


國立成功大學生物科技中心 質譜多體學核心設施平台 服務收費暨預約辦法
National Cheng Kung University Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology MS-based Multi-Omics Platform Service Charges and Reservation Rules

112.12.12 會議決議

Passed by the Meeting of the Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology on December 12,2023

一、   服務項目Service items:

(一)  植物荷爾蒙分析 (Phytohormone analysis)
水楊酸, 茉莉酸, 茉莉酸-異白胺酸, 離層酸 (SA, JA, JA-Ile, ABA)

(二)  木質素單體分析 (Monolignol analysis)

5種木質素單體分析  (5 monolignol compounds analysis, G-alcohol, H-alcohol, S-alcohol, 5H-alcohol, C-alcohol)


二、   開放時間及預約規定Opening hours and reservation rules:

(一)   服務預約請自行至生物科技中心網站預約平台(建置中)或請洽單嬋娟助理及邱柏鈞助理。

Please appointment platform registration (under construction) or contact Ms. Shan or Mr. Chou for service reservation.

(二)   儀器使用費用於隔月5日前由生科中心通知繳費。

The Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology will notify users to pay the charge before the 5th of every next month.


三、   收費標準Charge:

(一) 植物荷爾蒙分析 (Phytohormone analysis)

1. 每次1-9個植物樣品每個樣本收費NT$ 3000元 (包含水楊酸, 茉莉酸, 茉莉酸-異白胺酸, 離層酸以及其對應之同位素標準品)

2. 每次超過10個樣品以上,每個樣本收費NT$ 2400元

Each plant sample, 1-9 samples, is charged at NT$ 3000 per sample (including SA, JA, JA-Ile, ABA and their respective isotope-labeled standards), For each batch exceeding 10 samples, the charge is NT$ 2400 per sample.              

(二) 木質素單體分析 (Monolignol analysis)

1. 每個植物樣品收費NT$ 2000元 (包含5個木質素單體alcohol)

2. 每次超過10個樣品以上,每個樣本收費NT$ 1600元

Each plant sample, 1-9 samples, is charged at NT$ 2000 per sample, For each batch exceeding 10 samples, the charge is NT$1600 per sample.


四、   教育訓練及推廣活動Education, training course and promotional activities:  

(一)   詳細日期、地點公告由生物科技中心以電子郵件和張貼公告通知。

Details will be announced by the Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology on bulletin and website.

(二)   網址:建置中。Website: Under construction.


五、   服務使用規定Administrative regulations:

(一)   研究人員請自行準備實驗相關之樣本,並完成事先預約時段。

Users are responsible for preparing their own samples and having reservation made.

(二)   樣品前處理須使用離心濃縮機,需事先預約,並在助理協助下使用。

For sample preparation, a SpeedVac is required. Please make a prior appointment with the assistant of Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology and use it under their supervisions.

(三)   每三個月會定期清空所有質譜原始檔案,請自行備份。

All MS raw files will be removed every 3 months, users are responsible for backing up their own data.


六、   注意事項及特別說明Notices and special instructions:

(一)   使用儀器: 超高效能液相層析串聯式質譜儀 UPLC-MS/MS

(二)   質譜儀機型 (type of mass spectrometry): Thermo LTQ velos pro

(三)   液相層析儀機型 (type of liquid chromatography): Waters Acquity UPLC system

(四)   儀器位置: 陳盈嵐老師89913實驗室 (Ying-Lan Chen’s laboratory 89913)

(五)   此線性離子阱質譜儀為陳盈嵐老師實驗室財產, 故不開放自行操作使用, 僅提供服務。

This linear ion trap mass spectrometry (LTQ velos pro) is owned by Professor Ying-Lan Chen's laboratory (Rm89913) and is not available for self-operation. It is only used for phytohormone analysis service.


七、    質譜多體學核心設施平台管理MS-based Multi-Omics Platform Management:

(一)   負責老師: 陳盈嵐 助理教授 (Professor Ying-Lan Chen)

          Email: cyl0828@gs.ncku.edu.tw, Office: 生科大樓9F, Rm 89902

(二)   服務預約: 單嬋娟小姐, (06) 2757575 #58221

          Service Reservation: Ms. Chan-Chuan Shan

          Email: 11208057@gs.ncku.edu.tw

(三)   實驗操作: 邱柏鈞先生, Office: 生科大樓11F, 89B03室

         Experiment operation: Mr. Bo-Chun Chou

          Email: 11208056@gs.ncku.edu.tw