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國立成功大學安心就學濟助辦法 National Cheng Kung University Regulations on Student Gift Aid |
100年6月29日99學年度第5次校務會議通過 Approved at the 5th meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2010-11 academic year on June 29, 2011 101年7月10日100學年度第4次校務會議延會修正通過 Amended at the extended session of the 4th meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2011-12 academic year on July 10, 2012 109年6月10日108學年度第4次校務會議修正通過 Amended at the 4th meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2019-20 academic year on June 10, 2020 110年6月9日109學年度第4次校務會議修正通過 Amended at the 4th meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2020-21 academic year on June 9, 2021 |
第一條 國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為結合校園及社會各界力量,協助本校 家境困難學子安心就學,順利完成學業,特訂定本辦法。 Article 1 The NCKU Regulations for the Financial Relief Program for Carefree Studies (hereafter these Regulations) are established by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) to integrate its internal and external resources to help financially disadvantaged students pursue their studies free from financial hardship and complete their college education successfully.
第二條 本辦法所需經費來源與使用,以社會大眾各方捐贈金額及其孳息部分 為限。 Article 2. The budgetary funds required in these Regulations are limited to public donations with deposit interest.
第三條 為妥善保管及使用前條經費,本校特組成「安心就學濟助管理委員會」(以下簡稱本委員會)。本委員會置委員七人,由學生事務長、教務長、財務長、生活輔導組組長、教師代表一人及學生代表二人組成,由學生事務長擔任召集人,並為會議主席。教師代表由本校教師會推派、學生代表由學生會推派大學部一人及研究所一人,任期一年,得連任之。 Article 3 The Committee of the Financial Relief Program for Carefree Studies (hereafter the Committee) is established by NCKU to safeguard and manage the budgetary funds stated in Article 2. The Committee comprises seven members, including the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Finance, the Director of the Student Assistance Division, one teacher, and two students. The Vice President for Student Affairs serves as the convener and chair of the Committee. The teacher shall be assigned by the NCKU Teachers Association. The two students, including one undergraduate student and one graduate student, shall be assigned by the NCKU Student Association. Committee members shall serve a term of one year and be eligible for reelection.
第四條 本委員會任務如下: 一、審議申請金額之核定。 二、監督經費之運作及業務之執行。 三、訂定或修正相關規定。 四、其他有關事宜。 Article 4 The Committee functions to perform the following duties: 1. To review applications for a grant of aid. 2. To supervise the operation and administration of the budgetary funds. 3. To establish or revise relevant regulations. 4. To process other relevant matters.
第五條 依本辦法申請安心就學濟助方案(下稱本方案)之申請人應符合下列條件: 一、具中華民國國籍並設有戶籍,且於本校具正式學籍之學生。但研究所在職專班學生,不得申請。 二、全戶家庭年收入以低於前一年無須進行綜合所得稅申報額為原則,另有特殊困難者不在此限。 三、須品行端正,無不良紀錄。 四、第2次以上申請本方案之申請人,大學部學生之前一學期平均成績應達65分、研究生之前一學期平均成績應達75分。成績雖未達前開標準,但經導師或指導教授證明其成績或相關表現確有提升,且有具體事證者,不在此限。 Article 5 In accordance with these Regulations, applicants eligible for the Financial Relief Program for Carefree Studies (hereafter the Program) must meet the following requirements: 1. Applicants must be students who have ROC nationality with household registration in Taiwan, while being officially enrolled at NCKU. However, students from in-service master’s programs are not eligible for the Program. 2. In principle, applicants should be students whose household annual income in the current year is less than the amount of the basic income tax designated for the previous year. However, this rule does not apply in the case of students with exceptional financial difficulties. 3. Applicants must be well-behaved students without misconduct records. 4. Those who apply for the Program for the second time or subsequently should be undergraduate students receiving an average grade of 65 or above for the previous semester or graduate students receiving an average grade of 75 or above for the previous semester. However, this may not apply in case of students who have failed to meet the grade requirement, but who have improved their academic performance with significant evidence based on certificates or supporting documents from their class or thesis/dissertation advisors.
第六條 申請人有下列情形者,應優先考量核定: 一、當學期已申貸教育部就學貸款,仍無力負擔生活費者。 二、家境困難,在校外、校內服務或社團活動表現優良者。 Article 6 Approval preference should be given to applicants under the following circumstances: 1. Students who are unable to afford their living expenses for the current semester with an approved student loan from the Ministry of Education. 2. Students from low-income households with outstanding performance in intramural and extramural public services, or student club activities.
第七條 學生事務處生活輔導組於每年2月1日及8月1日起公告並受理申請,申請人最遲應於每學期開學後2週內、新生得於開學後3週內提出申請。 Article 7 The Student Assistance Division (hereafter the Division) under the Office of Student Affairs shall publicize an application notice and administer applications, starting from February 1 for the spring semester, and August 1 for the fall semester. Applications shall be submitted to the Division within 2 weeks after a semester begins. New students must submit their applications within 3 weeks after a semester begins.
第八條 申請人申請本方案時,應將家庭經濟狀況與事由敘明,預估當學期所需之生活費。申請人提出之申請金額,每月不得逾新臺幣壹萬元。 Article 8 An application for the Program should be submitted with documents specifying household financial status, reasons, and an estimated cost of living for the current semester. The amount of the grant applied for shall not exceed NT$10,000 per month.
第九條 本委員會得視經費多寡,保留本方案之核定金額及名額,不受申請人申請之拘束。 Article 9 The Committee is entitled to approve the grant amount and recipient quota under the Program based on the amount of funds regardless of the number of applications.
第十條 本方案以學生為申請人。申請人如為未成年人時,應得法定代理人之同意。 Article 10. The Program designates students as applicants. Underage applicants should obtain the consent of their parents or legal representative.
第十一條 申請本方案者,應由申請人填具申請書,經與班導師或指導教授晤談、記錄並陳送系(所)主任及院長核閱後,再提交本委員會審理。 Article 11 Program applicants should complete an application form in person, consult with their class or thesis/dissertation advisors, and submit the minutes of the consultation to the department chair/institute director and college dean for review before the application is forwarded to the Committee for approval.
第十二條 本方案之申請人應檢附下列文件: 一、申請書。 二、申請人所有之經本校指定金融機構存簿封面影本。 三、申請日期前3個月內全戶戶籍謄本。 四、財政部國稅局前一年度全戶綜合所得稅各類所得資料清單。 五、本校安心就學濟助方案承諾書。 六、歷年成績單。但首次申請者,免附之。 七、校內外社團活動成績優異證明或其他有利於申請之資料。 Article 12 Program applicants shall submit the following documents: 1. A completed application form. 2. A photocopy of the cover of the applicant’s passbook from an NCKU-designated financial institution. 3. A transcript of the applicant’s household certificate issued within 3 months before the application date 4. A list of household incomes in the categories for annual individual income tax in the previous year, issued by the district National Taxation Bureau under the Ministry of Finance. 5. A written commitment statement for the Program. 6. An academic transcript for the previous studies (first-time applicants are exempted). 7. Certificates of outstanding performance in intramural or extramural student club activities, or other documents supporting the application.
第十三條 本方案申請經本委員會審定通過後,以電子郵件方式通知申請人,並按月撥付至申請人之帳戶。 申請人如在申請之學期間發生小過以上之懲處案件,且未以校園服務替代者,自核定後之次月起,不予撥付。 Article 13 After a Program application is approved by the Committee, the applicant will be informed by email and the grant of aid will be transferred to his/her designated account on a monthly basis. If the applicant is disciplined with a penalty of a minor demerit or above, and fails to have the penalty commuted into a campus service during the semester applied for, the grant of aid will cease to be administered in the following month after the date of ratification.
第十四條 獲本方案濟助之學生,於將來有經濟能力時,應以不定期與不定額指定捐款方式,捐還本校。 Article 14 Students who receive financial aid from the Program will be welcome to make donations to NCKU occasionally with unspecific amounts at their own discretion when they become financially successful in the future.
第十五條 如遇社會重大事故或急難之情形,得經本委員會同意後勻支相關經費補助學生緊急紓困金,申請學生需符合本辦法第五條第一項第(一)、(二)款之規定。 Article 15 In the event of major accidents or disasters in society, related funds may be used to subsidize students for an emergency financial relief with the approval of the Committee. Applicants must meet the requirements stipulated in Paragraphs 1 and 2 under Article 5 of these Regulations.
第十六條 本辦法經校務會議通過後施行,修正時亦同。 Article 16 These Regulations shall be approved by the University Affairs Council before taking effect.
(These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.) |