


NCKU Directions for the Appointment of Emeritus Professors

80.1.16      79 學年度第 2 次校務會議通過

Approved at the 2nd meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 1990-91 academic year on Jan. 16, 1991

87.6.10      86 學年度第 4 次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved at the 4th meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 1997-98 academic year on June 10, 1998

94.12.28  94 學年度第 2 次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved at the 2nd meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2005-06 academic year on Dec. 28, 2005

97.6.25      96 學年度第 4 次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved at the 4th meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2007-08 academic year on June 25, 2008

104.4.8      103 學年度第 3次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved at the 3rd meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2014-15 academic year on Apr. 8, 2015

108.10.30  108學年度第1次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved at the 1st meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2019-20 academic year on Oct. 30, 2019

111.06.08 110學年度第5次校務會議修正通過

Revised and approved at the 5th meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2021-22 academic year on June 8, 2022

一、   國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為崇敬在教學、研究或行政工作上有卓越貢獻之專任教授,於其退休時致聘為名譽教授,特訂定本要點。

1. The NCKU Directions for the Appointment of Emeritus Professors (hereinafter

Directions) are established by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) to regulate the appointment of distinguished professors in terms of teaching, research or administrative service as emeritus professors at the time of retirement.


二、 名譽教授應具備下列條件之一者:


(二)在本校擔任專任教授5年以上,於學術上有特殊成就,享有國際   聲譽。

2.   The appointment of an emeritus professor shall be based on the candidate meeting one of the following requirements:

(1) Those who have served as a fulltime full professor for 15 consecutive years (effective from the date specified on the certificate of full professor) with outstanding performance in teaching and research, or significant contributions as an administrator to the management and development of school affairs.

(2) Those who have served as full professors for more than five years with internationally-recognized academic achievements.


三、 名譽教授之推薦程序如下:


3.  Recommendation Procedures:

 A department, graduate institute, or degree program shall complete and submit a form of recommendation to its department/graduate institute/degree program council and the faculty evaluation committee of the affiliated college for review prior to the effective date retirement of the candidate. Upon approval by the college, the recommendation shall be proposed to the NCKU Faculty Evaluation Committee for review. A recommendation approved by the Committee shall be reported to the President to administer the appointment. Should the Committee conduct its review later than the effective date for retirement of the candidate, the recommendation shall be administered on an ex post facto basis.



4.   No resolution of approval that fails to pass with a quorum of two-thirds or more of attending members in relevant meetings regulated in these Directions shall be reached.



5. The rights and interests of emeritus professors shall be administered in accordance with NCKU Directions for the Welfare of Retired Employees. They are entitled to apply to their affiliated department/graduate institute/degree program for facilities or equipment required for research in accordance with NCKU Directions for Handling Spaces Following Resignation or Retirement of Faculty and Staff.



6.  These Directions shall be approved by the University Affairs Council before taking effect. Amendments shall be processed accordingly.


These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.