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國立成功大學清寒學生就學獎補助要點 NCKU Directions for Subsidies for Underprivileged Students |
91.12.18 第545次主管會報通過 Approved by the 545th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on Dec. 18, 2002 92.01.08 第546次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 546th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on Jan. 8, 2003 92.06.18 第555次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 555th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on June 18, 2004 95.01.25 第611次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 661st meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on Jan. 25, 2006 96.12.19 第647次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 647th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on Dec. 19, 2007 100.06.22第708次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 708th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on June 22, 2011 101.06.28第728次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 728th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on June 28, 2012 106.01.11第800次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 800th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on Jan. 11, 2017 107.01.10第808次主管會報修訂通過 Revised and approved by the 808th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council on Jan. 10, 2018 112.01.11第837次主管會報修訂通過 Approved at the 837th meeting of the Chief Administrators Council, Jan. 11, 2023 113.1.17第843次主管會報修訂通過 Approved at the 843rd meeting of the Chief Administrators Council, Jan. 17, 2024 |
一、國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為協助經濟有困難之學生順利完成學業,並鼓勵其向上精神,特訂定本要點。 I. The NCKU Directions for Subsidies for Underprivileged Students (hereafter the Directions) are established by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) to help financially disadvantaged students pursue their studies and encourage them to pursue self-development.
二、獎補助對象:凡本校具正式學籍,屬於低收入戶,經濟上需要資助之清寒學生。但已領有教育部補助款或政府機關臺灣獎學金者,不予補助。 前項獎補助對象,不包括依大陸地區人民來臺就讀專科以上學校辦法入學之大陸地區學生。 II.Scholarships or subsidies recipients: NCKU students from low-income households who need financial assistance. This rule, however, is not applicable to those who have received subsidies from the Ministry of Education or scholarships from the Taiwan government. Applicants for scholarships or subsidies, defined in the preceding paragraph, exclude Mainland Chinese students admitted to NCKU in accordance with the Regulations Regarding Mainland Chinese Residents Studying in Junior Colleges or Above in Taiwan.
三、申請資格:前學期學業平均成績,大學部學生應達六十五分,研究所學生應達七十五分;操行成績應達八十分。 申請人如為新生,不受前項之限制。 III. Application eligibility: An average academic grade of 65 or above for the previous semester is required for undergraduate students; an average academic grade of 75 or above for the previous semester is required for graduate students. A grade of 80 or above for conduct is required for all applicants. New students who apply for subsidies are not subject to the requirements stated in the preceding paragraph.
四、補助金額:每名每學期新臺幣壹萬捌仟元整。 IV. Amount of subsidies: NT$18,000 each semester for each recipient.
五、申請期間:每學期開學後,依下列受理單位公告期間,備妥文件提出申請: (一)本國籍學生:學生事務處生活輔導組。 (二)境外生:國際事務處境外生與學人事務組。 V. Duration of application: Applications shall be submitted with required documents within the designated period published at the beginning of each semester by the responsible units below: (I) Domestic students(ROC citizens): Student Assistance Division under the Office of Student Affairs. (II) Overseas students: Division of Overseas Students and Scholars Services Members.
六、申請文件: (一)申請書乙份(請至受理單位網頁表單下載)。 (二) 學生證影本乙份。 (三)成績單乙份(新生免繳)。 (四) 自傳及家境說明書乙份(本地生免繳)。 (五)清寒證明: 1.本國籍學生:戶籍所在地鄉鎮市區公所開具之低收入戶證明正本乙份。 2.境外生:應出具僑委會核可開立清寒證明文件之單位、所在國政府單位或駐外單位所開立之中文或英文證明,開立日期以自申請日起一年以內為限。 VI. Required application documents: (I) A completed application form (downloaded from the webpage of the responsible unit). (II) A photocopy of student ID card. (III) A transcript (not required for new students). (IV) An autobiography and a statement of financial status (not required for domestic students). (V) Certification: 1. Domestic students: An original copy of low-income household issued from the household registry office. 2. Overseas students: A certificate of an economically-disadvantaged status (in Chinese or English) issued from an agency approved by the Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan), a home-country government agency, or a diplomatic mission, which will be deemed valid for one year from the date of issuance.
七、審查程序: (一)本國籍學生:由學生事務處生活輔導組辦理審查作業,審查結果經學務長轉請校長核定後通過。 (二)境外生:由國際事務處境外生與學人事務組辦理審查作業,審查結果經國際長轉請校長核定後通過。 VII. Review procedures: (I)Domestic students (ROC citizens): Applications shall be reviewed by the Student Assistance Division under the Office of International Affairs. The results shall be forwarded by the Vice President for Student Affairs to the NCKU president for approval. (II)Overseas students: Applications shall be reviewed by Division of Overseas Students and Scholars Services Members under the Office of Student Affairs. The results shall be forwarded by the Vice President for International Affairs to the NCKU president for approval.
八、經費來源:視本校年度預算編列經費支給。 VIII. Funding source: Scholarships and subsidies will be funded according to the NCKU annual budget.
九、本獎補助不受本校獎學金審查辦法第四條第三款規定「每位學生每學期限領取乙項獎學金為原則」之限制。 IX. The scholarships or subsidies shall be exempted from “the principle of one student only allowed to receive a scholarship in one semester” as stipulated in Subparagraph Three of Article Four of the NCKU Regulations for Scholarship Application Review
十、本要點經主管會報通過,校長核定後實施,修正時亦同。 X. These Directions shall be approved by the Chief Administrators Council and the NCKU president before taking effect. Amendments shall be processed accordingly.
These directions were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence. |