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國立成功大學鳳凰講座設置要點 Governing Guidelines for the Phoenix Lecture at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) |
113年1月17日第843次主管會報通過 Approved at the 843rd Executive Meeting on January 17, 2024 113年4月3日校務基金管理委員會112學年度第2次會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the second meeting of the 112th academic year Management Committee for the NCKU University Affairs Fund on April 3, 2024 |
一、國立成功大學(下稱本校)為提升學術水準與增廣師生宏觀視野,特設置「成大鳳凰講座」(下稱本講座),並訂定本要點。 I. For the purpose of elevating academic standards and expanding the perspectives of both faculty and students, National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter “the university”) has instituted the “NCKU Phoenix Lecture” (hereinafter “the lecture”). The following are the guidelines governing this initiative. 二、本講座辦理方式,分為下列二類: II. The lecture is managed in two ways: (一)由校長邀請,研究發展處主辦。 (I) Organized at the invitation of the president by the Office of Research and Development. (二)由各學院邀請辦理,每學院每年以一次為原則。 (II) Organized by individual colleges, with each college hosting the event once a year in principle. 三、講者應具有下列資格之一: III. The speakers are required to satisfy one of the subsequent criteria: (一)諾貝爾獎或其他國際著名獎項得主。 (I) Awarded the Nobel Prize or other prestigious international distinctions. (二)中央研究院院士或其他國家同等級院士。 (II) Academician of Academia Sinica or an academician of equivalent standing in other countries. (三)具國際聲望學者或專家。 (III) Academic or specialist recognized on a global scale. (四)現任或曾任政府機關各部會首長。 (IV) At present or formerly holding a position of prominence within governmental agencies. (五)知名企業之負責人或重要主管代表。 (V) Head or senior executive representative of a renowned enterprise. (六)其他各領域卓著聲望人士。 (VI) Person of outstanding reputation in various fields. 四、依第二點第二款規定申請時,學院應將申請表連同相關資料,於擬舉辦時間至少二個月前,送交研究發展處審核。講者名單以二年內未曾獲邀為原則。 前項審核小組,由研究發展處陳請校長指派副校長一人擔任召集人,邀集本校一級主管或相關領域教授三至五人組成。 IV. In accordance with the Subsection 2 stated in Point 2, when applying, colleges should submit the application form along with related materials to the Office of Research and Development for review at least two months before the intended date of the event. It is generally advised that speakers not be invited if they have been invited within the last two years. A Vice President appointed by the president at the request of the Office of Research and Development convenes the review committee referred to in the previous clause. The committee consists of three to five senior executives or professors from related fields within the university. 五、本講座每年至多舉辦十二場,或以不超過該年度專款經費為限。 V. The annual capacity of this lecture series is restricted to a maximum of 12 sessions. However, this limit may be surpassed so long as the expenditures for that year do not exceed the designated funds. 六、本講座每場補助經費為新臺幣(下同)伍萬元,包含講者演講費以參萬元為限及紀念牌乙座等。但有特殊情形,經專簽校長核准者,不在此限。 VI. The subsidy for each lecture is NT$50,000 (same as above), which covers, among other things, a commemorative plaque and a speaker's fee capped at NT$30,000. However, exceptions can be made with special circumstances and the president's approval. 七、本要點所需經費,由教育部補助經費及本校校務基金相關經費下支應。 VII. The funding sources utilized to establish these guidelines consist of subsidies allocated by the Ministry of Education and the University Affairs Fund. 八、本要點經主管會報及校務基金管理委員會通過,校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。 VIII. These guidelines will be implemented upon approval by the Executive Meeting, Fund Management Committee, and the president's final approval. Revisions will follow the same procedure. |