


NCKU Directions for Naming Spaces on Campus


NCKU Directions for Naming Spaces on Campus

98 年 5 月 27 日第 159 次行政會議通過

Approved in the 159th Administrative Meeting on May 27, 2009

106 年 3 月 8 日第 184 次行政會議修正通過

Revised and approved in the 184th Administrative Meeting on March 8, 2017

111 年 5 月11日第 213 次行政會議修正通過

Revised and approved in the 213th Administrative Meeting on March 11, 2022

一、 國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為因應未來發展與社會環境之變遷, 使本校校園空間之名稱符合實際需求,並使命名或更名等作業程序有所依循,以彰顯建置精神與使用意涵,特訂定本要點。

I. National Cheng Kung University (the University) establishes these Directions to address the developmental, social, and environmental changes in the future, to make the names of the spaces on campus reflective of actual demand, and to have a standard to be followed fornaming and changing names for the founding purpose and the significance of use to be signified.


II. Spaces on campus as indicated herein refer to the various branches, administrative buildings, teaching and research buildings, squares, parks and avenues, activity centers, and other public facilities or architectures of the University.

三、 校園空間屬全校性公用共同空間,由空間管理單位提出建議名稱及闡明命名理念,經提送永續校園規劃及運用委員會、主管會報及校務會議通過後,公告周知。

III. Names of public and shared spaces throughout the University are to be proposed with the underlying rationale to be elaborated by their managing unit and are submitted to the Sustainable Campus Planning and Utilization Committee, and the supervisor so that the latter may report them in the University Affairs Committee meeting; once they are approved, they will be made known to public.


The following factors shall be adequately considered in naming spaces on campus:

(一) 歷史紀念意義。

(1) Historical memorial significance.

(二) 自然人文地景(含植栽、地貌、公共藝術等)。

(2) Nature, humanity, and landscape (including plantation, landform, public arts, etc.).

(三) 使用特性。

(3) Use properties.

(四) 規劃理念。

(4) Underlying rationale.

四、 校園空間經命名後,如與現有或既有之其他建築物、公共空間名稱類似、重覆,或其他有更名必要之情形者,由提案單位敘明更名理由及提出建議名稱,交由空間管理單位研議後,準用前點規定辦理。

IV. Spaces on campus, once named, shall be subject to specification of reasons for the name change from the proposing unit and proposal of the advised name if a name change is required because of similarity or repetition with other current or existing buildings and public spaces or other reasons, and submit to the space managing unit; the requirements in the preceding point shall apply.


It shall apply to rejected prior proposed names that require re-submission

of other proposed names.

五、 校園空間於完成命名或更名程序後,如屬開放空間性質,以不立牌示為原則。但如有標示或立牌之需求,由空間管理單位向永續校園規劃及運用委員會工作小組提出,經審議通過後,始得為之。審議時應注意標示、立牌是否與景觀相融合。

V. Once spaces on campus are named or the name change procedure is completed, for open spaces, no sign is to be set up, in principle. If labeling or setting up a sign is required, the managing unit shall indicate so with the Sustainable Campus Planning and Utilization Committee Task Force and it may be done only following approval upon review. Attention shall be paid to combine the labeling or setting up a sign and the landscape during the review.


The signboard and the descriptions shall be in both Chinese and English;

other languages may be added if necessary.

六、 本要點經行政會議通過後實施,修正時亦同。

VI. These Directions are to be enforced following approval through theadministrative meeting; the same shall apply to their revisions.