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國立成功大學學則 National Cheng Kung University Academic Regulations |
奉教育部91.10.02台(91)高(二)字第九一一四七三八七號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai (91) Gao (2) Zi, No. 91147387, dated Oct. 2, 2002 奉教育部92.07.11台高(二)字第0九二00九八三五六號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 0920098356, dated July 11, 2003 92.10.22 九十二學年度第一學期第一次教務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the fall semester of the 2003-04 school year on Oct. 22, 2003 奉教育部93.03.09台高(二)字第0九三00二二一五九號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 0930022159, dated March 9, 2004 93.05.10 九十二學年度第二學期第一次教務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the spring semester of the 2003-04 school year on May 10, 2004 奉教育部93.09.10台高(二)字第0九三0一一七三八0號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 0930117380, dated Sept. 10, 2004 95.6.13 94學年度第3次教務會議及95.10.25校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 3rd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2005-06 school year on June 13, 2005 Amended and approved by the University Affairs Council in the 2005-06 school year on Oct. 25, 2006 奉教育部96.01.29台高(二)字第0960008528號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 0960008528, dated Jan. 1, 2007 96.07.05 95學年度第4次校務會議延會會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 4th Extended Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2006-07 school year on July 5, 2007 奉教育部96.07.24台高(二)字第0960110010號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 0960110010, dated July 24, 2007 97.6.4 96學年度第3次教務會議及97.06.25校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 3rd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2007-08 school year on June 4, 2008 Amended and approved by the University Affairs Council in the 2007-08 school year on June 25, 2008 奉教育部97.08.14台高(二)字第0970158282號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 0970158282, dated Aug. 14, 2008 100.06.29 99學年度第5次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 5th Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2010-11 school year on June 29, 2011 奉教育部100.09.02台高(二)字第1000147906號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1000147906, dated Sept. 2, 2011 100.11.22 100學年度第1次教務會議及100.12.28.100 學年度第2次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2011-12 school year on Nov. 22, 2011 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2011-12 school year on Dec. 28, 2011 奉教育部101.02.13臺高(二)字第1010020174號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1010020174, dated Feb. 13, 2012 101.5.22 100學年度第2次教務會議及101.10.25. 101學年度第1次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2011-12 school year on May 22, 2012 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2012-13 school year on Oct. 25, 2012 101.11.14 101學年度第1次教務會議及101.12.26. 101學年度第2次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2012-13 school year on Nov. 14, 2012 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2012-13 school year on Dec. 26, 2012 奉教育部102.01.31臺高(二)字第1020007406號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1020007406, dated Jan. 31, 2013 奉教育部102.03.29臺高(二)字第1020042717號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Gao (2) Zi, No. 10200042717, dated March 29, 2013 102.11.26 102學年度第1次教務會議及102.12.25. 102學年度第2次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2013-14 school year on Nov. 26, 2013 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2012-13 school year on Dec. 25, 2013 奉教育部103.01.24 日臺教高(二)字第1030007626號函備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Jiao-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1030007626, dated Jan. 24, 2014 104.12.08 104學年度第1次教務會議及105.02.25.104學年度第2次教務會議修正通過 106.1.18 105學年度第1次臨時校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2015-16 school year on Dec. 8, 2015 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2015-16 school year on Feb 25, 2016 Amended and approved at the 1st Extraordinary Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2012-13 school year on Jan. 18, 2017 奉教育部106.02.14臺教高(二)字第1060017382號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Jiao-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1060017382, dated Feb. 14, 2017 108.05.29. 107學年度第2次教務會議、108.12.11. 108學年度第1次教務會議、 108.10.30. 108學年度第1次校務會議及108.12.25. 108學年度第2次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2018-19 school year on May 29, 2019 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2019-20 school year on Oct. 30, 2019 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2019-20 school year on Dec. 11, 2019 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2019-20 school year on Dec. 25, 2019 奉教育部109.01.21臺教高(二)字第1090005985號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Jiao-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1090005985, dated Jan. 21, 2020 110.06.30 109學年度第2次教務會議及110.11.03. 110學年度第1次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2021-22 school year on June 30, 2021 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2021-22 school year on Nov. 3, 2021 奉教育部110.12.3臺教高(二)字第1100159550號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Jiao-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1100159550, dated Dec. 3, 2021學年度第2次教務會議修正通過及111.10.27.111學年度第1次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2021-22 school year on June 1, 2022 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2022-23 school year on Oct. 27, 2022 奉教育部112.2.13臺教高(二)字第1120002048號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Jiao-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1120002048, dated Feb. 3, 2023 111.12.1 111學年度第2次教務會議及112.4.19 111學年度第3次校務會議修正通過 Amended and approved at the 2nd Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2022-23 school year on Dec. 1, 2022 Amended and approved at the 3rd Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2022-23 school year on April 19, 2023 奉教育部112.6.2臺教高(二)字第1120046146號函准予備查 Ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Jiao-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1120046146, dated June. 2, 2023 112.12.27 112學年度第1次教務會議修正通過及113.4.17.112學年度第3次校務會議通過 Amended and approved at the 1st Meeting of the Academic Affairs Council in the 2023-24 school year on Dec. 27, 2023 Approved at the 3rd Meeting of the University Affairs Council in the 2023-24 school year on April 17, 2024 奉教育部113.5.10臺教高(二)字第1130047015號函准予備查第8條、第14條、第19條、第25條、第31條。 Articles 8, 14, 19, 25 and 31 ratified by the Ministry of Education, as written in its official letter coded as Tai-Jiao-Gao (2) Zi, No. 1130047015, dated May 10, 2024 |
第一章 總 則 Chapter One: General Regulations 第一條 國立成功大學(以下簡稱本校)為處理學生事務,依據大學法、大學法施行細則、學位授予法及相關法令,訂定本學則。 Article 1 The NCKU Academic Regulations (hereafter the Regulations) are established by National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) to administer academic affairs in accordance with the University Act, Enforcement Rules of the University Act, Degree Conferral Act, and related rules. 第二條 本校學生入學、保留入學資格、休學、復學、退學、轉學、轉系、輔系、雙主修、 成績考核、畢業、出國期間有關學籍處理、暑期修課、校際選課及其他有關事項等 有關學籍事宜,悉依本學則辦理。 Article 2 NCKU academic affairs with regards to admission, student status retention, study suspension, reenrollment, dismissal, intercollegiate transfer, interdepartmental transfer, minor program study, double major study, academic performance grading, graduation, student status for overseas study, summer program study, intercollegiate course enrollment and other related matters shall be administered in accordance with the Regulations. 第二條之一 經教育部認定之重大災害之受災學生,其相關學習權益處理要點另定之。 Article 2-1 Administration of academic affairs for students recognized as victims of major disasters by the Ministry of Education shall be regulated in a separate text.
第二章 入 學 Chapter Two: Admission
第三條 本校於學年之始,公開招收各學系學士班一年級新生或酌量情形招收各學系學士班 二、三年級轉學生,其招生簡章另定之。另依有關規定,得酌收海外僑生及外國學 生。本校招收外國學生入學辦法另定之,並報教育部核定後實施。 持香港副學士或高級文憑資格錄取本校學士班者,於入學後得依本校學生抵免學分辦法申請學分抵免及提高編級。 Article 3 NCKU recruits new students (freshman students, and a limited quota of transfer students for admission into sophomore or junior classes) through public entrance examinations for admission into its undergraduate programs for each academic year. The guidelines for related entrance examinations are formulated in separate texts. Meanwhile, NCKU shall recruit overseas Chinese/Taiwanese compatriots and international students for admission into its undergraduate programs according to the relevant regulations. The regulations governing the admission of international students are formulated in a separate text, which should be ratified by the Ministry of Education to take effect. Students holding an associate degree or higher diploma from a Hong Kong institute of education, upon admission into NCKU undergraduate programs, are entitled to apply for a course credits waiver for eligibility in an upper class level of their major department in accordance with NCKU Course Credit Waiver Regulations. 第三條之一 本校與國外大學校院之學生得依本校與境外大學校院辦理雙聯學制實施辦法之規定修讀雙聯學位,其辦法另定之,並報教育部備查。 Article 3-1 Those who enroll for an international dual degree program shall comply with the NCKU Rules for International Dual Degree Programs to complete their course requirements at both National Cheng Kung University and the designated overseas counterpart. The related rules shall be formulated in a separate text and ratified by the Ministry of Education. 第四條 凡在公立或已立案之私立高級中等學校或同等學校畢業,或合於教育法令規定同等 學力資格之學生,經入學考試合格後,錄取為本校各學系學士班一年級新生。 Article 4 Those who are graduates of government-run or government-registered senior high schools, or who are qualified candidates with an equivalent educational level according to the relevant education regulations, will be granted admission into the undergraduate program of their choice as freshman students at NCKU after they pass the entrance examinations. 第五條 本校各學系修讀學士學位學生遇有缺額時,得辦理轉學考試,招收轉學生。但一年 級及應屆畢(結)業年級不得招收轉學生,招生簡章另定之。 Article 5 NCKU shall hold entrance examinations to recruit students form other colleges or universities to fill up the vacancies in the MOE-designated quota of students for the sophomore or/and junior class of each department. The guidelines for transfer student recruitment are formulated in a separate text. 前項缺額不含保留入學資格、休學造成之缺額;辦理轉學招生後,學生總數不超過原核定及分發新生總數。 The vacancies stated above shall not include any vacancy arising from student status retention or study suspension. As a result of transfer student recruitment, the total number of students shall not exceed the MOE-designated quota for each department. 轉學生報考資格及相關規定依本校轉學生招生辦法辦理,轉學生招生辦法另定並報請教育部核定後實施。 The entrance examinations and applicant qualifications for transfer student recruitment shall be administered in accordance with the NCKU Regulations for Transfer Student Recruitment, which are formulated in a separate text and should be ratified by the MOE to take effect. 轉入本校學生,其學分抵免依本校辦理學生抵免學分辦法,抵免學分辦法另定並報請教育部備查後實施。 NCKU transfer students shall complete their course credits waiver or transfer in accordance with NCKU Course Credit Waiver Regulations. 第六條 凡經本校錄取之新生、轉學生應於規定日期來校辦理入學手續,逾期未辦理者,撤銷其入學資格。 Article 6 Those who are granted admission to NCKU as new or transfer students shall complete their enrollment on the designated date of registration. Those who fail to do so shall be disqualified from admission. 學生有下列情形之一者,得於註冊開始前,向教務處申請保留入學資格,不計入休學年限: Students are entitled to apply to the Office of Academic Affairs in advance of school enrollment for admission deferment, which will not count into the duration of study suspension, under any of the following circumstances: 一、因重病住院須長期療養,並持有醫院證明。 1. Those who are hospitalized to receive treatment for a severe condition, which must be proved with a medical certificate. 二、因教育實習持有證明或服義務役持有入營服役通知書。 2. Those who have a certificate showing their teaching internship or an official notice of conscription. 三、僑生及外國學生因故不能按時來校報到入學。 3. Overseas compatriot students or international students who are unable to arrive for the designated date for enrollment due to personal reasons. 四、懷孕、生產者,檢附醫院證明。 4. Those who are unable to enroll on time due to pregnancy or delivery, which must be proved with a relevant medical certificate. 五、哺育三歲以下子女之需要者,檢附戶籍謄本。 5. Those who are required to take care of their children under the age of three, with a copy of household registration to prove this. 前項一至四款保留入學資格年限,除服兵役依法定役期保留外,以一年或一學期為限;第五款保留入學資格者,依申請實際需要核定保留年限。 The period for student status retention in Items 1 to 4 above, except for the conscription period, which is legally regulated, is one year or one semester. The retention period defined in Item 5 will be approved based on the practical needs of applicants. 第七條 本校學生入學所繳證明文件,如有假借、冒用、偽造、變造及入學考試舞弊等情事,一經查明,即開除學籍,不發給與修業有關之任何證明文件,並由學校通知其家長或監護人。如在畢業後始發覺者,除依法追繳其畢業證書外,並公告撤銷其畢業資格。 Article 7 Any NCKU students who are found to have submitted borrowed, illegally-applied, forged or altered documents for registration or to have cheating in any way on entrance examinations shall be expelled from the university. No certificate of study will be issued to such students, and their parents or guardians will be informed by the school authorities of the expulsion. 第七條之一本校對於學生學籍之管理,應永久保存。 Article 7-1 NCKU shall manage and preserve student registration records permanently.
第三章 繳費、註冊、選課 Chapter Three: Tuition and Fee Payment, Registration and Course Enrollment
第八條 學生於每學期開學時,須依照下列規定辦理繳費、註冊及選課等手續: Article 8 Students shall complete the procedures of tuition payment, registration, course and enrollment at the beginning of every semester in accordance with the following regulations: 一、 繳費、註冊:學生應於本校規定期限內,繳交各項費用,繳費後視為已註冊。逾期未繳費者,除書面請准延緩註冊或特殊狀況經專簽核准外,應令退學。 1. Tuition Payment and Registration: Students should complete the payments of various fees by the NCKU-designated deadlines, seen as a form of registration completion. Students who fail to complete various payments by the designated deadlines, except those who have received an official document for registration deferment under special circumstances, are considered to have failed to complete registration and shall be dismissed. 二、於行事曆所訂定之上課開始日(含當日)前完成休學程序者,得免繳學雜費;反之須繳交之,並以完成休學程序之日期為基準依比例辦理退費。 2. Students who complete the application for study suspension before the end of the first day of class specified in the NCKU academic calendar will be exempt from the payment of tuition and miscellaneous fees. Otherwise, they must make the payment. The tuition and miscellaneous fees will be refunded on a pro-rata basis from the date of completion of the study suspension application. 三、每學期補改棄選日期截止後,學生應於規定期限繳交各項學分費,逾繳費期限二週未繳交者,應令休學。休學期限已屆滿者,應令退學。 3. Students should complete the payments of various course credit fees after the end of the designated period for course enrollment addition and deletion. Those who fail to complete their payments of various course credit fees over two weeks after the designated deadline shall be suspended for the semester. In this case, those whose study duration has expired shall be dismissed. 四、按照教務處排定之各學系(所)科目時間表及本校學生選課辦法及選課公告,於規定時間內辦理選課事宜。本校學生選課辦法,由教務處另定之。 4. According to the course timetable compiled by the Office of Academic Affairs, NCKU Course Enrollment Regulations and notices of course enrollment, students are required to complete course enrollment within the designated period. NCKU Course Enrollment Regulations shall be formulated in a separate text. 五、學生學期修習科目在九學分以下者,得不受本學則第二十條第二款及第三款退學規定之限制。體育、軍訓(全民國防教育軍事訓練)選修課程學分數,應併入該學期總修學分數內核計。 5. Students enrolled with no more than 9 credits in one semester shall not be subjected to the rules of dismissal specified in Subparagraphs 2 and 3 of Article 20. The number of credits for enrollment with elective courses of physical education or military training (All-out Defense Education Military Training) shall count into the total number of credits for the semester. 六、醫學院各學系應屆及延畢生選課學分數在九學分以上者,且全學期在醫院或校外實習而不在學校上課者,繳納學費全額及雜費五分之四。 6. A graduating student or a deferred student studying in the departments of the College of Medicine who enrolls with a minimum of nine credits and attends an internship/residency program at a hospital or off campus in the semester, will be charged the full tuition and four-fifths of miscellaneous fees. 七、選修他校課程,依本校校際選課辦法辦理。本校校際選課辦法另定之,並報教育部備查。 7. Intercollegiate course enrollment shall be administered pursuant to the NCKU Intercollegiate Course Enrollment Regulations, which are formulated in a separate text and should be ratified by the MOE to take effect. 八、 本校學生校內或校際選課,得以遠距教學方式實施,所修學分及成績計算方式,依本學則相關規定辦理。 8. The credits and grades for course enrollment in a distance education program shall be calculated pursuant to the relevant paragraphs of the Regulations. 九、本校學生於國家運動訓練中心培(集)訓期間,已先於本校完成註冊及選課手續,並申請接受該中心課業輔導,經該中心成績評核及格者登錄為「通過」,不及格者登錄為「不通過」。 9. During the training period at the National Sports Training Center, NCKU students who have completed registration and course enrollments at NCKU and the application for academic tutoring from the center will be evaluated by the center for academic performance, with “Passed” marked for a passing evaluation and “Failed” marked for a failing evaluation.
第八條之一 除當學年度第二學期已達退學標準者外,在籍學生經就讀學系系主任(學程單位主管)同意後,得於暑假期間修習本校暑期課程。 本校學生符合下列情形之一者,向教務處提出申請,經就讀學系系主任(學程單位主管)同意及教務長核准後,得至他校修習暑期課程,但以本校暑期課程未開設者為限: Article 8-1 Except for those who have reached the standards for dismissal in the spring semester of the academic year, undergraduate students may enroll in a summer session upon approval by the chair of their department (the chief director of a program). Upon approval by the department chair and the Vice President of Academic Affairs, NCKU students may enroll in a course on a summer session program offered by any other college/university, providing that the course is not offered by the NCKU summer session program, under the following circumstances: 一、應屆畢業生修畢暑期課程後,即可畢業者。 1. Those graduating students in the current semester who are required to complete the summer session for graduation. 二、情形特殊,非修習暑期課程無法繼續學業者。 2. Those who are required to complete the summer session for further study. 學生所修習之暑期課程科目、學分及成績應登記於歷年成績表,並計入畢業成績。 The course enrolment, credits and grades of the summer session shall be recorded on the transcript and calculated into the requirements and total grades for graduation. 學生修習暑期課程,其選課規定、繳交費用及相關規定,依本校「暑期開班授課實施辦法」,由本校另定之。 Students shall complete the procedures for course enrollment, payments and related matters pursuant to NCKU Summer Session Program Regulations, which are formulated in a separate text.
第四章 缺席、曠課 Chapter Four: Absence from Class
第九條 學生因請假而缺課者,稱為缺席;未依規定請假,或請假未准而缺席者,稱為曠課。學生請假辦法另定之。 Article 9 Being absent from class on an approved leave is defined in the Regulations as an absence. An absence from class without prior submission of a designated application for leave, or without prior approval on an application for leave is considered as truancy. 第十條 授課教師得將學生出勤狀況列為成績評定標準,但應於課程大綱中敘明,並周知修課學生。 因公假、生理假、心理調適假、病假(檢附醫生診斷證明書)、喪假(二親等以內之親屬)或依據「學生懷孕受教權維護及輔導協助要點」規定之核准事(病)假、產假而缺席者,不予扣分。 Article 10 Instructors may include class attendance in the grading criteria, which shall be specified in the course description and made known to enrolled students. An absence from class on an approved leave for official business, menstrual disorders, mental health, illness with a medical certificate, a funeral service of a second-degree relative, or on an approved leave for personal matters, illness, or birth delivery according to the Guidelines for Protection of the Right to Education and Support for Pregnant Students will not result in any grade point deduction.
第五章 轉學、轉系、輔系、雙主修 Chapter 5: Intercollegiate and Interdepartmental Transfers, Minors, and Double Majors
第十一條 本校學生因故申請轉學,須經家長或監護人連署同意,經核准並辦妥退學手續後,發給修業證明書,惟入學資格未經核准者,不得發給。一經發給修業證明書後,即不得要求返回本校肄業。 Article 11: An application for intercollegiate transfer submitted by an NCKU student for personal reasons shall be approved in writing by his/her parents or guardians. Upon approval by the school authorities and completion of the withdrawal procedures, a certificate of study will be issued to the applicant who has been granted admission into another college or university. 第十二條 學士班學生於本校修業滿一學年以上,得於第二學年開始前申請轉系。降級轉系者,其在二系重複修習年限,不計入學系之最高修業年限;本校學生申請轉系辦法另定之,並報教育部備查。 招生簡章或相關法令規定入學後不得轉系、班、組或學位學程者,從其規定。已轉系、班、組、學位學程後始發現者,撤銷其轉系、班、組或學位學程資格。 本校新設系、所、組或學位學程,依其設立之學年度,僅招收可對應年級學生之轉入申請。 Article 12: Undergraduate students who have completed at least their first year of study in one program at NCKU may apply for transfer to other programs, starting from the second school year. In the case of students transferring into a lower-class of the new program, the duration of study on the overlapping class level between two programs shall not count into the maximum years of study duration for the new program. NCKU Interdepartmental Transfer Regulations are formulated in a separate text, and should be ratified by the MOE to take effect. Students who are not allowed to transfer to other programs in accordance with the admissions guidebook or related regulations shall conform to the regulations. If they are found to have transferred to other programs, they shall be disqualified as a transfer student in other programs. A newly-established program (department, institute, category, or degree program) shall accept applications only for transfer to its current corresponding class. 第十三條 學士班學生選讀輔系或雙主修規定如下: Article 13: Undergraduate students may pursue a minor or a double major in line with the following regulations: 一、學生經本校及簽約之他校同意,得依其志趣,選定本校或簽約之他校設有輔系學系為輔系,並以本校或簽約之他校一系為限;選定本校或簽約之他校設有雙主修學系為雙主修,並以本校或簽約之他校一系為限。 1. Upon approval by the school authorities of NCKU or any of its contract-signing counterparts, students may enroll in a maximum of one program offered by NCKU or any of its counterparts as a minor or a double major according to their own interests. 二、學生修讀輔系或雙主修辦法另定之,並報教育部備查後實施。 2. NCKU Regulations for Minors and Double Majors are formulated in a separate text, and should be ratified by MOE to take effect.
第六章 休學、復學、退學、開除學籍及申訴 Chapter Six: Study Suspension, Reenrollment, Dismissal, Expulsion (Student Status Disqualification) and Appeals
第十四條 學生休學規定如下: Article 14 The rules of study suspension are as follows: 一、學生因故得以學期為單位申請休學,學士班學生申請休學須經家長或監護人同意。休學累計以二學年為原則,期滿因重病再經醫院證明申請休學者,經專案簽請教務長核准後,酌予延長休學期限,但至多以二學年為限。新生及轉學生入學第一學期,須於完成註冊後,始得申請休學。休學期間不納入修業年限計算。 1. Due to personal factors, NCKU students are entitled to apply for study suspension on the basis of one semester as a unit for each application. The application for study suspension submitted by an undergraduate student should be approved by his/her parents or guardian. The duration allowed for study suspension is subject to a maximum of two years. An application for an extended study suspension at the expiration of the maximum two-year duration for study suspension on account of a severe illness (in the form of a special report with a medical certificate) shall be approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. A study suspension may be extended based on the related circumstances, and is subject to a maximum of two years. New students and transfer students are not allowed to apply for study suspension until after they complete their registration in the first semester. The duration of study suspension will not count into the maximum years of study duration. 二、休學期間應徵服役者,須檢同徵集令或軍人補給證影本,向本校申請延長休學至服役期滿為止,服役期間不計入休學累計。 2. During the period of study suspension, a student who is required to extend this period to complete his military service shall complete an application for study suspension extension with a photocopy of a draft order or a military service ID. The duration of military service will not count into the maximum of two years for study suspension. 三、因懷孕、生產申請休學者,應檢附相關證明文件,申請休學期間至多以二學期為限,且不計入休學期限內。 3. A student who is required to suspend her study for pregnancy or post-delivery care shall complete an application for study suspension with the relevant documents. The duration of study suspension for pregnancy or post-delivery care will not count into the maximum of two years for study suspension. 四、為撫育三歲以下子女休學者,應檢附戶籍謄本提出申請,期限依實際需要核定,且不計入休學期限內。 4. A student who is required to suspend his/her study to care for children under three shall complete an application for study suspension with a household registration record. The duration will depend on the related circumstances and will not count into the maximum of two years for study suspension. 五、符合「學生懷孕受教權維護及輔導協助要點」資格者,應檢附相關證明文件申請休學,休學期間不計入休學期限內。 5. Those who meet the qualifications for study suspension according to the Guidelines for Protection of the Right to Education and Support for Pregnant Students shall submit an application with the relevant certificates for study suspension, which will not count into the maximum of two years for study suspension. 六、應屆畢業生未修足規定科目與學分,須於延長修業期限之第二學期重修或補修者,第一學期得免予註冊辦理休學,得不受休學累計二學年之限制。註冊者,至少應選修一門科目。 6. A graduating student in the current year who has not completed the course requirements for graduation and is required to complete the coursework in the second semester of the next academic year is entitled to apply for study suspension for the first semester, and to be exempt from the regulation of the maximum of two years for study suspension. 七、醫學系學生修滿四年課程且已修畢該系一二八學分以上者,經依「大學入學同等學力認定標準」之規定考取並就讀研究所者,於醫學系辦理休學。於碩士班修業期間得向醫學系申請休學,若經碩士班逕修讀博士班得再延長休學,共六學年為限,該休學期間不列入醫學系修業年限。 7. Students from the Department of Medicine who have completed course requirements in the first four years of the undergraduate program with a minimum of 128 credits, and who have passed the examination for admission into graduate institutes according to the MOE Standards of Equivalent Academic Credential for College Admission, are required to apply to the Department of Medicine for study suspension for the undergraduate program to study as graduate students for a master’s degree. If these students continue to study in the doctoral program, they are required to apply for a study suspension extension for a maximum of six academic years. The duration of study suspension mentioned in this rule will not count into the maximum years of study duration for students of the Department of Medicine. 八、學生休學應於學期開始至學期考試前向教務處註冊組辦理申請手續。 8. Students applying for study suspension are required to contact the Registrar’s Division under the Office of Academic Affairs to complete their procedures during the period from the first day of the semester to the deadline before the week of final examinations. 九、因重大事故致無法參加補考者,得檢具證明,經教務處核准後,未參加期末考試之學期,得以休學論處。但其休學累計學期數,仍應符合學則相關規定。 9. Those who fail to attend make-up final examinations due to a major incident are required to submit a relevant certificate or other document to the Registrar’s Division. Upon approval by the Office of Academic Affairs, those who fail to attend final examinations will be considered as having had their studies suspended for the semester, which will count into the maximum duration of study in accordance with the related regulations. 十、請准休學學生,其休學學期內已有成績者,不予計算。 10. For those students whose applications for study suspension have been approved, the grades already given for the related semester shall be invalid. 第十五條 學生復學規定如下: Article 15 The rules of re-enrollment are as follows: 一、學生休學期滿應持復學通知書辦理復學,編入原肄業學系(所)相銜接之學年或學期肄業。 1. Upon expiration of the approved duration for study suspension, students are required to contact the Registrar’s Division with a letter of notification to complete their application for reenrollment into an equivalent class level at the original department. 二、學生於學期中途或學期考試前休學者,復學時應編入原休學學年或學期肄業。 2. Students who suspended their studies during a semester or before final examinations in a semester will be re-enrolled into their pre-suspension class level in the previous degree program. 前項原肄業學系變更或停辦時,應輔導學生至適當學系肄業。 Students should be re-enrolled into an alternative degree program in certain circumstances, such as changes to the previous degree program or termination of the program. 94年次以後役男就學期間因服役申請休學者,復學規定如下: 一、完成服役:應入原肄業教學單位相銜接之學年或學期肄業。 二、新訓驗退:依徵兵規則驗退者,驗退後應入原肄業教學單位相銜接之學年或學期肄業。 三、因病停役:依兵役法第二十條辦理因病停役者,本校應協助學生依其就醫或休養需求,安排後續康復之復學規劃。 94年次以後役男於服役後復學者(含中途驗退或停役情形),本校應對其進行選課輔導,並提供課程銜接及學習輔導等協助。 前項原肄業教學單位變更或停辦時,本校應輔導復學生至適當教學單位肄業,並應對其進行選課輔導、提供課程銜接及學習輔導等協助。 The resumption of studies for students, born after December 31, 2004, who apply for study suspension due to military service, are regulated as follows: 1. Completion of service: Students should enroll in a class of the original program in correspondence to the originally-suspended academic year or semester. 2. Disqualification from military training: Those who are disqualified for military training in accordance with the conscription regulations shall enroll in a class of the original program in correspondence to the originally-suspended academic year or semester. 3. Service suspension due to an illness: For students who are suspended from military service due to an illness in accordance with Article 20 of the Act of Military Service System, NCKU shall help them plan for resumption of studies after recovery based on their medical or rest needs. For students, born after December 31, 2004, who return to study at NCKU from military service (including those who were disqualified or suspended from military service), NCKU will provide them with course selection guidance, curriculum transition, and academic counseling. Should the original program, as stated in the preceding paragraph, change or cease operations, NCKU shall enroll returning students in an appropriate program and provide necessary assistances, including course selection guidance, curriculum transition, and study counseling.
第十六條 退學、開除學籍及申訴規定如下: Article 16 Dismissal, Expulsion and Appeal 一、學生有下列情形之一者,應予退學: 1. A student shall be dismissed from NCKU under any of the following circumstances: (一) 自動申請退學者。 (1) A student who applies for withdrawal from school. (二) 入學或轉學資格經本校審核不合者。 (2) A student who is disqualified by NCKU for admission or inter-collegiate transfer. (三) 逾期未註冊或休學逾期未復學者。 (3) A student who fails to register or re-enroll after a study suspension by the designated deadline. (四) 操行成績不及格或犯有重大過失經學生獎懲委員會議議決並經校長核定退學者。 (4) A student receiving a failing grade for personal conduct or committing a major violation, as disciplined by the Student Rewards and Penalties Committee and approved by the President of NCKU for dismissal. (五)學業成績依本學則第二十條第二、三項之規定應令退學者。 (5) A student shall be dismissed from NCKU as a result of poor academic performance according to Items 2 and 3 of Article 20 in the Regulations. (六) 修業期限屆滿,仍未修足所屬學系規定應修科目與學分者。 (6) A student who fails to complete their degree program requirements, coursework and credits at the expiration of the maximum duration of study. (七) 依其他有關條文之規定應令退學者。 (7) A student shall be dismissed from NCKU pursuant to other related rules. 學生未成年申請自動退學者,須經家長或監護人同意。 Applications for withdrawal from NCKU by underage students shall first be approved by their parents or guardians. 二、學生有下列情形者,即予開除學籍: 2. Students shall be expelled from NCKU under any of the following circumstances: (一)有本學則第七條之情形者。 (1)Those who have committed any of the violations specified in Article Seven in the Regulations. (二犯有重大過失經學生獎懲委員會議議決並經校長核定者。 (2)Those who have committed a major violation, as disciplined by the Student Rewards and Penalties Committee and approved by NCKU president for expulsion from NCKU. 三、應予退學學生除本條文第一款第(二)目外其入學資格經本校備查者,得向本校申請發給修業證明書,但對於開除學籍之學生由學校通知其家長或監護人,並不得發給有關學業之證明書,亦不得報考本校入學或轉學考試。 3. Students who are to be dismissed, except those defined in Item 1-(2) of this Article, are entitled to apply for a certificate of academic study. As for those who are to be expelled, the university will inform their parents or guardians of the expulsion. They will not receive any certificate of academic study and are not eligible to register for any entrance examinations or transfer examinations held by NCKU. 四、依本條文第一、二款之處分有異議者,得於公告後規定期限內,向本校學生申訴評議委員會提出申訴。申訴、訴願及行政訴訟期間學生學籍及成績之處理相關規定如下: 4. Students who disagree with the disciplinary actions specified in Items 1 or 2 of this Article are entitled to appeal to the Student Appeals Committee within the designated period. During the appeal period, the academic affairs of the appellants with regards to their student status and grades shall be administered as follows: (一)申訴結果未確定前,不因申訴之提起,而停止原處分之執行。但在校生(依學校規定提起申訴者)得繼續在校肄業。申訴期間之各項學籍處理,除不發給學位證書外,其餘均比照在校生處理。 (1) Before the results of the appeal are confirmed, the original disciplinary action shall be enforced. However, those appellants who are currently enrolled shall continue their academic studies and have their academic affairs administered as enrolled students during the appeal period. (二)申訴結果如維持原處分,其留校繼續肄業期間所修學分及成績不予採認,並依規定退費。其修業證明書所載修業截止日期以原處分之日期為準。另為處分得復學之學生,因特殊事故無法及時復學時,應輔導復學,其復學前之離校期間,並得補辦休學,以一學期為限。 (2) If the original disciplinary action is upheld as a result of the appeal, the credits and grades received during the appeal period shall not be recognized, while refunds will be administered according to relevant regulations. (三)經校內申訴未獲救濟者,得依法提起訴願及行政訴訟;原處分經上級主管機關決定或行政法院判決顯係違法或不當時,應另為處分。另為處分得復學之學生,因特殊事故無法及時復學時,應輔導復學,其復學前之離校期間,並得補辦休學。 (3) If the appeal is not processed and resolved as a due administrative remedy, the appellant is eligible to file a petition or an administrative lawsuit according to related rules. Should the original discipline be ruled as being illegal or inappropriate by the superior office or the court, it shall be altered. If the disciplinary action of dismissal or expulsion is altered, those who are unable to personally apply for reenrollment within the designated period due to special circumstances shall complete the relevant procedures under administrative assistance. The applicant should also complete the application for study suspension for the period before reenrollment. 第十七條 學生休、退學退費,依「專科以上學校學雜費收取辦法」及相關法令規定辦理。 Article 17 Refunds resulting from study suspension or dismissals shall be administered in accordance with The Regulations Governing Refunds Resulting from Study Suspension or Dismissals to College Students and related regulations.
第七章 考試、成績、補考、重讀 Chapter Seven: Examinations, Grades, Make-Up Examinations and Course Re-Enrollment
第十八條 本校學生考試除入學考試外,分下列三種: Article 18 The examinations administered by NCKU, besides entrance examinations, are classified as follows: 一、臨時考試:由任課教師於上課時間內隨堂舉行之。 1. In-class tests/quizzes conducted by course instructors. 二、期中考試:於每學期期中舉行之。 2. Midterm examinations scheduled for the designated period in the middle of each semester. 三、學期考試:於每學期結束時在規定時間內舉行之。 3. Final examinations scheduled for the final week of the semester. 本校各項入學考試及學生在校各種考試試卷保存時間均為一年。 The test papers for each examination held by NCKU shall be filed and preserved for a period of one year after the examination. 第十九條 學士班學生成績分學業(包括實習)、操行兩種,各種成績核計均採百分記分法以一百分為滿分,六十分為及格(四捨五入取至小數點第二位)。除操行、體育、軍訓(全民國防教育軍事訓練)、服務學習及通識教育生活實踐成績之計算辦法另定外,各科目學期成績由授課教師根據學生出勤狀況、臨時考試、期中考試、學期考試或平時成績計算,且至本校教師線上成績登錄系統登分並線上確認送出至教務處註冊組,學生成績永久保存。 Article 19 Students of undergraduate programs are evaluated on a scale of 0 to 100 points for academic performance (including internship) and ethical conduct, with 100 as the highest grade and 60 (rounded to two decimal places) as the lowest passing grade. Except for the grades for ethical conduct, physical education, military instruction (All-out Defense Education Military Training), service learning, and the practice of general education, which are regulated separately, the final semester grade for each course shall be calculated by the instructor based on attendance records, the results of tests/quizzes, midterm examination and end-of-term examination. Instructors shall enter grades and complete submission online to the Registrar’s Division under the Office of Academic Affairs. Course grades shall be filed permanently. 一、學期學業平均成績計算如下: 1. The grade average of each semester is calculated as follows: (一) 以科目之學分數乘該科目成績為學分積。 (1) The grade of each course taken in the semester (passing or failing) is multiplied by the course credit number into an integrated value for the course. All integrated values are added up into the total grade for all courses taken in the semester. (二) 以學分總數除總學分積為學期平均成績。 (2) The semester grade point average is calculated from the division of the total grade by the total credit hours of the courses taken in the semester. (三) 學期學業平均成績之計算,不含暑修包括不及格科目成績在內。 (3) The grade point average of each semester does not include the grades received for any summer session courses. 二、畢業成績計算:以各學期(含暑修)修習學分數總和除成績積分總和。 2. The graduation grade average is acquired from the division of the total grade points (the sum of grade averages of all semesters and summer sessions) by the total credit numbers of the courses completed during the years of study. 三、凡某科成績不滿六十分者為不及格,不給學分。 3. A student receiving a failing grade of 59 or under for a course will not be given the course credits. 四、學生各科成績一經送交教務處後不得更改。如有計算錯誤或漏列時,應依照 本校「教師繳交及更正成績要點」辦理。其要點另定之。 自104學年度起,學生學期成績以百分制與等第制並列,有關成績評量依本校「學生成績處理作業要點」辦理,其要點另訂之。 4. Upon submission to the Office of Academic Affairs, course grades shall not be altered. In case of miscalculation or other errors, the alteration of grades should be administered according to the NCKU Rules for Grades Submission and Alternation, which are formulated in a separate text. Starting from the fall semester of the 2015-16 academic year, NCKU students shall be academically evaluated by numerical grades and letter grades on their transcripts. 第二十條 學生學期學業成績不及格之處理,規定如下: Article 20 Those who fail to receive passing grades for the courses taken in a semester shall be dealt with according to the following rules: 一、學期學業成績不及格科目均不予補考,必修科目應令重修。 1. Students will not be given any remedial (make-up) examination for a failed course. A failed course that is required for graduation shall be retaken and completed in a later semester. 二、累計兩次學期學業成績不及格科目之學分數逾該學期修習科目總學分數二分之一者,應令退學。 2. Those who fail to receive passing grades on more than one half of semester course credits for any two semesters shall be dismissed from NCKU. 三、僑生、外國學生、陸生、海外回國升學之蒙藏生、原住民族籍學生、派外人員子女學生及符合教育部規定條件之大學運動績優學生,學期學業成績不及格科目之學分數,一學期修習學分總數逾三分之二不及格,另一學期修習學分總數逾二分之一不及格者,應令退學。 3. Students with special status, including overseas compatriot students, international students, mainland Chinese students, Mongolian and Tibetan students returning to Taiwan, aboriginal students, children of government officials residing in foreign countries or students qualifying as "outstanding athletic performers" as stipulated by the relevant university regulations of the Ministry of Education, who fail to receive passing grades on more than two-thirds of semester course credits in one semester and on more than one half of semester course credits in another semester shall be dismissed from NCKU. 四、領有身心障礙手冊學生或各直轄市、縣(市)政府特殊教育學生鑑定及就學輔導委員會鑑定為身心障礙安置就學者,不適用因學業成績退學規定。 4. The preceding rules concerning dismissals on account of poor academic performance shall not apply to students with disability identification, or those who are certified with a special needs status and thus eligible for a higher education placement program by a special education committee under the authority of the local government. 第廿一條 學生因重大事故,不能參加學期考試,需補考者,應依學生請假辦法規定,辦理請假手續,請假期間所有之應考科目均列入請假。需補考者,由任課教師自行辦理補考。 期末考試除因公、病、符合「學生懷孕受教權維護及輔導協助要點」者,或配偶、二親等以內之親屬喪故而請假補考者,得採補救措施彈性處理,其補考成績以授課教師評定之實際成績計算外,若臨時發生不可抗拒之情事經核准事假者,學士班學生補考成績超過六十分,概以六十分計算;研究生補考成績超過七十分,概以七十分計算。 Article 21 Students who cannot attend regular midterm/term examinations due to a major incident, and thus need to complete make-up examinations afterwards, shall apply for a leave of absence from regular examinations according to the NCKU Rules for Student Leave of Absence. All examinations scheduled for the dates during the leave of absence shall be specified on the application form. These students are required to complete the make-up examinations administered by their instructors. Those taking leave of absence from regular end-of-term examinations due to official duty, illness, birth delivery according to the Guidelines for Protection of the Right to Education and Support for Pregnant Students, or a funeral service of a second-degree relative are allowed a flexible remedial measures for the administration of make-up examinations, and will be given the final grades submitted by their teachers. Those who are granted personal leave of absence from regular examinations due to an unavoidable incident shall receive a final grade of 60 for a make-up examination of an undergraduate course scoring a grade of 60 or above, or a final grade of 70 for a make-up examination of a graduate course scoring a grade of 70 or above.
第八章 畢業 Chapter Eight: Graduation
第廿二條 本校採學年(學期)學分制,學生修業期限,除醫學系修業七年、牙醫學系修業六年、藥學系修業六年、建築學系建築設計組修業五年外,其他各學系學士班修業年限均為四年。 自102學年度起入學之醫學系學生修業年限為六年。 在規定修業期限內,未修滿該學系、學分學程、教育學程、輔系應修學分者,得延長修業期限,其延長期間,以二學年為限。 修讀雙主修學生延長修業期限,依其修習辦法之規定辦理。 領有身心障礙手冊學生或各直轄市、縣(市)政府特殊教育學生鑑定及就學輔導委員會鑑定為身心障礙安置就學者,因身心狀況及學習需要,得延長其修業期限,最長以四學年為限。 學生符合「學生懷孕受教權維護及輔導協助要點」者,其延長修業期限依相關證明文件核定年限。 Article 22 NCKU operates its undergraduate programs with the academic-credit year system. In general, the maximum duration of academic study is set at four years for students on most undergraduate programs. However, it is set at seven years for students in the Department of Medicine, six years for those in the School of Dentistry, six years for those in the School of Pharmacy, and five years for those studying architectural design in the Architecture Department, and. The maximum duration is six years for students admitted into the Department of Medicine, starting from the 2013 academic year. Those who fail to complete the graduation requirements designated by the major department program, a chosen credit program, chosen educational program, and/or minor program during the designated maximum duration of academic study shall be allowed a two-year maximum study extension. Those who are enrolled for a double-major shall be allowed a maximum study extension according to the related regulations. Students with disability identification, or those who are certified as having a handicap status eligible for a higher education placement program by a special education committee under the authority of the local government, shall be allowed a four-year maximum study extension, depending on related physical conditions and academic requirements. Those who meet the qualifications for study extension under the Guidelines for Protection of the Right to Education and Support for Pregnant Students shall be allowed a maximum study extension according to the related certificates. 第廿三條 學士班學生符合下列「成績優異」標準者,修滿該學系規定之全部應修科目與學分,得專案簽請教務長核准提前一學期或一學年畢業: 修滿畢業科目與學分,學期學業成績累計平均在八十分以上,或學業成績累計名次在該系該年級(班)學生數前百分之十五以內。 94年次以後役男申請就學期間服役,修滿就讀學系規定之全部應修科目與學分,得專案簽請教務長核准提前一學期或一學年畢業。 學士班學生入學後,依國立成功大學學生抵免學分辦法提高編級至三年級(含)以上者,不得申請提前畢業。 Article 23 Undergraduate students who have completed the department-designated requirements for courses and credits with outstanding academic performance, as required by the standards below, are eligible to apply for early graduation before the final year or semester of class. Those who have completed the courses and credits required for graduation with a cumulative grade average of 80 or above, or with a cumulative grade point average within the top 15 percent of class ranking. Among enrolled students, born after December 31, 2004, intending to enter military service, those who have completed the department-designated requirements for courses and credits can apply for early graduation before the final year or semester of class, which shall be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval. Undergraduate students who are placed in a junior class or above upon admission in accordance with NCKU Course Credit Waiver Regulations are not allowed to apply for early graduation.
第廿四條 應屆畢業生未修足規定科目與學分須於延長修業期限之第二學期重修或補修者,第一學期得免予註冊,辦理休學,註冊者至少應選修一科目。 Article 24 Graduating students who fail to complete any required courses for graduation in the current academic year and who are required to complete the course(s) in the second semester of any of the following academic years within the maximum of years of study will be exempted from enrollment for the first semester. Those enrolled in the first semester shall take at least one course. 第廿五條 學生畢業條件規定如下: Article 25 Graduation requirements are regulated as follows: 一、修讀學士學位學生,依法修業期滿,修滿應修學分,有實習年限者,實習完畢者,經考核成績合格者,由本校授予學士學位證書。 1. Undergraduate students are required to successfully complete the department-designated requirements of credits (and internship, if applicable) in order to earn a bachelor degree from NCKU. 二、學生修業期間應達成各學系規定之外國語言能力指標。 2. Students are required to pass the graduation threshold for foreign language proficiency designated by each department during the years of study. 三、學生應依本校「服務學習課程實施辦法」修習服務學習課程,其辦法另定之。 3. Undergraduate students are required to complete service learning courses according to NCKU Rules for Service Learning Curriculum Operations. 第二十五條之一 畢業年級相當於國內高級中學二年級之國外或香港澳門地區同級同類學校畢業生,以同等學力資格入學學士班,其畢業應修學分數應增加十二學分以上,增修科目及課程規劃由各系自訂。但已畢業離校二年以上或以臺灣師範大學僑生先修部結業成績分發入學者,不在此限。 Article 25-1 For NCKU undergraduate students who are admitted as graduates from senior high schools abroad or in the Hong Kong and Macau regions with the same academic qualifications and whose level of graduation is equivalent to the second grade of domestic senior high school in Taiwan, the minimum graduation credits should be increased by 12 credits. Accordingly, each department shall plan its curriculum with designated courses to meet the requirement. However, this requirement does not apply to those who have graduated from senior high schools for more than two years or who are admitted to NCKU as applicants who have completed the academic requirements at the Overseas Compatriot Students Preparatory Department of National Taiwan Normal University. 第廿六條 應屆畢業生成績優異者,得申請逕行修讀博士學位,其辦法另定之。 Article 26 Graduating students with excellent academic performance may apply for admission into a doctoral program, the regulations of which are formulated in a separate text. 第廿六條之一 各系、所、學位學程訂定學位名稱,應符合國際慣例及趨勢,並參酌教育部「大學各系所(組)授予學位中、英文名稱參考手冊」,依各系、所、學位學程之特色、課程內容及課程性質所屬領域、學術或專業實務導向為之。 學位中、英文名稱、學位證書註記等規定,經系、所、院務會議通過,提教務會議通過後實施。 Article 26-1 Each department, institute, or degree program shall determine the name of its degree based on its program specialty, academic field, and academic or professional orientation with reference to the MOE-published Reference Handbook for the Chinese and English Names of Program Degrees for College Education to conform with international conventions and trends. The regulations governing each degree’s name and the registration of the degree diploma shall be implemented after being adopted by each department, institute, college, and university at a meeting of institution affairs.
第九章 更改姓名、出生年月日 Chapter Nine: Change of Name and Birth Date
第廿七條 入學新生姓名、出生年月日,應以身分證所載者為準。入學資格證件所載與身分證不符者,應即更正。 Article 27 A student admitted into NCKU is required to register his/her name and birth date, as is specified on his/her ROC national ID card or personal ID documents applicable to international students, to complete the student status registration at the beginning of school. Any personal information documented for student status registration inconsistent with that on the student’s personal ID should be corrected immediately. 第廿八條 在校生及畢(肄)業校友申請更改姓名、出生年月日者,應檢具戶政機關發給之證件,報本校教務處註冊組辦理。 Article 28 Enrolled students, dropouts or alumni of NCKU who need to make changes to their name and birth date shall submit an application, together with a related certificate issued by the government authorities in charge of household registration, to the Registrar’s Division under the Office of Academic Affairs, NCKU.
第十章 研究生 Chapter Ten: Graduate Programs
第廿九條 報考本校碩士班研究生,應繳驗具有學士學位證書或證明書,以同等學力報考者,應繳驗有關同等學力證件。報考博士班研究生,應繳驗具有碩士學位證書或證明書,以同等學力報考者應繳驗有關同等學力證件。 Article 29 Those who register for entrance examinations for NCKU master’s programs shall submit a diploma for their bachelor’s degree or an equivalent academic certificate for verification. Those who register for entrance examinations for NCKU doctoral programs shall submit a diploma for their master’s degree or an equivalent academic certificate for verification. 第卅條 研究生修業期限、轉所、成績考查及學位考試,應依照本校研究生章程及學位考試細則之規定辦理。章程及細則另定之,並報教育部備查後實施。 Article 30 Academic matters related to graduate programs such as maximum years of study, program transfer, academic performance evaluation and master/doctoral degree examinations shall be administered in accordance with NCKU Graduate Programs Regulations and NCKU Regulations for Master and Doctoral Degree Examinations, both of which are separately established and ratified by the MOE. 第卅一條 研究生報考、入學、註冊、保留入學資格、休學、復學、更改姓名、出生年月日、退學、違犯校規之處置、申訴及應屆畢業與畢業資格等事項,均比照本學則有關各條之規定辦理。 Article 31 Academic matters related to graduate programs such as entrance examinations, admission, registration and enrollment, student status retention, study suspension, re-enrollment, change of name and birth date, dismissal, discipline of violations, student appeals, and graduation qualification shall be administered according to equivalent rules in the Regulations.
第十一章 出國 Chapter Eleven: Travelling Abroad
第卅二條 本校學生於肄業期間出國(含赴大陸),有關學業與學籍之處理,依下列規定辦理: Article 32 NCKU students who travel abroad (mainland China included) during the duration of their academic study shall manage their coursework and enrollment according to the following rules: 一、本規定適用之學生如下: 1. The rules in this article apply to students who meet the following criteria: (一) 經教育部選派、委派或本校同意出國(含赴大陸)進修、研究、受訓、實習、表演及比賽者。 (1) Those who have been chosen or commissioned by the MOE or approved by NCKU to travel abroad for advanced study, research, training, internship, performances or contests. (二) 經本校同意於寒暑假從事研習主修學科、外國語文或從事學位論文相關研究資料之蒐集者。 (2) Those who have been approved by NCKU to travel abroad during winter or summer breaks for major-related academic study, foreign language programs or thesis/dissertation-related research and data collection. (三) 經本校同意為有合作關係之外國大專院校交換學生或於寒暑假期間訪問國外姐妹校者。 (3) Those who have been approved by NCKU to study in an exchange program at a partner school abroad or to visit a sister school abroad during winter/summer breaks. (四) 經本校同意參加國際會議發表論文、學術研討或體育競賽活動者。 (4) Those who have been approved by NCKU to travel abroad for conference paper presentation, academic study, or sports events. (五) 經立案文教、藝術團體選派出國參與重要文教體育活動事先報經教育部同意在案者。 (5) Those who have been chosen by a government-certified cultural, educational or arts organization and approved by the MOE to travel abroad for a significant event. (六) 其他本校函報教育部核准在案者。 (6) Those who have been approved by NCKU and MOE to travel abroad for other purposes. 二、申請出國進修、研究、研習主修學科、外國語文及從事學位論文相關研習之國外大專院校,以教育部認可者為限。 2. NCKU students traveling abroad for advanced study, research, or workshops for department-designated major study, a foreign language program or thesis/dissertation-related research and data collection, are required to conduct the related activities at a university certified by the MOE. 三、本校學生依第一款第(一)(二)(三)目出國進修、研究、研習主修學科、外國 語文、交換學生或從事論文相關研究者,可不辦理休學,並於出國期間所習之科目學分,(學分之計算原則以授課滿十八小時為一學分)得酌予採認,出國進修期間列入學業年限計算,最長二年為限,但無兵役義務之研究生,得再延長一學期,並以一次為限。 3. NCKU students traveling abroad for advanced study, research or workshops for department-designated major studies, foreign language study, an exchange program, or thesis/dissertation-related research, as specified in Items 1 to 3, are not required to apply for study suspension. The courses completed during the overseas study period can be reviewed for recognition of credits (18 hours being equivalent to one credit). The overseas study period, which shall count towards the maximum duration of academic study, is set at a maximum of two years. Graduate students without any military service obligation are entitled to one additional semester beyond the maximum of two years for overseas study. 四、本校學生未辦理休學申請出國,除合約另有規定依其規定,或情形特殊經專案簽准外,仍須辦理註冊依規定繳費(寒暑假期間免)。出國期間為一學期或一學年者,本校不須辦理選課,否則仍須選課。出國期間影響註冊選課者,須委託他人辦理註冊選課;影響學期考試者,得准返校後補行考試。 4. NCKU students traveling abroad without prior application for study suspension shall complete their enrollment and required payments, except for those who are officially approved under specific academic contracts or on a case-by-case basis. Those traveling abroad for one semester or one academic year with official approval are exempted from course enrollment. Those traveling abroad who cannot enroll personally shall entrust others to complete their course enrollment, and will be entitled to complete their examinations after their return to school. 五、經核准至簽約之國外學校修讀跨國雙聯之學生,於出國期間所習之科目學分,得酌予採認,出國進修期間以二年為限,並列入修業期限計算。 5. NCKU students who are approved to enroll in an international dual degree program are entitled to apply for recognition of the credits earned on the courses completed during the period of overseas study at the contracted school. These students are allowed a maximum of two years for overseas dual program study, which shall count into the maximum duration of their academic study. 六、在學役男出國應依內政部役男出境處理辦法及有關規定辦理。 6. NCKU students with a military draftee status shall comply with the Ministry of the Interior’s Regulations for Exit of Draftees and other applicable regulations to process their application for travelling abroad. 七、申請出國作業流程、所需繳填資料及相關注意事項悉依本校學生出國參加學術體育活動實施辦法規定辦理。 7. The application for traveling abroad shall be processed and administered according to NCKU Rules for Students Attending Overseas Academic and Sports Activities.
第十二章 附則 Chapter Twelve: Addenda
第卅三條 本學則如有未盡事宜,依教育部有關法令規定辦理。 Article 33 Any matters that are not regulated in the Regulations shall be administered in accordance with related regulations established by the MOE. 第卅四條 本學則經校務會議通過後公告施行,並報教育部備查,修正時亦同。 Article 34 The Regulations should be approved by the University Affairs Council and ratified by the MOE before taking effect. Amendments shall be processed accordingly.
The English version was translated from the original Chinese text. In the event of any discrepancy, the Chinese will take precedence. |