


Procurement Regulations of National Cheng Kung University


Approved at the 140th administrative meeting on March 22, 2000


Amended and approved at the 146th administrative meeting on November 13, 2002


Amended and approved at the 148th administrative meeting on November 26, 2003


Amended and approved at the 150th administrative meeting on January 12, 2005


Amended and approved at the 162th administrative meeting on November 24, 2010


Amended and approved at the 164th administrative meeting on November 23, 2011


Amended and approved at the 169th administrative meeting on September 18, 2013


Amended and approved at the 180th administrative meeting on April 20, 2016


Amended and approved at the 193th administrative meeting on November 21, 2018

110 年 06 月 09 日 109 學年度第 4 次校務會議修正通過(因應組織調整)

Revised and approved on June 9, 2021 via the 4th University Affairs Committee meeting for Academic Year 2020


Amended and approved at the 214th administrative meeting on September 21, 2022


Amended and approved at the 216th administrative meeting on March 8, 2023


Amended and approved at the 221th administrative meeting on January 10, 2024

第一條 國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為建立本校公平公開之採購制度,特訂定本辦法。

Article 1 National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter referred to as NCKU), this Act is enacted to establish an NCKU procurement system that has fair and open procurement procedures.

第二條 本辦法所稱採購依政府採購法第二條之規定,包括工程之定作、財物之買受、定製、承租及勞務之委任或僱傭等。


Article 2 The term “procurement” referred to in the Regulations shall include the contracting of construction work, the purchase, customization or lease of property, the mandate or employment of services specified in Article 2 of the Government Procurement Act.

The procurement within the scope of Article 6, Paragraph 4 of the Fundamental Science and Technology Act shall be subject to the Guidelines on Procurements for Scientific and Technological Research and Development of National Cheng Kung University

第三條 本校採購由總務處(各業務組)負責經辦,但各單位可辦理限額內之採購。各單位辦理額度如下:

Article 3 The procurement of NCKU is the responsibility of the Office of General Affairs (individual divisions). However, the administrative or academic unit may perform the procurement within the specified threshold. The threshold of procurement applicable to the unit is prescribed below:


1.    The administrative and academic units may individually perform procurement up to an amount less than small procurement by entering into an inter-entity supply contract.


2.    The Library may perform the procurement of books and materials up to a value less than fifteen times of the threshold for publication (only allowed under the disposable funds of the Library).


3.    The amount of small procurement and value of the threshold for publication set by the Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan. 

第四條 限額內之採購,各單位主管應嚴予審核並不得規避政府採購法之適用而採分批方式辦理。但採購圖書之作業方式,每一種圖書之需求,可視為一個採購,得視需要分別辦理。

Article 4 The head of the unit shall strictly review and approve the procurement within the limited amount and shall not allow dividing the procurement requirements for the purpose of circumventing the applicability of the Government Procurement Act. Nevertheless, for the purchase of books, a requirement for the type of book may be deemed a procurement and performed individually if appropriate.

第五條 辦理採購應檢附一家估價單。但小額採購金額十分之一以下之採購或有特殊情形者,得免附估價單。


Article 5 No quotation is needed for a procurement up to an amount not more than one tenth of the small procurement. A quotation from a supplier shall be attached for the procurement unless under special circumstances.

For a procurement of a value not reaching the threshold for publication but is more than the small procurement shall be subject to the Tendering Regulations of the Central Government Entities for Procurement of a Value Not Reaching the Threshold for Publication.

第六條 辦理公告金額以上之採購,而依政府採購法第二十二條第一項第十六款擬採限制性招標者,除已由行政院公共工程委員會通案認定者外,由學校組成審查小組審查之。審查小組以主任秘書、教務長、總務長、主計室主任、使用單位之一級主管為當然成員,並由校長另聘與審查案件有關之數位專家組成之。屬於教學儀器設備或書刊資料之採購案,由教務長擔任召集人;非屬教學儀器或書刊資料之採購案,則由總務長擔任召集人,審查時使用單位得派員列席說明。經評審同意之採購案再函報行政院公共工程委員會。

Article 6 Except as generally approved by the Public Construction Commission of the Executive Yuan, NCKU shall form a review committee to review any procurement reaching the threshold for publication in value and intended to be performed in accordance with the limited tendering procedure specified in Article 22, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 16 of the Government Procurement Act. The review committee is formed by the ex-officio members of the Secretary General, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for General Affairs, Comptroller of Accounting Office and the Level-I supervisor of the using unit, and a number of experts from the fields related to the case to be reviewed. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall serve as the convener for the procurement of teaching instruments and devices or books and materials. The Vice President for General Affairs shall serve as the convener for the procurement of items other than teaching instruments and devices or books and materials. The using unit may dispatch personnel to give a description during the review. A procurement case that has been approved by the review committee shall be reported by letter to the Public Construction Commission of the Executive Yuan.

第七條 辦理各項採購,底價之訂定授權如下:

Article 7 The estimated price of a procurement is determined under the authorization specified below: 


1. The Vice President for General Affairs shall make the decision for the procurement up to an amount more than the small procurement and less than five times of the threshold for publication. However, the decision shall be made by the Director of the Library for the procurement of books and materials to be performed by the Library.


2. The President or his/her authorized person shall make the decision for procurement up to an amount of more than five times of the threshold for publication.

第八條 辦理招標案件開標、比價、議價、決標時,屬總務處經辦者,由總務長或其指派適當人員擔任主持開標人員;屬圖書館經辦之書刊資料者,由圖書館館長或其指派適當人員擔任主持開標人員;以上由主計室監辦。


Article 8 The Vice President or his/her designated person is responsible for opening the tender with regard to the procedures of tender opening, price competition, price negotiation, and contract awarding in the tendering cases under the authority of the Office of General Affairs. The Director of the Library or his/her designated person is responsible for opening the tender in the tendering cases of books and materials under the authority of the Library. The Accounting Office is responsible for monitoring the above-mentioned procedures.

The monitoring personnel shall act in compliance with the “Regulations Governing the Joint Monitoring of Procurement Performed by the Auditing and Accounting Departments and Relevant Agencies of an Entity” and the “Tendering Regulations of Central Government Entities for Procurement of a Value Not Reaching the Threshold for Publication” when monitoring the tendering procedures. The monitoring personnel conduct a review and monitoring in writing for the procurements not reaching the threshold for publication.

第九條 驗收時依授權採購金額分工如下:

Article 9 The acceptance inspection is conducted below based on the authorization and threshold of procurement:


1. For the procurement up to an amount of the small procurement, the unit in charge of the procurement shall provide a documented certificate and the head of the unit shall designate the personnel for the acceptance inspection. The personnel shall affix their stamps or signatures to the certificate. The personnel in charge of the procurement, request for procurement and the procurement project shall not act as the acceptance inspection personnel.


2.  For procurement up to an amount of more than small procurement and performed by the Office of General Affairs, the Vice President for General Affairs or his/her designated person shall be the chief inspection person with the delegates of the using unit and Property Management Division as the co-inspection personnel. For the procurement of books and materials under the authority of the Library, the Director of the Library or his/her designated person shall be the chief inspection person and other competent personnel shall be designated to participate in the inspection. The Accounting Office is responsible for monitoring the above-mentioned inspections. For procurement performed by each unit under an “inter-entity supply contract” project, the head of the unit or his/her designated person shall be the chief inspection person of the Property Management Division as the co-inspection person. For the procurement of books and materials under authority of the Library, the Director of the Library or his/her designated person shall still be the chief inspection person and other competent personnel shall be designated to participate in the inspection. The Accounting Office is responsible for monitoring the above-mentioned inspections. Any professional institutions or specialists who were involved in design or supervision of construction under the commission may be requested to assist in the inspection.


To execute the acceptance inspection procedure, the chief inspection person referred to in Subparagraph 2 of the previous paragraph may conduct random inspection of the suppliers to make sure whether the performance of the contract is in compliance with the contractual terms, drawings, or samples and decide the actions in case noncompliance occurs. The co-inspection persons shall participate in the random inspection of the suppliers to make sure whether the performance of the contract is in compliance with the contractual terms, drawings, or samples and decide on the actions in case noncompliance occurs. The co-inspection persons shall assist in the affairs related to the acceptance inspection. The monitoring personnel shall act in compliance with the “Regulations Governing the Joint Monitoring of Procurement Performed by Auditing and Accounting Departments and Relevant Agencies of an Entity” and the “Tendering Regulations of Central Government Entities for Procurement of a Value Not Reaching the Threshold for Publication” when monitoring the acceptance inspection procedures. The monitoring personnel conduct review and monitoring in writing for the procurements not reaching the threshold for publication.

第十條 本辦法經行政會議通過後施行,修正時亦同。

Article 10  The Regulations shall be implemented upon approval by the Administrative Meeting. Any amendments shall be processed accordingly