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國立成功大學辰星學者培育獎學金實施要點 NCKU-NOVA Scholarship Regulations |
111年3月2日第 832 次主管會報通過 Approved at the 832nd Meeting of Chief Administrators on 2022.03.02 111年3月14日110學年度第2次校務基金管理委員會通過 Approved for the 2021 academic year at the 2nd meeting of the University Endowment Fund Management Committee on 2022.03.14 112年2月22日第 838 次主管會報修正通過 Amended and approved at the 838rd Meeting of Chief Administrators on 2023.02.22 112年11月1日第 842 次主管會報修正通過 Amended and approved at the 842nd Meeting of Chief Administrators on 2023.11.01 113年4月3日112學年第2次校務基管理委員會修正通過 Amended and approved for the 2023 academic year at the 2nd meeting of the University Endowment Fund Management Committee on 2024.04.03 |
一、國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為延攬優秀高中生,培育學生國際視野與移動力,輔導學生職涯發展,特設立辰星學者培育獎學金(以下簡稱本獎學金),並訂定本要點。 1. The NOVA scholarship, initiated by National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter "the University"), was initiated to encourage exceptional high school students and provide them with comprehensive support throughout their university journey. This scholarship is designed to nurture global perspectives, foster outward mobility, and offer guidance for future career development.
二、本獎學金由「辰星學者培育獎學金專戶」支應,經費來源如下: (一)校務基金。 (二)北美成大校友基金會、鳳凰基金會或其他團體個人等捐贈款。 前項經費不足且無相關預算支應時,本獎學金得暫停核發。 2. The NOVA scholarship is funded by donations from: a. the University Endowment Fund; b. The North American Alumni Foundation, Inc. (NCKUNAAFI); the Grand Group North America Phoenix Fund; and other individual/group donations. In the event that funding from the above sources is insufficient and no other budget is available, the NOVA scholarship may be temporary suspended.
三、本要點適用對象為本校在籍之大學部一年級新生,並符合下列資格之一: (一)獲「國立成功大學獎勵優秀高中生就讀獎學金」者。 (二)獲「成大數理比賽」獎項者。 (三)獲「成大商科比賽」獎項者。 3. The NOVA scholarship is open to students who are currently enrolling in their first year of study and have received one of the following: a. the NCKU Scholarship for Outstanding High School Graduates; b. an ACKUM Sci-Math Competition award; c. an ACKUM Business Competition award.
四、本獎學金名額,分配原則如下: (一)經費來源為校務基金者,各學院及全校不分系學士學位學程各一個名額。 (二)經費來源為捐贈款者,依各學院過去三年註冊在學人數及優秀高中生入學人數佔比之權重分配之。 國際事務處(以下簡稱國際處)應於每年11月底前,通知各學院次學年度可提送之名額。 4. NOVA Scholarship Quotas and Allocation a. NOVA scholarships funded by the University endowment: One scholarship will be made available for each college and one for the Cross College Elite Program (CCEP); b. NOVA scholarships funded by donations: Scholarship quotas will be allocated based on each college's: (1) enrollment numbers over the past three years and (2) proportion of students qualifying as "outstanding high school students." The Office of International Affairs (OIA) shall inform colleges of the available quotas for the upcoming academic year by the end of November annually.
五、獲獎學生提送程序: (一)各學院應於每年新生入學後10月1日前,將獲獎學生名單併同獲獎學生個人資料表及相關文件提交至國際處。 (二)由國際處媒合獲獎學生所屬辰星導師,輔導其學涯規劃。 5. Scholarship Nomination: a. After fall enrollment and before October 1, each college must submit a list of NOVA scholarship recipients, along with supporting documents, to the OIA. b. The OIA shall be responsible for matching NOVA recipients with an advisor to help students with academic career planning.
六、獲獎學生在學期間應符合下列情形,始得保留獲獎資格: (一)於大學二年級結束前,向國際處提交經辰星導師簽核之出國研修計畫。 (二)每學期學業成績排名為全系前30%、全班前30%或平均分數達80分以上。 (三)未轉至他系就讀者。 (四)未曾受刑事處分或未經校內記小過以上處分者。 (五)無其他由各學院提交國際處召開「辰星審查小組」會議審議不得保留獲獎資格之情事。 前項第五款辰星審查小組,由校長指定副校長一人、教務長、學務長及國際長組成,並得邀請各學院院長列席。 第一項獲獎資格保留審查程序如下: (一)國際處於每年9月15日前,通知各學院辦理獲獎學生資格保留審查,各學院於10月1日前繳交通過初審名單及相關資料,送國際處進行審查。 (二)依第一項各款規定不得保留獲獎資格者,撤銷獲獎資格,停止核發獎學金。 獲獎學生辦理保留入學資格或休學之學期,暫停核發該學期獎學金。
6. Eligibility Requirements: a. Before the end of their second year, NOVA recipients must submit to the OIA a copy of their study abroad plan that has been signed by their NOVA advisor. b. Each semester, NOVA recipients must rank in the top 30% of their department or class (班) and/or maintain a minimum 80 GPA. c. Recipients may not transfer departments. d. Recipients shall have no record of criminal conviction or campus disciplinary action, including minor demerits or more severe infractions. e. No circumstances determined as disqualifying by an OIA review panel, which can be requested by a college.
A review panel, as referenced in 6.e, shall be composed of one Executive Vice President (TBD by the University President), the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Vice President for International Affairs. The deans of each college shall be invited to attend any such review panel.
Review process for 6.a eligibility: a. Each year, prior to September 15, the OIA will ask colleges to assess the eligibility of NOVA recipients. By October 1, each college must submit the names of NOVA recipients who have passed their preliminary review, along with any relevant information, for OIA review. b. Recipients not meeting the requirements outlined by 6.a will be deemed ineligible and their NOVA scholarship will be terminated.
The NOVA scholarship will be suspended for any semester during which the recipient defers admission or takes a leave of absence.
七、獎學金金額與項目: (一)每名獲獎學生至多補助新臺幣六十萬元,得於在學期間分次赴國外研修使用,包括雙聯學位、交換生、短期實習及出席國際會議等。 (二)補助項目: 1. 經濟艙來回機票費、出席國際會議註冊費及交換生研修學校學雜費等,應檢據覈實報支。 2. 生活費:出國期間十五日以下,依「中央政府各機關派赴國外各地區出差人員生活費日支數額表」標準核給;出國期間逾十五日,依「國科會補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究作業要點」標準核給。 獲獎學生畢業後,原核定獎學金如有餘額,除續留本校攻讀碩士班者得保留獎學金至碩士班畢業外,其餘全數收回。 7. Award Amounts and Approved Uses: a. Each NOVA recipient shall be eligible to receive a maximum award of NT$600,000 for pursuing studies overseas during enrollment at the University. Overseas studies may include participation in dual-degree programs, exchange programs, short-term internships, and international conferences. b. Approved Uses: i. Economy class round-trip airfare, international conference registration fees, and/or exchange program tuition/school fees. Expenses must be documented, reported, and verified. ii. Per diems: For overseas trips of less than 15 days, per diems will be set by the central government's standards for travel abroad (see 中央政府各機關派赴國外各地區出差人員生活費日支數額表 [no English version available]). For overseas trips of 16 days or more, the per diem will be set by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) standards (see 國科會補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究作業要點 [no English version available]). Upon graduation, any unused NOVA scholarship funds will be withdrawn, except if the student continues at the University for graduate studies. In such cases, the funds will remain available until the completion of their master's studies.
八、獲獎學生出國研修審查程序: (一)上學期出國研修者(研修起始日為8月1日至隔年1月31日),於當年度3月1日前;下學期出國研修者(研修起始日為2月1日至7月31日),於前一年度10月1日前,由各學院提送申請表及相關附件至國際處辦理出國審查。 (二)由國際處召開辰星審查小組會議,審查獲獎學生當次研修計畫資料及補助金額,陳請校長核決後通知獲獎學生、所屬辰星導師及學院。 (三)獲獎學生應於出國一個月前與本校簽定行政契約,於出國期間撥付當次研修核定補助金額之90%為原則,並於研修結束一個月內繳交出國報告書及核銷文件,依第七點規定覈實報支後,撥付剩餘款項或繳回溢領款項。 (四)獲獎學生每次出國研修,須重新辦理審查程序。
8. Overseas Studies Approval Process: a. To apply for overseas studies approval, NOVA recipients must submit an application, including all necessary documents, through their college, who shall send the application to OIA for review. Application submission dates are as follows: i. For overseas studies during the first semester (between August 1 and January 31), applications must be submitted before March 1 preceding the semester of travel. ii. For overseas studies during the second semester (between February 1 to July 31), applications must be submitted before October 1 preceding the semester of travel. b. A review committee, convened by the OIA, shall review each submitted overseas study plan and funding request. A decision will be submitted to the University President for approval and, once approved, the NOVA recipient, advisor, and college shall be notified. c. One month before departure, NOVA recipients must sign a contract with the University. 90% of awarded funds shall be disbursed during the recipient's time overseas. Within one month of return, recipients must submit a final report and expense documentation (e.g., receipts, proof of payment). Payment of the remaining funds or recovery of overpayments shall follow the procedures outlined in Item 7. d. NOVA recipients must submit an application for each scholarship-funded trip overseas.
九、獲獎學生不得兼領本校跨國雙向研修獎助學金及本校專任教師、博士級研究員及學生出席國際會議補助。 9. The NOVA scholarship may not be combined with the University's Transnational Study and Research Scholarship Grants or International Conference Grants for Full-Time Instructors, Research Fellows, and Students.
十、本要點經主管會報及校務基金管理委員會通過,校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。 10. These guidelines have been approved by the Chief Administrators and University Endowment Fund Management Committee and shall go into effect after approval by the University President. This process shall apply to all further amendments. These regulations, as amended on 2024.04.03, shall apply retroactively to all NOVA scholarship recipients, with the exception of Article 6 (see Appendix I for more information).
附錄一 Appendix I
國立成功大學辰星學者培育獎學金實施要點修正前適用補充說明 Description of Amendments to the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
一、本要點113年4月3日修正前業經提送之獲獎學生,除第六點獲獎資格保留規定外,應適用修正實施後之規定。 1. These regulations, as amended on 2024.04.03, shall apply retroactively to all NOVA scholarship recipients, with the exception of Article 6.
二、研究生不再為本獎學金適用對象,惟保留112年已指定捐款之半導體學院4名獲獎研究生。上述半導體學院4名獲獎研究生適用之獲獎資格保留規定,說明如下: (一)獲獎學生在學期間應符合下列情形,始得保有獲獎資格: 1. 於113年10月1日前,向國際處提交經辰星導師簽核之出國研修計畫。 2. 尚未修滿畢業學分之研究生,每學期學業成績平均達80分以上。 3. 未轉至他院就讀者。 4. 未曾受刑事處分或未經校內學生獎懲委員會記小過以上處分者。 5. 其他特殊情事,由半導體學院提交國際處召開會議審議之。 (二)前項獲獎資格保留審查程序如下: 1. 國際處於每年10月1日前,通知半導體學院辦理獲獎學生資格保留審查,並由半導體學院繳交審查結果由國際處進行複審。 2. 獲獎學生不符合前項各款規定,取消獲獎學生身分,停止核發獎學金。 2. Following the amended regulations, the NOVA scholarship is now exclusively available for undergraduate students. Nevertheless, the scholarship will continue to be accessible for the four graduate students from the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing who received the scholarship through a designated donation in 2023. Eligibility requirements for the four graduate students of the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing are as follows: a. Eligibility Requirements: i. An overseas study plan, signed and approved by the recipient's NOVA advisor, must be submitted to the OIA before October 1, 2024; ii. Any graduate students still completing degree coursework must maintain a minimum 80% average for all semesters; iii. Recipients may not transfer departments; iv. Recipients shall have no record of criminal conviction or campus disciplinary action by the Student Rewards and Disciplinary Committee, including minor demerits or more severe infractions; v. Any unique circumstances potentially affecting eligibility must be reported by the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing to the OIA, who shall convene a review committee to assess the circumstances. b. Eligibility Review Process: i. Each year, prior to October 1, the OIA shall notify the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing to reassess the eligibility of its NOVA recipients. The Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing must submit the results of this evaluation to the OIA for a secondary review. ii. NOVA recipients failing to meeting the above requirements will be deemed ineligible and their NOVA scholarship revoked and terminated. |