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國立成功大學新進教師暨研究人員學術研究計畫補助要點 National Cheng Kung University Subsidy Directions for Academic Research Projects Conducted by Newly Employed Faculty Members and Research fellows |
96.06.13 第 638 次主管會報修訂 Amended in the 638th supervisory meeting on Jun. 13, 2007 96.10.17 第 643 次主管會報修訂 Amended in the 643rd supervisory meeting on Oct. 17, 2007 98.10.21 第 680 次主管會報修訂 Amended in the 680th supervisory meeting on Oct. 21, 2009 101.02.08 第 720 次主管會報修訂 Amended in the 720th supervisory meeting on Feb. 8, 2012 103. 05.07 第 764 次主管會報修訂 Amended in the 764th supervisory meeting on May 7, 2014 104. 03.04 第 778 次主管會報修訂 Amended in the 778th supervisory meeting on Mar. 4, 2015 105. 05.11 第 794 次主管會報修正通過 Amended in the 794th supervisory meeting on May 11, 2016 105.09.27 105 學年度第 1 次校務基金管理委員會修正通過 Amended in the first Endowment Fund Management Committee of the 2016 academic year on Sep. 27, 2016 107. 01.10 第 808 次主管會報修正通過 Amended in the 808th supervisory meeting on Jan. 10, 2018 107.03.22 106 學年度第 3 次校務基金管理委員會修正通過 Amended in the third Endowment Fund Management Committee of the 2017 academic year on Mar. 22, 2018 111. 09.07 第 835 次主管會報修正通過 Amended in the 835th supervisory meeting on Sep. 07, 2022 |
一、國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為鼓勵本校新進教師暨研究人員從事學術研究計畫,特訂定本要點。 These Directions are enacted to encourage newly employed faculty members and research fellows at National Cheng Kung University (hereinafter “the University”) to conduct academic research projects. 二、本要點適用範圍,限於本校新進教師暨研究人員申請國科會「專題研究計畫案」。 The scope of application for the Directions is limited to the Research Projects of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) that newly employed faculty members and research fellows at the University apply for. 三、專題研究計畫之補助,申請程序如下: Application procedure for Research Project subsidy is as follows: (一)申請資格: 凡本校新進教師暨研究人員(含醫院臨床教師、編制外專案教師及研究人員),到校三 年內,於當年度申請國科會專題研究計畫獲核定通過者。(以當年國科會正式計畫經費核 定清單為主) Eligibility criteria: All newly employed faculty members and research fellows (including clinical teachers at the hospital, temporary faculty members hired for specific projects, and research fellows) who have worked at the University for less than 3 years, and have successfully applied NSTC Research Projects in the same year (as determined by the official list of project fund approvals provided by NSTC in the corresponding year). (二)申請方式: 1.上網登錄 2.檢附(1)紙本申請表格(2)國科會專題研究計畫申請書暨國科會經費核定清單,向研發處 提出申請。 Application method: 1. Register online 2. Attach a (a) printed application form and (b) NSTC Research Project application form and NSTC funding approval list to file an application to the Office of Research and Development. (三)申請時間: 於每年十一月三十日前,向研發處提出申請,(次年度一月下旬通知審查結果)。 Application time: Applications must be filed at the Office of Research and Development before November 30 each year (applicants will be notified of their review result by late January of the following year). (四)申請審核:由研發處書面審查。 Application review: The Office of Research and Development conducts the document review. (五)補助經費原則: 1.配合國科會專題研究計畫之經費補助,不超過國科會補助經費總額為原則。 2.依據當年度匡列之預算酌予補助,每年以新台幣二十萬元為上限。 Subsidization principles: 1. The subsidy amount that the University provides refers to the NSTC Research Project fund; the university subsidy shall not exceed the total amount of this fund. 2. The subsidy amount is determined with reference to the overall budget listed in the corresponding year. The upper subsidy limit for each applicant is NT$200,000. (六)補助次數: 1.每位教師到校三年內,經審核後,每年可獲一次補助﹔到校超過三年後不予補助。 2.補助期間為自公告審查結果日起,至十二月三十一日止。 Frequency of subsidization: 1. Within the first 3 years of serving at the University, each faculty member can be subsidized once a year upon review approval; no such subsidy shall be granted when the faculty member has served at the University for longer than 3 years. 2. The term of subsidization starts from the day the review result is announced and ends on December 31. (七)計畫成果評鑑: 計畫執行期滿二個月內,須繳交成果報告電子檔一份至研發處結案以供查核,若需延期 繳交,則需敘明理由,但最遲應於六個月內補齊,逾期未繳交者,做成紀錄通知其所屬系、所、學院及教務處作為考評參考。 Review of project achievements: Within 2 months of the project’s completion, an electronic version of an achievement report must be submitted to the Office of Research and Development for review to conclude the case. Reasons must be provided if an extension is required to submit the report, which must be submitted no later than 6 months after the project’s completion. Applicants who fail to submit the report on time will be documented and reported to their affiliated department, institution, or college, as well as the Office of Academic Affairs, which may serve as a reference for their performance evaluation. 四、本要點所需經費,由教育部相關補助計畫經費或校務基金項下支應。 The sources of funding for the Directions are relevant subsidy projects of the Ministry of Education and relevant items of the endowment fund. 五、本要點經主管會報及校務基金管理委員會通過後實施,修正時亦同。 The Directions shall come into force after their approval in a supervisory meeting and by the Endowment Fund Management Committee. Any amendments shall also be approved by these two entities.
These regulations were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence. |