定,亦得申請。

c. Doctoral students: Years 1–4 for all departments. Exceptions may be granted to Year 5 students upon meeting the requirements specified in section 7.a.iii.



6. Distinguished Student Scholarship (New Admissions):

(一)  申請資格:錄取本校學、碩或博士班之成績優異,且未獲國內外政府相關補助獎學金之新生。

a. Eligibility: Newly admitted undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral students demonstrating academic excellence. Scholarships cannot be combined with any other governmental grants or scholarships, domestic or foreign, and any violation will be handled in accordance with 11.a.

(二)  獎學金名額:

b. Award Quotas:

1. 依本校當年度經費情形,彈性調整各學院獲獎學生名額,再由各學院分配予系所。

i. Scholarship quotas will be determined based on annual available funding. Colleges will receive adjusted allocations to distribute among respective departments.

2. 前目各學院獲獎學生名額,依前三學年各學院外國學生錄取總人數、各學院獲得本獎學金學生人數及各學院國際、教務、研發綜合指標調整之。

ii. Scholarship quotas allocated per college shall be based on the following data from the past three academic years: Total international student enrollment in the college; number of scholarship recipients in the college; and comprehensive international, academic, and R&D indicators.

(三)  獎勵期間:1年。

c. Award Period: 1 year, renewable

(四)  獎學金項目與金額:

d. Award Value:

1. 學士班新生:

i. Undergraduate:

(1)  第一級:補助學費,每月獎學金新臺幣(下同)8,000元。

(1) Tier-1 Awards: Tuition fee waiver, monthly stipend of NT$8,000

(2)  第二級:補助學費。

(2) Tier-2 Awards: Tuition fee waiver

2. 碩士班新生:

ii. Graduate:

(1)   第一級:補助學雜費基數,每月獎學金10,000元。

(1) Tier-1 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver, monthly stipend of NT$10,000

(2) 第二級:補助學雜費基數。

(2) Tier-2 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver

3. 博士班新生:

iii. Doctoral:

(1) 第一級:補助學雜費基數,每月獎學金16,000元,指導教授並應提供配合款至少4,000


(1) Tier-1 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver, monthly University stipend of NT$16,000 with matching minimum stipend of NT$4,000 from dissertation advisor

(2) 第二級:補助學雜費基數,指導教授應提供配合款至少2,000元。

(2) Tier-2 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver, minimum stipend of NT$2,000 from dissertation advisor

4. 除前目獎學金金額外,各系所院得以自籌經費,自行增加獎學金金額。

iv. Departments/Programs may provide additional scholarship funds at their discretion.

(五)  審查程序與標準:

e. Application Review and Criteria:

1. 由各系所自訂獎學金審查規定,審查結果送國際事務處備查。

i. Departments/Programs shall evaluate applications according to their own internal regulations and submit a list of recommended candidates to the Office of International Affairs (OIA).

2. 各系所審查學士班申請人時,須經召開視訊面試審定。

ii. Undergraduate Departments/Programs: Departmental evaluations must include a video interview.

3. 各系所審查碩博士班申請人時,須經召開視訊面試審定,且申請人應已確定指導教授。如有特殊情形,入學後無指導教授,獲獎生最遲應於入學後第二學期開學前確定指導教授,始得領取獎學金,否則取消獲獎資格。

iii. Graduate and Doctoral Departments/Programs: Departmental evaluations must include a video interview. Applicants must have already secured a thesis/dissertation advisor. If, due to special circumstances, a scholarship recipient has not secured an advisor upon enrollment, they must do so no later than the beginning of their second semester to remain eligible for the award.


7. Distinguished Student Scholarships (Renewal):

(一)  申請資格:前點獲獎生修業滿一學年仍在學,且學業表現符合下列條件者:

a. Eligibility: Recipients who have retained full enrollment status throughout the academic year and meet the following requirements:

1. 學士班學生:前一學年班成績排名前50%或學年學業平均成績達70分以上,且獲導師推薦。

i. Undergraduate students: A ranking in the top 50% of their department/program for the past academic year, or a minimum average of 70% for the past academic year; and recommendation of their academic advisor

2. 碩士班學生:前一學年學業平均成績達85分以上,修得各系所規定畢業課程15學分以上,且獲指導教授推薦。

ii. Graduate students: A minimum average of 85% for the past academic year; completion of at least 15 credits of their mandatory degree coursework; and recommendation of their thesis advisor

3. 博士班學生:

iii. Doctoral students:

(1) 歷年學業平均成績達85分以上,修得各系所規定畢業課程總學分數三分之一以上,並獲指導教授推薦;就讀四年級者,須於第三學年結束前通過博士班資格考。

(1) Years 1–4: A minimum average of 85% for all past academic year(s); completion of at least one-third of their mandatory degree coursework; and recommendation of their dissertation advisor; Year 4 students must have successfully completed the candidacy exam before the end of year three

(2) 申請時為就讀五年級者,須修畢系所規定畢業課程總學分數、已通過博士班資格考,以第一或通訊作者投稿於Q1國際期刊已實質依據審查意見進行修改,並獲指導老師推薦。

(2) Year 5: Completion of all mandatory degree coursework; successful completion of the candidacy exam; and submission of at least one academic paper to a Quartile 1 (Q1) journal as first author or corresponding author. At minimum, the author must have received and begun addressing reviewer feedback for this paper; and recommendation of dissertation advisor

(二)  獎勵期間:1年

b. Award Period: 1 year, renewable

(三)  獎學金項目與金額:

c. Award Value:

1.  學士班學生:

i. Undergraduate awards shall be based on academic performance over the previous year:

(1) 前一學年班排名前20%或學年平均成績達90分以上者:補助學費,每月獎學金12,000元。

(1) Ranking in the top 20% of their department/program or minimum average of 90%: Tuition fee waiver, monthly stipend of NT$12,000

(2) 前一學年班排名前21-40%或學年平均成績80分以上未滿90分者:補助學費,每月獎學金8,000元。

(2) Ranking in the top 21–40% of their program or an average of 80 to <90%: Tuition fee waiver, monthly stipend of NT$8,000

(3) 前一學年班排名前41-50%或學年平均成績70分以上未滿80分者:減免學費,減免後學雜費收費標準同本地生。

(3) Ranking in the top 41–50% of their program or an average of 70% to <80%: Tuition reduction equivalent to domestic tuition/miscellaneous fees

2. 碩士班學生:

ii. Graduate awards:


(1) Tier-1 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver, monthly stipend of NT$10,000

(2) 第二級:補助學雜費基數。

(2) Tier-2 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver

3. 博士班學生:

iii. Doctoral awards:


(1) Tier-1 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver, monthly University stipend of NT$16,000 with matching minimum stipend of NT$4,000 from their dissertation advisor

(2) 第二級:補助學雜費基數,指導教授應提供配合款至少2,000元。

(2) Tier-2 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver, minimum stipend of NT$2,000 from their dissertation advisor

(3) 就讀五年級者:補助學雜費基數。

(3) Year 5 Awards: Base tuition fee waiver

4. 除前目獎學金金額外,系所院得以自籌經費,自行增加獎學金金額。

iv. Departments/Programs may provide additional scholarship funds at their discretion.

(四)  申請文件:

d. Documents to Submit:

1. 申請書。

i. Completed application

2. 歷年成績單:僅有一學期成績之在學生,則以前一學期成績為審查標準。

ii. Full academic transcripts to date. If an enrolled student has completed only one semester, the grades from that semester will be used as the basis for review.

3. 操行成績:每學期操行成績甲等以上,且無重大違規。

iii. Conduct: Grade A (甲) or above each semester, with no major disciplinary records

4. 導師或指導教授推薦信。倘導師或指導教授不推薦,應敘明理由,後由國際事務處召開會議審議之。

iv. Recommendation letter from academic advisor or thesis/dissertation advisor. Advisors choosing not to recommend a student must provide their reasons to the OIA. The OIA shall review these cases on an individual basis.

5. 碩博士生另應檢附研究計畫書或論文說明等相關資料。

v. Graduate and doctoral students must submit a research or thesis proposal along with any relevant documentation.

(五)  審查程序:

e. Application Review:

1. 申請學生應依每學期公告時間及規定,向系所繳交申請文件。

i. Applicants must submit all required documents to their specific departments/programs by the published deadline.

2. 由各系所自訂審查規定,審查結果送國際事務處備查。

ii. Each department/program shall evaluate these applications according to their internal regulations and submit the evaluation results to the OIA.


8. Elite Doctoral Scholarship (New Admissions)

(一)  申請資格:

a. Eligibility: Newly admitted doctoral students who:

1. 錄取本校博士班之成績優異且未獲國內外政府相關補助獎學金,並已確定指導教授之新生。

i. Demonstrate academic excellence; do not currently hold any other scholarships/grants from domestic or foreign government agencies; and have secured a dissertation advisor

2. 已於具有審查制度之國際學術期刊發表論文,或其他足以證明有傑出研究能力之具體事證。

ii. Have published in a reviewed international academic journal or can submit other evidence of outstanding research competence

(二)  獎學金名額:

b. Award Quotas:

1. 依本校當年度經費情形,彈性調整各學院推薦名額,再由各學院分配予系所。

i. Scholarship quotas will be determined based on annual available funding. Colleges will receive adjusted allocations to distribute among their respective departments.

2. 前目各學院名額,依前三學年各學院外國學生錄取總人數、各學院獲得本獎學金學生人數及各院國際、教務、研發綜合指標調整之。

ii. Scholarship quotas allocated per college shall be based on the following data from the past three academic years: Total international student enrollment in the college; number of scholarship recipients in the college; and comprehensive international, academic, and R&D indicators

(三)  獎勵期間:1年。

c. Award Period: 1 year

(四)  獎學金項目與金額:學雜費全免,每月獎學金25,000元,指導教授並應提供配合款至少8,000元。

d. Award Value: Full waiver of tuition and miscellaneous fees, monthly stipend of NT$25,000 with matching minimum stipend of NT$8,000 from their advisor

(五)  審查程序與標準:

e. Application Review and Criteria:

1. 由各系所院提報推薦學生名單至國際事務處,國際事務處召開外國學生獎學金委員會進行審查。

i. Each department/program and college shall submit a list of recommended candidates to the OIA. The OIA shall then convene a meeting of the Committee Overseeing International–Student Scholarships (hereinafter "the Committee") to review these nominated candidates.

2. 外國學生獎學金委員會,由國際事務長擔任召集人,邀集教務長、研發長、學務長及各學院院長或其代理人等組成。

ii. The Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President of the Office of International Affairs (OIA) and consist of members including the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Research and Development, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the deans of university colleges or their designated representatives.

3. 審查後如無合適獲獎學生,得予從缺。

iii. In the absence of qualified candidates, the Committee reserves the right to withhold the award.


9. Elite Doctoral Scholarship (Continuing Students):

(一)  申請資格:入學滿一學年仍在學,歷年學業平均成績達85分以上,修得各系所規定畢業課程總學分數三分之一以上,並獲指導教授推薦:就讀四年級者,須於第三學年結束前通過博士班資格考。

a. Eligibility: Students who have retained full enrollment status for at least one academic year and meet the following requirements: A minimum average of 85% for all past academic year(s); completion of at least one-third of their mandatory degree coursework; recommendation of their dissertation advisor; and completion of the candidacy exam before the end of year three (Year 4 students only)

(二)  獎學金名額:依本校當年度經費情形,彈性調整。

b. Award Quotas: Scholarship quotas will be determined based on annual available funding.

(三)  獎勵期間:1年。

c. Award Period: 1 year

(四)  獎項學金項目與期間:學雜費全免,每月獎學金25,000元,指導教授並應提供配合款至少8,000元。

d. Award Value: Full waiver of tuition and miscellaneous fees, monthly stipend of NT$25,000 with matching minimum stipend of NT$8,000 from their advisor

(五)  申請文件:

e. Documents to Submit:

1. 申請書。

i. Completed application

2. 歷年成績單。

ii. Full transcripts to date

3. 操行成績:每學期操行成績甲等以上,且無重大違規。

iii. Conduct grades: Grade A or above each semester, with no major disciplinary records

4. 指導教授推薦信。

iv. Letter of recommendation from their dissertation advisor

5. 期刊、研討會論文等學術著作發表列表。

v. List of publications in journals, conferences, or other academic forums

6. 研究計畫書/論文說明:博士生若已達畢業學分門檻而無學期成績者,應另檢附研究計畫書或論文說明等相關資料。

vi. Research/dissertation proposal: Applicants who have completed all required degree coursework must submit a research or dissertation proposal for evaluation in lieu of current semester grades.

(六)  審查程序:由各系所院提報推薦學生名單至國際事務處,國際事務處召開外國學生獎學金委員會進行審查。

f. Application Review: Each department/program and college shall submit a list of recommended candidates to the OIA. The OIA shall then convene a meeting of the Committee.


10. The OIA shall conduct an annual review of the available budget to determine if additional Distinguished Student Scholarships can be allocated to returning students who did not receive the award at the time of their original admission. The application and review process for these additional scholarships shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined in Clause 7 of this document.

十一、  本獎學金其他注意事項:

11. Grounds for Scholarship Termination/Loss of Eligibility:

(一)  獲獎生不得同時領取政府各機關所提供之外國學生獎(助)學金,違反者取消獲獎資格,重複領取之獎學金應予繳回。

a. Scholarship recipients are prohibited from concurrently holding any other government-sponsored scholarships or grants intended for international students. Violation of this rule will result in immediate termination of the scholarship and require repayment of excess funds received.

(二)  獲獎生於獎勵期間內如有學習態度不佳情形,導師或指導教授得檢具相關具體事證,由國際事務處召開會議審議之;博士菁英獎學金由國際事務處召開外國學生獎學金委員會審議之。

b. Scholarship recipients demonstrating consistently poor academic performance may be subject to review upon submission of relevant evidence by advisors to the OIA. In such cases, the OIA shall convene a meeting to determine the best course of action. Reviews for recipients of the Doctoral Achievement Scholarship shall be conducted by the Committee.

(三)  獲獎生如保留學籍,原核定獎學金之資格即予取消。待復學之該學年度,於指定申請期間(依照本校「外國學生申請入學」時間)重新提出申請。

c. Scholarship recipients who choose to defer enrollment forfeit their eligibility under their original application. They may, however, reapply during the designated application period for the academic year in which they intend to commence enrollment.

(四)  獲獎生經查驗居留證持有「應聘」身分或簽證持有「工作」身分者,應立即停止核發獎學金,並取消獲獎資格。

d. Scholarship recipients are prohibited from holding an employment-based Alien Residency Certificate (ARC) or work visa. Violation of this policy shall result in the immediate loss of eligibility and termination of the scholarship.

(五)  獲獎生如未在原系所繼續就讀完成學業,嗣後不得再以就讀其他系所,重新提出申請同一學位獎學金。但依本校相關規定,核定轉讀系所者,於原獎勵期間內,不在此限。

e. Scholarship recipients who discontinue their studies in the department where the award was originally granted shall be ineligible to reapply for the same scholarship in a different department at the same academic level. This restriction, however, shall not apply to recipients who transfer departments in accordance with established University regulations.

(六)  因故休學、退學或無故離校超過一個月以上者,應即停止核發獎學金,並取消獲獎資格。

f. The scholarship shall be immediately terminated, and the recipient's eligibility shall be permanently disqualified, in the event the recipient: Takes a leave of absence; withdraws from the University; or accumulates unexcused absences for a period exceeding one month

(七)  獲獎生於獎勵期間內,如有違反本校校規,受小過以上處分者,自處分確定後之次月停止核發獎學金,並取消獲獎資格。但經評估得以校園服務代替懲處者,於抵除後下一學年度起,得依本要點規定申請獎學金。

g. During the award period, scholarship recipients who incur disciplinary action for violating University regulations, equal to or exceeding a minor demerit, shall have their scholarship terminated effective the month following the disciplinary action and be disqualified from future applications. However, exceptions may be granted for recipients permitted to complete on-campus service hours in lieu of other disciplinary measures. Following completion of assigned service work, such individuals may reapply, in accordance with the provisions outlined in this document, for the subsequent academic year.

十二、  本要點經主管會報及校務基金管理委員會通過後實施,修正時亦同。

12. These guidelines shall go into effect upon approval by the Meeting of Chief Administrators and the University Endowment Fund Management Committee. This process shall apply to all future amendments.



These Guidelines were translated from the original Chinese version. In the event of discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall always take precedence.