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國立成功大學生物科技中心斑馬魚核心設施平台收費及管理規則 National Cheng Kung University Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology Zebrafish Core Facility Platform Service Fees and Management Regulations | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
112.12.12 會議決議 Passed by the Meeting of the Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology on December 12,2023 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
一、開放時間及預約規定Opening hours and reservation rules: (一) 服務預約請洽盧福翊老師(分機 58218) Please contact professor Lu (ext. 58218) for service reservation. (二) 儀器使用費用於隔月5日前由生科中心通知繳費。 The Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology will notify users to pay the charge before the 5th of every next month. (三) 開放時間為上午9點至下午5點 Opening hours are from 9 AM to 5 PM. 二、服務項目及收費標準Service items and Fees:
三、 教育訓練及推廣活動Education, training course and promotional activities:
(一) 詳細日期、地點公告由生物科技中心以電子郵件和張貼公告通知。 Details will be announced by the Center for Bioscience and Biotechnology on bulletin and website. (二) 網址:建置中。Website: Under construction
四、服務使用規定Administrative regulations: (一) 研究人員請自行準備實驗相關之樣本,並且事先預約時段。 Users are responsible for preparing their own samples and having reservation made. (二) 每三個月會定期清空所有電腦原始檔案,請自行備份。 All files will be removed every 3 months, users are responsible for backing up their own data. (三) 斑馬魚代養需附動物實驗計畫書,計畫書中需標明使用斑馬魚品系及數量。代養魚隻異常時會連絡委託人。 For zebrafish fostering, an animal experiment project (IACUC) plan must be provided, specifying the zebrafish strains and quantities to be used. In the event of any abnormalities in the fostered fish, the client will be contacted. 五、 注意事項及特別說明Notices and special instructions: 欲操作動物實驗須先取得動物照護委員會(IACUC)動物福祉說明會以及斑馬魚核心平台使用說明會,並測試合格。 To conduct animal experiments, one must first attend the Animal Welfare Orientation provided by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and the Zebrafish Core Facility Orientation, and pass the qualification test. 六、 核心設施平台管理及預約Management and Service Reservation: 負責老師 (responsible teacher): 盧福翊 副教授 (Dr. Fu-I, Lu) Email: fuilu@mail.ncku.edu.tw Office: 生科大樓8樓805室(Biotechnology Teaching Building, 8F, Rm 89805) Phone: (06) 2757575 #58218 |