一、 為使本所空間能充分發揮教學及研究功能,特訂定本要點。
二、 本所空間依其功能分為:(一)教室(二)辦公室(三)教授室(四)研究生室(五) 實驗室(六) 研討室(七)共同空間等;教室及研討室,為教學上課之處所。辦公室為執行本所所務所用之空間,含所長室、所辦公室等。教授室為提供本所教師教學及研究之用。實驗室為提供本所專任教師進行學術研究及教學之用。凡不屬以上(一)至(六)項者為本所共同空間。
三、 本所空間由所長統籌管理,變更使用功能須經所務會議通過。
六、 實驗室以配與每位專任教師一人一間為原則,離職時須於離職後一個月內清理實驗室並歸還給本所。
七、 教室、研討室或其他公設空間,以全所大部份教師之教學或研究為優先使用。有特殊需求者依下列標準收費:
1. 月租者-
甲、 每月每坪 800 元為原則,電費及電信費用另計。情形特殊者得經由所務會議審核後另訂之。
乙、 公部門委任成立部級以上中心(如教育部、國科會),仍以每月800元/坪為基礎,考量對系所貢獻顯著,其計算可另例依分配至系所管理費之6成費用折抵租金,其中已達每月600元/每坪以上者,仍需繳納200元/坪/月之最低限場地維護費。
2. 零租教室者-
甲、 95405教室(100人)每4小時租金為5,000元。
乙、 95519教室(30人)每4小時租金為3,000元。
丙、 租用教室情形特殊者,得經所務會議決議予以優惠。
八、 本所應隨時至少保留教授室,實驗室各一間以應急需之用。
九、 本管理要點經所務會議通過後實施,修訂時亦同。
National Cheng Kung University
Institute of Manufacturing Information and Systems
Space Management Guidelines
Passed by the Institute Meeting on November 24, 2007
Verified and Approved by the Institute Meeting on June 24, 2009
Amended and Approved by the Institute Meeting on October 1, 2018
Amended and Approved by the Institute Meeting on May 13, 2022
Amended and Approved by the Institute Meeting on May 26, 2022
Amended and Approved by the Institute Meeting on December 15, 2022
- In order to fully utilize the space of the Institute for teaching and research purposes, these guidelines are established.
- The space of the Institute is divided into the following categories according to their functions: (1) classrooms, (2) offices, (3) professor's offices, (4) graduate student rooms, (5) laboratories, (6) seminar rooms, and (7) common areas. Classrooms and seminar rooms are used for teaching. Offices are spaces used for administrative purposes, including the director's office and administrative office. Professor's offices are provided for teaching and research purposes. Laboratories are provided for academic research and teaching by full-time faculty members. Any spaces not belonging to the aforementioned category 1-6 are considered common areas of the Institute.
- The management of the Institute space is coordinated by the director, and any changes in usage require approval from the Institute meeting.
- Each professor's office is assigned to one full-time faculty member upon employment. When leaving the position, the office must be cleared and returned to the Institute within one month. Exceptions may apply to Chair Professor.
- Laboratories are supervised by responsible faculty members. Each laboratory should establish "Laboratory Safety Regulations," which are produced by the Institute office, modified by laboratory teachers, and then compiled by the institute office. After the responsible faculty member of the laboratory signs off, the regulations should be posted at the entrance of the laboratory. New graduate students must sign a declaration agreeing to abide by the "Laboratory Safety Regulations" and submit it to the Institute office for record-keeping.
- The principle for laboratory allocation is one laboratory per full-time faculty member. When leaving the position, the laboratory must be cleared and returned to the Institute within one month.
- Classrooms, seminar rooms, or common areas are prioritized for use by the majority of the institute's faculty members for teaching or research purposes.Those with special needs are subject to the following standards for fees:
Monthly Rent:
a. The principle is 800 NT dollars per square meter per month, excluding electricity and telecommunication expenses. Special circumstances may be subject to separate approval by the Institute meeting.
b. Government-appointed centers at the ministerial level or above (such as the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Science and Technology) are still based on a rate of 800 NT dollars per square meter per month. Considering their significant contributions to the institute, 60% of the allocation to the department's management fee may be deducted from the rent. For those already paying more than 600 NT dollars per square meter per month, an additional minimum maintenance fee of 200 NT dollars per square meter per month must still be paid.
Classroom Rentals:
a. Room 95405 (capacity: 100 people) is rented at 5,000 NT dollars for every 4 hours.
b. Room 95519 (capacity: 30 people) is rented at 3,000 NT dollars for every 4 hours.
c. Special circumstances for renting classrooms may be subject to preferential treatment upon decision by the institute meeting.
During the aforementioned leasing period, the use of products that pose a threat to national cybersecurity (such as mainland-branded software, hardware, and services) is prohibited. If any device is found hacked, please immediately power it off and notify the management personnel for further action.
The institute must reserve at least one professor's office and one laboratory for emergency use at all times.
- These management guidelines shall be implemented upon approval by the institute meeting and shall also apply when revised.