


National Cheng Kung University Disciplinary Guidelines for Offenders of the Gender Equity Education Act


Approved at the 203th executive meeting on 2020.06.17

一、 國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為促使校園性別事件行為人(以下簡稱行為人)配合接受心理輔導或相關處置,特依性別平等教育法第25條第二項規定,訂定本要點。


1.      National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter the University), in accordance with Clause 2, Article 25 of the Gender Equity Education Act (hereinafter the Act), has established the following guidelines to ensure those who have committed sexual assault, sexual harassment, and/or sexual bullying complete mandatory counseling and comply with any disciplinary measures.


二、 本要點所稱行為人,指經學校或主管機關調查屬實,認定構成校園性騷擾或性霸凌者。


2.      Offender, as used within these guidelines, refers to an individual who the University or competent authorities have determined, after investigation, has in fact committed an act of sexual harassment or sexual bullying on campus.


三、 行為人應於收到本校書面通知所定執行日起6個月內,完成心理輔導或相關處置。行為人應將完成心理輔導之相關證明文件送交性別平等教育委員會。


3.      The offender must complete mandated psychological counseling and/or fulfil disciplinary requirements within six months of receipt of the University's written notice. The offender must submit documentation to the Gender Equity Education Committee upon completion of psychological counseling.


四、 應接受心理輔導之行為人,得向本校心理師預約輔導期日,或自行至校外心理諮商機構自費完成之。




4.      An offender required to complete psychological counseling may make an appointment with the University psychologist or choose to complete counseling off-campus at their own expense.


If an offender is absent or late for more than 10 minutes to a required counseling appointment without a valid reason, they will receive one demerit and a written reminder. If the offender receives more than two demerits, any remaining appointments will be cancelled.


If an offender's future appointments have been cancelled, they must make new appointment(s) or complete psychological counseling off-campus at their own expense.


五、 行為人未能於第三點所定期限內完成心理輔導或相關處置,且無正當理由者,本校得報請主管機關,依性別平等教育法第36條第四項規定辦理。


5.      If the offender fails to complete required psychological counseling or other disciplinary requirements within the time frame specified in requirement three without acceptable justification, the University should report to the competent authorities and process the case in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4, Article 36 of the Act.


六、 本要點經性別平等教育委員會及行政會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。

6.      These guidelines and any future amendments go into effect after being approved by a Committee meeting and an executive meeting.