


National Cheng Kung University Directions for Student Organizations Fundraising


Passed by Student Affairs Management Meeting on February 21, 2005

1. The Directions for fundraising (hereafter referred to as the Directions) are established to adequately introduce societal resources for the development of student club education, provide guidance regarding the operation of student organizations, and establish a supervisory mechanism for student club fundraising.
2. Student organizations, as referred to in the Directions, include the student association of each department and student clubs.
3. The fundraising, as referred to in the Directions, is all the revenue independently obtained by student organizations in the name of their organization, including membership fees from members outside the university, advertisements, charity bazaars, private donations, and company sponsorships.
4. The raised funds must be used for relevant student affairs such as promoting legitimate activities, education, research, and management.
5. The total amount, collect, and usage of the raised funds must be specified in proposals and annual plans; a proposal or plan must be submitted to and approved by the Office of Student Affairs (hereafter referred to as OSA) before any fundraising activities can begin.
6. The amount of raised funds in such events must be recorded in detail on a balance sheet, and must disclose their account at least once a year according to the organization regulations. The OSA may ask a student organization to disclose their account and arrange an audit to establish credibility.
7. If a student organization fails to follow the rules in the Directions, the OSA may determine a punishment according to the severity of the violation or cancel the subsidy of student club activities.
8. The Directions are passed in the Student Affairs Management Meeting before implementation. The same shall apply to any amendments to the directions.