


National Cheng Kung University Directions for Reimbursement of Overseas Travel Expenditures


Approved by the 173rdmeeting of the Administrative Council on Sep. 24, 2014


Approved by the 202nd meeting of the Administrative Council on May 6, 2020


Approved by the 214nd meeting of the Administrative Council on Sep. 21, 2022

一、 依據「總決算附屬單位決算編製要點」訂定本注意事項

1. National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) has established the NCKU Directions for Reimbursement of Overseas Travel Expenditures in accordance with Directions for Preparing Financial Statement of Subsidiary Agencies.



2. NCKU Members who travel overseas (including the mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau) on an official trip shall apply for reimbursement of overseas travel expenditures within one month after return. A reimbursement application shall be submitted with an Overseas Travel Report, an Overseas Travel Review Form, and an Overseas Travel Expenditure Report.



3. Applicants shall submit an Overseas Travel Report and an Overseas Travel Review Form which shall be signed for approval by the supervisor at the first level of administration and forwarded to the supervising units for review. To facilitate your application, please refer to the NCKU Supervising Units for the Administration of Overseas Travel Report Review, as shown in【Table I】.   



4. Upon completing its review of the Overseas Travel Report and the Overseas Travel Review Report, the supervising unit hall tak administrative notes and stamp on the Overseas Travel Expenditure Report, which shall be forwarded to the Personnel Office for review.



5. As a result of its review, the Personnel Office shall stamp on the Overseas Travel Expenditure Report, which shall be forwarded to the Accounting Office for review. Upon confirmation, the Accounting Office shall issue a payment voucher for the Cashier Division under Office of Finance to process and complete the reimbursement, as shown in the flowchart 【Attachment I】.



6. During an ongoing NSTC-commissioned research project, the principal investigator applying for reimbursement of overseas travel expenditures shall submit the Overseas Travel Report and the Overseas Travel Review Form online at the website of NSTC (not required to be submitted to the supervising unit), with submission of the Overseas Travel Expenditure Report to the Personnel Office. However, in cases of applications for overseas travel expenditures to be covered by the administration fees and remaining balance of college or department, the Overseas Travel Report, the overseas Travel Review Form and the Overseas Travel Expenditure Report shall be submitted to the supervising unit for review.



7. To facilitate the completion of a project, the responsible administrative unit shall complete its administration of applications for reimbursement of related overseas travel expenditures by the deadline designated by the funding / commissioning institution in accordance with these Directions.



8. To facilitate the compilation of final financial statements for the current fiscal year, applicants shall complete their reimbursement of overseas travel expenditures in the shortest possible time. In case of those who return from an overseas trip on a date after December 1 and who fail to complete the reimbursement procedure by December 31, the Overseas Travel Expenditure Report shall be submitted to the supervising unit for approval and registration and to the Accounting Office for reimbursement administration by January 3 of the following year. Afterwards, the Overseas Travel Report and the Overseas Travel Review Form shall be submitted to the supervising unit, which is responsible for supervising the submission.



9. These Directions shall be approved by the Administrative Council before taking effect. Amendments shall be processed accordingly.


These Directions were translated from the original Chinese. In the event of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese always takes precedence.